200-198. Two Dragon Knights

 Me, Iltimina, and Solstice arrived at the cathedral first to head to the castle.

 The castle's gatekeeper.

 We go to the building that serves as the gate guard of the castle and complete the formalities.

 It took us about an hour to check our identities, check our baggage, sign the documents, etc.

(...it's quite hard work)

Come on. Let's go.

 After the formalities, we leave the cathedral.

 The Holy Shumurian Castle was built on a large lake.

 A long flight of stairs leads up to it.

(Phew, phew.)

 It's quite a distance.

 In the middle of the stairs, I suddenly turned around to look down on the city of King's Landing.

(It's like a castle in the sky.)

 With that in mind, we arrived at the castle.

 I walked through the castle while being led by the knight who was guiding me.

 Tapping away.

 I've visited several times, but it's really a glittering space.

 By the way, we were dressed in full adventurer's gear so that we could be ordered to leave immediately.

 Thanks to that, we're floating around the castle like crazy.

 Iltimina-san is imposing, but Solstice looks a bit shy. 

(.........I'm a little embarrassed too, I guess.)

 The eyes of people passing by are very painful.

 Eventually we came to the outer wall of the castle, opposite the city of King's Landing.

 A vast blue lake spreads out in front of us.

 It looks like the ocean.

 The breeze, which smelled of water, was cool and comfortable.

 In the distance, we could see the other side of the shore in a faint haze.

 And we came to a fan-shaped playground with a view of the lake.


 There were four earlier guests there.

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Oh, you're here.

 The one who smiled that way was the silver-haired beauty, Kilt-san.

 Next to her, there was also a woman with habitual red hair and brown skin - Renu-san.

''Ko, hello, Marle-san.''

 She notices us and sneers.

 And two more.

Hey it's been a while.

 It was a hunchbacked high elf and a young blonde girl.

It was the "Golden Seal Demonologist", Colon-Tude Resta, and Poe, the "Divine Dragon Nagaia".

(Wow, three of them were here, weren't they?)

 I was a little surprised.

 But I'm glad.

'So it wasn't just the quilt. 

 Kilt nodded in response to Illtimina's question.

ÒHello, it seems that Princess Lechlia would like that.Ó

Princess LeClear?

 Surprised, I looked up at Renu.

'Hello, Renu-san,'
Yes, sir.
Well I heard you were being interviewed and everything, is everything okay?

 I peered at her face.

 She nodded yes, but there was a shadow on her face.

 After all, remembering the time when she was a demon seemed to be a big burden on Renu's mind.

 She noticed my concern.

'It's all right. ........I'm certainly not okay with it, but I want to be helpful to Marle-san too.

 He smiled healthily.


 The smile on his face made my heart ache for some reason.

 Koho, kohon.

 At that time, Illtimina-san behind me cleared her throat several times. .........hmm, what's wrong?

 Renu muttered, "Oh," and backed away from me for a bit.


 When our eyes met, Illtimina-san only smiled at me.

 I've been told that Renu, who became an employee of the Arvinka equipment store, has died of illness within Shumuria.

 That's why Renu is officially treated as a different Renu-san.

I can't trouble Arvinka and the others.

 Mr. Kilt explained.

 In other words, with this, the disappearance of Renu-san, who had become a criminal in the Teteto Confederation, had been completely cut off.

 The fact that she had returned from a demon to a person was also successfully covered up by the Teteto Confederation.

(This, state power is terrifying...)

 I was tickled to see Kirt speak as a matter of course.

 But now Renu has a new life.

(I'm glad about that, yes.)

 Or so I thought.

 And that's how Renu and I were talking to each other.

Uh, Mr. Columntude!

 A bespectacled girl, Solstice, was talking to a very nervous-looking, hunchbacked High Elf-san.

 In her hand, a thick bundle of paper like a phone book.

 She held it out to Ms. Colontude.

This is a report on divine art and divine writing! Read on if you'd like!

 Mr. High Elf receives it with a sleepy look on his face.

 He flips through the paper.


 The expression on her face changed to one of seriousness.

 Eventually, Mr. Colontude looked at the little genius girl in front of him.

''Good report. ........Can I keep her for a while?''
Yes, yes, of course!

 You look like you're going to heaven, Mr. Solstice.

(Good for you.)

 I knew that he had been working hard on his research at home for a while now, so it was even more so.

 Mr. Colontude looked over the report again.

''I see.......if these divine particles are acting on the cells and altering them.......then we need to re-examine Poe's body.......''


 He became a researcher's eyes and muttered in a whisper. 


 I sneakily move next to Poe.

 I ask her to whisper into her ear.

'Po-chan, are you having a hard time at Mr. Columcude's place?

 The young girl's light blue eyes stared into the void for a moment.


 Suddenly, I felt a switch go off.

Poe answers.
Poe's having a bit of a hard time. Sometimes I'd like to do a memory wipe if I could.

 Yeah, right.

But they didn't really do anything to me that I didn't like.

 She looked at me as if to reassure me and gave a small smile.

'That high elf is a good man, no problem.'

 I admired that smile for a moment.

(I see.)

 Apparently, the two of them were able to create a good relationship, properly.

 That's good.

 I laughed in relief too.

 The two of us looked back at the others.

 Illtimina-san, Kilt-san and Renu-san had gathered together and were talking about something. So Mr. Renu would smile or something.

 Ms. Colontude asks the girl with glasses about the report.

 Solstice nervously but very happily answered the hunchbacked high elf.


 A scene of peaceful humans (all of them).

 Po-chan and I, the "divine dog" and "divine dragon", didn't say anything, but just watched the scene for a while.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇.

Speaking of which, where am I?

 It occurred to me, looking around, I asked Mr. Quilt.

 It was a fan-shaped space that looked like a playground.

 It's quite large, and there's a large lake at the far end, so it looks like an airplane landing field.

 Kilto's silver hair was blowing in the wind from the lake.

This is the training grounds for Shumurian knights.

 That's what they tell me.

 There are several training grounds for knights in the royal capital Mulia.

 This is one of them.

"This is the training ground built within the castle for the guards and senior knights who are guarding the royal family and nobility.

 That's right.

 I don't know if Illtimina and the others didn't know that, but they all looked at it with great interest. Po-chan was the only one who was silent.

But why did we get invited here?

 I cocked my head.

 It was probably Princess Reclear who had summoned us. But whenever we met with her, it was always in the Hanging Gardens in the same castle.

(I thought that was where we'd be this time, too.)

Hm, they led us here. I don't know why.

 Mr. Kilt twisted his head curiously, too.


That's because we asked the princess to.

 The voice of a man I didn't know rang out.


 After turning around in surprise, a pair of men and women walk in from the passage leading to the castle.

 They are both knights in red armor.

 One is a tall man, about 25 years old, with black hair and golden eyes.

 He had a well-defined face that would make even me, a person of the same gender, huff and puff, and his body was well-proportioned and well-trained.

 Honestly, he was so good looking that I was envious of him.

 The other one was a petite woman.

 Her age looked to be in her late teens, and her beauty with her short-cut gray hair and red eyes made her look like a boy at first glance.


 I pouted at the appearance of the two strangers, the two knights.

 Everyone else didn't seem to know them either, but Mr. Kilt and Mr. Colontude seemed to know each other.

'Raydol, amiukel,'

 Mr. Kilt calls out the name.

'It's been a long time since we've seen each other like this, Kilt Amandes.

 The male knight - maybe Mr. Raydle - smiled.

 A nice smile, too.

 It was a sweet beauty that the women of the world would not leave alone if they saw it.


 Worried, I glanced back.

 There was no particular change in Illtimina-san's expression. ........Good.

 By the way, Solstice, Colon-Tudo-san, and Po-chan didn't seem to be fawning over Reidl-san, either.

 Only one person, Renu-san.

"Well that's cool...

 Though I had a blush on my cheeks.

 The other female knight, Amieukel-san, is casting a glance at us with cold eyes.

(..................It's a little scary in my eyes.

 Mr. Kilt looked at Mr. Raydle in surprise.

Why are you here? No, what do you mean you asked the princess to send the warriors here?
It is true.

 He replies, coming closer to us.


 I was amazed at the way he walked.

 They were just walking normally, but their gait was terrifyingly steady.

 Neither of them had a wobbly center of gravity at all.

 And I was astonished that they were able to do it naturally, not consciously.

(These two can do it!)

 As someone who has walked the path of the sword in no small measure, I can understand that.

 --This is no ordinary man.

 Who are they?

Mr. Quilt?

 As a sign of this, I called out to the Golden Mark Demon Hunter next to me.

 When she noticed, she said, "Hmm? I nodded, "Yeah,

The two men are Leydre Quodka and Amniukel Roth. --They are two of the eight 'dragon knights' of the Shumurian dragon cavalry, the most powerful in the Kingdom of Shumuria.

 He told me in a voice of certain respect.

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 The Dragon Knight of the Dragon Cavalry!

These people...

 Several times now, I've witnessed knights astride flying dragons flying away from the castle.
 That was the Shumurian Dragon Cavalry.

 I honestly thought that figure was cool.

 I'm also a boy, so I sometimes admire those dragon knights.

 The person I admire is right in front of me right now.


 Raydol-san and Amieukel-san, the two of them are wearing shiny red scale armor (Skeilmail).

 It's decorated and very beautiful.

 But it's minimal, and the armor itself is made for practical purposes. Right now, a pure white cloak was gracefully draped over it.

 Reydol-san's eyes looked at me as I stared at it.

''You're Marle-kun, right?''
"! Ha, yes!

 Nervously, I answered loudly.

 Mr. Kilt and the others were a bit surprised to see me like that.

 He smiled serenely.

'Nice to meet you. I'm Raedel Kwokka. I'm the captain of the dragon cavalry.

 Oh my God, the captain of the dragon riders!

 He takes off his white gloves and holds out his right hand.

 I panicked and squeezed his hand back.

'Ma'am, I'm Marl. Hello.'

 sizzling sound

 The palm of his hand was very hard.

 Without a doubt, it was the hand of a skilled swordsman.

''The 'divine dog' that landed in the Kingdom of Shumuria I wanted to meet you once. I asked Princess Reclear to do the impossible and have you come here.

 To see me...?

 His golden eyes gaze into my blue eyes.


 It's as if he's peeking into my mind.

 He nodded, "Hmmm," and pulled his hand away.

 He moved his gaze slowly.

Is that girl over there a Shinryu?

 His eyes caught Poe's.

 He moved closer and shook Poe's hand as well.

 All the while, he is looking at the other's eyes.


 He nodded again.

I see.

 I let go of my hand that was connected to Poe and his.

 Incidentally, the other dragon knight, Amieukel-san, is watching their captain's actions in silence.

 But his expression is a Buddha's face.

 It didn't look like he was too welcoming to us.

 Mr. Reidl looked at one last person - Mr. Illtimina - and then at the other.

''And you are the new Golden Mark Demon Hunter?''
Yes, but...

 Ms. Illtimina answers with a clear answer. 

 Ms. Reidl holds out her right hand again.

 Ms. Iltimina looks at it for a moment, then slowly lifts her beautiful hand.



 Wordlessly, gold and red eyes stare at each other.

 A beautiful man and a beautiful woman.

 To the side, they look great together.

 .........What is it? A misty feeling rises in my chest.

(Shh, jealousy is disgusting, Merle.) 

 Scolding himself, the two of them slowly let go of each other's hands.

'I see,'

 Mr. Reidle muttered.

'What's the 'I see' in that?'

 Looking into the other's eyes, Ms. Illtimina asked a question.

 Ms. Raydor made an empty face and immediately smiled.

''No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but I can usually tell the strength of an opponent by holding his or her hand. I'm sorry, but I can tell by holding your hand that you have a good idea of what you're capable of.
...I see.

 Ms. Illtimina nodded quietly.


'Captain? It's not.

 Suddenly, Mr. Amyukel opened his mouth.

 She looked uncomfortable.

I see, he's still a half-man 'golden seal'... isn't he?


 Our eyes are drawn to it.

(Half a man.......you mean, Illtimina?)

 Ms. Reidle looked at her subordinate in annoyance and called out his name in a chiding way, "Amieukel.

 She cowered her shoulders.

''The captain said he wanted to see for himself, so I went along with him, but honestly, I'm disappointed. The 'Jingu', 'Shinryu' and the newcomer 'Kinjirushi' here are all halfway decent.

 And us?

As the king said, he's really not much help.

 She gives us a condescending look.


 I don't know what to say, but I can't find the words on the spur of the moment.

 Mr. Kilt chuckled.

'As usual, you're not very talkative, amiukel.
I'm sorry, I'm an honest man.

 The dragon knight girl didn't seem to take offense.

 Mr. Raydor let out a sigh.

'I'm sorry, guys, don't be offended. Amieukel can be a bit finicky.

 So follow up.

 But there was a girl over here who couldn't keep quiet.

''Hey, Anta! What's this about my sister Irna being half a man?
"You'll never get away with this if you keep talking like that! Take it back!

 Illtimina's sister was angry.

 The large staff in her hand was glowing with magic stones. .........Hey!

 The girl is full of motivation, but Mr. Amieukel has a spare look on his face.

"Han," he sniffs.

"You were promoted to the 'Gold Seal' and yet you are still under the protection of the same 'Gold Seal', Kirt Amandes. This isn't half a man, what is it?
If you're on your own, why don't you get a separate party? It's a waste of power to have two gold marks in the same party.

 Solstice gnashed her teeth in frustration at Amukel-san's reasoned words.

(But..................I'm starting to get angry too.

 I don't care what happens to me, but I can't stand the idea of Iltimina-san being made fun of.

 Renu-san is awash in the sour atmosphere that has been born.

 Mr. Colontude and Poe are prepared to keep a low profile.

 I'm about to launch into a counterargument.

That's not true, Amukel.

 Earlier, Kilt-san let out a quiet voice.

 This is the 'Golden Seal Demon Hunter' of the past, as expected of Amukel-san, who couldn't ignore her, and looked back at her.

I don't know how you feel about it, but Warawa and the others believe that this Marle is a 'divine dog' and a hope for humanity. It is for this reason that the strawberries and Irna are together for his or her protection.
But that doesn't mean we don't need two gold marks.

 The dragon knight girl puckered her lips.

 Shaking her silver hair, Mr. Kilt shook his head, "No," he said.

 Then, she stared straight into the girl's eyes.

''Eldorado Rogue, the fiery lioness El Dorado Rogue, who was once a Gold Mark demon hunter, was defeated by the Child of Darkness while keeping four Silver Markers with her.
'Don't underestimate the enemy. Two gold-marked guards are not an overpowered force.

 His tone was unassuming.

 But that's why he was powerful enough to speak the truth.

 As expected of Mr. Amieukel, he looked a little flinty, too.

(As expected of Mr. Kirt!)

 I felt a bit of a swoon in my chest.

 Solstice is also stretching her flattened chest as if to say, ''That's right.

 However, the person in question, Iltimina-san, is quietly observing the situation.

 She's something of an adult.....

 And Amieukel-san's gaze stared at me regretfully.

''But is this 'divine dog' worth that much?


I hear you, man. That was an incomplete summons, wasn't it? I heard that the divine dragon over there was also defeated by the 'Son of Darkness' and lost most of his power.
Frankly, they're both such jerks, aren't they?

 His voice is a mixture of contempt and pity.

 And my body freezes.

 Poe looks back at the human without saying a word.

 Ms. Kilt let out a quiet, angry voice.

 Even her boss, Mr. Raydle, who had never interrupted her before, tried to chide her.

 Just before she did.


 The earth shook.

 Looking at it, the stony part of the white spear in Illtimina-san's hand was hammered into the earth of the training ground, spider web-like cracks spreading.

''........Marle, useless?''

 A low voice clad in cold air.

 From between her long, dark green bangs that flickered, her crimson eyes that lit up with rage were glittering.

(I, Illtimina-san...?)

 I'm puzzled by the change in her behavior, which she had been dealing with earlier as an adult.

 Everyone else is also stunned.

'What is it? I just said the right thing.

 Amieukel-san frantically retorts, and Illtimina-san takes it quietly.

''I see, so this is the dragon knight?''
"You have such knotty eyes. It's presumptuous to say that this level of existence is the strongest in the kingdom. With this, they don't even know what the dragon riders are.

 Mr. Amieukel's air has changed as well.



 A tremendous 'pressure' emanated from her like a gust of wind.

 I staggered involuntarily.

 However, Illtimina-san doesn't freak out.

 The two female warriors' "pressure" is clashing on the training ground.

'What is it? Are you trying to pick a fight with me?
No way.

 The beautiful Golden Mark Demon Hunter cowered his shoulders.

''I just wanted to ask the dragon knight to teach me how to use my spear, which you said was half-human,''


 With a sharp slash through the air, the tip of the white spear was thrust into the throat of the dragon knight Amikel Roth.

 The dragon knight girl responded with a fierce smile, making her grey hair dance.

''It's fine. I'll teach you what it's like to be a half man.''
Here you go, honey.

 Illtimina responds with a graceful, horrible smile.

 We are simply stunned.

 We are no longer in a situation to stop.

(What should we do?)

 Iltimina Wong, the new Golden Mark demon hunter.

 The dragon knight girl, Amiyukel Roth.

 Unexpectedly, an unexpected battle between the two heroines had broken out.