228-225 · Landing and reunion

It's been a good one.

 The next morning, Mr. Quilts sat up in bed and said sullenly.

 It's my reputation as a cuddler.

(...should I be pleased?)

 It was a bit complicated, but Illtimina nodded with satisfaction, 'Yeah, yeah.

'Yes, you do, don't you? Marle is the best.'

 Mr. Kilts nodded.

Can I borrow it again?

 I asked.


'No. This is my Marl.
If you must, you'll have to wait until next year's birthday.

 Mr. Kilt sighed.

'It can't be helped,'

 ...What can't I do?

(I mean, what were my intentions in the first place?)

 I can't help but stare at the two sisters with distant eyes.


 I felt a small hand on my shoulder.

 I turned around, and there was Solstice.


 She remained silent and shook her head from side to side with a somber face.


 Soo, I see.

 She gives me a sympathetic look with a slumped shoulder and then the girl calls out to her two sisters.

''Come to think of it, if yesterday was Kilt's birthday, then it's already New Year's Eve.


That reminds me, it does.
I know.

 The two of them nodded.

 Then Miss Illtimina noticed my gaze.

'The quilt's birthday is one day before the end of the year. So tomorrow it's already the New Year.



(Does that mean it's New Year's Eve?)

 I'm surprised.

 Solstice is sitting on the bed, plodding her feet.

After my quilt, it's my sister Irna's birthday soon.
Oh, really?
That's right. Our birthdays, in turn, have lasted three months.

(Heh, really?)

 It's kind of easy to remember.

 By the way, my birthday is the month after Illtimina's birthday.

(If you include that, it's 4 months in a row.)

 Solstice, looking out the window.

'But this time last year, I didn't think you'd end the year on the ocean, did I?

 I sighed.

''I used to look forward to the New Year's food made by Irna sister every year. As expected, it's impossible to do that on the ocean...
Well, yes.

 The foodie girl's sister giggles.

 Mr. Kilt spits out a breath, too.

It's a shame the Warawa won't be able to drink the royal treats.

 He looked up at the ceiling.


 Do they have New Year's celebrations in this other world too?

 I asked.

"What's New Year's in the Kingdom of Shumuria like?

 The three of them look at me in surprise.

'I've never done a New Year's celebration like that before.

 I replied.

'I see. This is a first for Merle, isn't it?'

 I nod, and the three of them give me a friendly look.

 Ms. Illtimina smiles and

Yes. If I had to give you an image, it would be like the 50th anniversary of the King's birth.


Is it festive?
Yeah, yeah.

 Solstice nodded.

'The whole city was full of people. The streets are full of stalls! They have all sorts of regional specialties from all over the place!

 That sounds delicious.

 I can't help but imagine a little girl tugging on her sister's hand as she walks through the food from that stall.

'Warawa is being invited to a New Year's party at King's Castle.
Oh, yeah?

 That's the "Golden Mark Demon Hunter"!

 Mr. Quilt made a gesture of holding something in his hand and lifted it up with a coy

Lots of expensive booze.

 I laughed.

 'I'm sure they won't pay attention to the delicious fancy food, they'll just drink the alcohol.

'There will be fireworks on New Year's Eve,'

 Iltimina said.

Our house is on a hill, so you can see the fireworks in the night sky from your window.
Wow, that looks beautiful.
Yes, sir.

 She nodded.

We'll have fun together next year.

 And then he stroked my hair gently.


 I smiled and nodded.

 Of course, there was no guarantee that we'd be safe and sound until this time next year, but I was still glad to have made that promise.

'We're all in this together!'
Yes, sir.

 Everyone laughed and promised me too.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

 --And so we had a New Year's Eve on the water this year.

 The food and drinks were louder than usual, and when the night came.

Ho ho ho.

 Bang, bang, bang.

 Mr. Colontude magically created several firework-like lights in the night sky.


 It was a very beautiful flower of light, for it was a dark ocean world.

 Poe, too, was looking up at it with his light blue eyes.

 I, too, was looking at it, holding hands with Illtimina-san.

 Soltis was looking up at the magical fireworks in the night sky with a respectful look in her eyes and Kilt-san was enjoying her drink.

(Isn't this kind of thing bad?)

 New Year's in King's Landing is nice, but I felt like this would be nice with everyone.

 Even the sailors of the Vega Nation looked up at the fireworks and were illuminated by the light.

 It was my first New Year's Eve in another world.

 That night was an unforgettable night for me.

 And so the ship's journey continues.

 And a few days later, beyond the distant horizon, the continent of Albac, which we were aiming for, comes into view--.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇.

 The fast ship of the Vega country was entering the breakwater.

 The six of us gathered on deck to watch the approaching port.

(Big port, right?)

 Apparently it's not a port town, but a military facility.

 But it's about the size of a little town with a row of port facilities.

 Some pretty big boats moored there.


It's a bit deserted...?

 I thought so.

 The number of ships is small for the size of the port.

'Because the importation of magic stones from the Vega nation has stopped.

 And Kilt.

 I see.

 Normally, magic stones imported from Vega Country are brought here.

(But because of the devil riots...)

 Exports from the Vega Country had been temporarily halted.

 As a result, it was affecting the Arun Divine Emperor Country as well, wasn't it?


 Economies are really connected.

 Maybe the reason why the Arun Divine Kingdom has promised to support the Vega Nation, which will no longer have a magic stone industry, is not only with good intentions, but also to reduce the disadvantages for their country, after all.

(The adult world is awesome.)

 I'm impressed by that.


 Solstice hissed.

 Little fingers pointed to the land.

Hey, hey! That's not the airship I rode in at Arun before!


 We follow where the girl's finger points.

 It's true.

 In a large space in the harbor, there is an airship that we have seen before, parked in a large space.

 Large air sacs, propeller-driven wings.

 Even in the Arun Divine Empire, there are only three 'airships' in existence.

 Even the curious Mr. Colontude said, "...Hohohoho? He looked at her curiously.

 Mr. Kilt nodded.

The letter said that the Raptors were coming to meet Mahr in person. That's probably why they came on board.


So, does that mean I can meet you in this port?


I'm so glad we're not going to see each other until a little later!

 I laughed, and everyone laughed too.

 Poe, too, is squinting his light blue eyes, perhaps because he's meeting his old 'brethren in the divine world'.

 The high speed boat makes its way through the harbor.

 Eventually, we enter a large building that was built to cover the pier.


 We dropped anchor, handed the rope to the harbor people, and anchored, safely.

(It's like a ship's house.)

 It's a port facility that looks like it's 50 meters high, right up to the ceiling.

 There are pulleys, cranes and other equipment for unloading cargo.

All right, let's go then.
Yes, sir.
... (laughs)

 Under Kirt's orders, we each carried our own luggage and disembarked from the high speed boat.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇.

 The six of us walked down the corridor of the building, guided by a port official in Arun's military uniform.

 We arrived at the visitor's waiting room.

 Conconcert ...

 A staff member knocks on the door.

It's open.

 A beautiful boy's voice with a strange accent replied from inside.


 A very, very familiar voice.

 The staff member smiles at us and bows to the side.


 I reach for the doorknob.

 Slowly, with great effort, I open the door.


 There were two earlier guests there.


 A beautiful boy with blond hair and blue eyes.

 A beautiful woman with purple wavy hair and crimson eyes.

 Their bodies sitting on the sofa by the window, their bodies emitting a vague white light of divine energy.

 The boy stands up.

Yeah, there you are, Merle.

 He held out his arms and smiled a big smile, his white double teeth shining.

 The beautiful woman also smiled and stood up.

'I've been waiting for you.'

 Her eyes, with a mature smile, are slightly moistened by the rising emotions.

''Rapt, Recto Alice!''

 We ran to each other.

 Rapt and I hugged each other tightly.

'Haha, long time no see, Merle!
How am I doing?
Yeah, fine. How are you doing?
I'm fine, too.

 I laughed.

 Rapt laughed too and slapped my arm with a pang.

'Merle, long time no see.'

 This time, Recto Alice asks for an embrace.

 I hug her maturely.

'Oh? A little taller?

 She said, surprised.

'Oh, yeah?'
Yeah, you're looking more mature now.


 It's been nearly six months since I broke up with both of them.

(Maybe it happens.)

 I laugh a little happily.

 Seeing such an expression on my face, Recto Alice also smiled calmly.

 Kirt-san calls out to us.

''It's been a while, you two.
Oh, you're a monster?
What a monster. He's foul-mouthed as ever.
'Haha, sorry, sorry, that was a quilt. Your sister with the white spear looks good too.

 Illtimina bailed lightly.

 Recto Alice smiles at the girl next to her.

''It's been a long time, Sol. Have you been studying properly since then?
I am.

 Solstice cowered lightly.

But it's not easy being on your own. Now that you're here, you can show me how to do things again.

 Then he grinned.

 Recto Alice also laughed and nodded.

 Then she noticed the High Elf standing behind her.

''You're the High Elf who used the 'divine art' that was reported?
Hmmm, yeah.

 Crimson eyes stare intently.

'I didn't expect you to be able to use it on someone else.
You humans really do surpass our expectations so easily.

 His voice sounded like a mixture of dismay and admiration.

 Mr. Columbudo, not quite understanding, shook his sleepy blonde hair and cocked his head at an angle with a snap.

 And then.


 The two 'Divine Fanglars' stared at the last one.

 A blonde young girl.

 Their light blue eyes were also silently turned towards the 'Divine Fangra', as well as their 'Divine Fangra' brethren.


 Rapt muttered.

 Recto Alice's red eyes narrowed and moistened with tears.

'It's good to see you again, Nagaia.

 His voice was a little shaky.


 I felt something in Poe's mind engage.

 And then.

'Rapt, Lectoris, and Poe will tell you that Nagaia is very happy to see you both.

 The little girl replied.

 Rapt and Lectoris looked a little surprised.

 But they quickly nodded their heads in agreement.

I see..... I've really been brain-damaged.

 I said painfully.

(Oh well.)

 Po-chan is a pseudo-personality created by the injured Shinryu Nagaia.

 He's different from the original Nagaia.

 And the two of them knew Nagaia when she wasn't Po-chan, the Shinryu Nagaia.

"Do you remember us?

 Recto Alice asked anxiously.

 Poe nodded.

'Poe replies that he has found them both in Poe's memory.

'Good,' smiled Recto Alice.

 Rapt laughed a little painfully.

''Both Marle and Nargaiya really had a tough time being summoned to the human world, didn't they?
The body, like human beings, is subject to change. But I'm glad to see you're still alive.

 sizzling sound

 He hugged little Poe's body.

 Recto Alice also huddled in the same way.


 Poe's light blue eyes looked at the two of them and lit up in a very gentle light.


 A small little girl's hand slaps them both lightly on the back.

'I'll tell them I'm glad they're both alive, Poe, and Nagaia.

 They laughed too.

 I teared up a bit at the sight of the three of them rejoicing in their reunion.

 Illtimina and the other four humans also watched their embrace in silence.

 The light from the window shines on the three 'Divine Attendants'.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

 When the air of the reunion had settled down, I looked around the room again.


 I can only find two figures in this room.


 Illtimina-san noticed and called out to me.

 With her voice, everyone's gaze also turned to us.

''Oh, no.''

 I'm a little confused.

Except for Rapt and Recto Alice, I guess they're gone...

 I replied.

 I couldn't help but look for the other two people who had taken care of me in the Arun Divine Empire.

 Rapt nodded, ''Oh.

''That big general didn't come.

 Big General.

 I mean, I'm assuming you mean General Dardios.

Hey, they've got a mission to get you out. She was so disappointed she couldn't see us.

 He told me.

(I see.)

 Mr. Kilt looks a little disappointed, too.

 But you're a general. I don't blame you if you have another mission.


That big general... does that mean that the other one's... the other woman is coming?

 Illtimina-san asked, her expression hardening a bit.

 Recto Alice nodded.

''They're coming.''
'Me and Rapt's guardian, or rather, watchman, have been together ever since. I'm still here today as a chaperone.

 ...he's coming.

 He's here.


 That fact made my heart flutter a bit.

'So where are you now?'

 Solstice asks.

I heard that they have paperwork to do with your captain and the person in charge of the port for their own immigration procedures and so on. So I'm not in my seat at the moment.


Yeah. I know you'll be back soon.

 That's when Rapt said that.



 My keen sense of smell caught a faint whiff of that nostalgic smell.

 With a bang, I look back at the door.

'Merle, what's up?'

 Mr. Kilt and the others give me a strange look.


 Only Illtimina noticed something and stared at the door as she stared at it.

 Kotsubu, Kotsubu.

 I can hear regular footsteps in the distance.

 But a little too fast.

 Gradually getting closer and closer down the corridor, it stops in front of the door.


 A hint of a deep breath.

 Kong Kong Kong.

 Knock three times.

Excuse me.

 A beautiful, dignified voice announced, and the doorknob turned.


 A door opens.

 From the other side of it, that person appeared.


 She is a beautiful woman in men's clothing, dressed in a military uniform.

 Her long, beautiful blue hair is tied up and tucked behind her head.

 Clear blue eyes.

 Her beauty was marked by a white scar on her left cheek, as if she had suffered it during their separation.


 I called her name in a shaky voice.

 Her gaze found mine.

 Her pupils opened faintly, and she smiled, a sweet, melting smile on her dignified beauty. 

''It's been a long time, Lord Marle. ........I've missed you for a long time.

 His lips parted like a blooming flower.

 Frederica Dardios.

 The older sister of the Black Knight, who has taken care of me while I was in the Arun Divine Kingdom.

 --And this is how we were reunited with Frederica as well.