242-239.5 gold stamps

 A storm dragon rushed in with a ground shaking.

 As if to intercept it, Garun Billy Lang, Arun's pride and joy, the Golden Seal Demon Hunter, stepped forward. Wearing his black helmet with a clunk, he kicked the earth with a spray of snow smoke and pulled out the battle axe of the Thanatos magic armor he was carrying on his back.

 The magic letters engraved on the battleaxe glowed.



 The blade was swung down and slammed into the ground in front of the storm dragon's eyes.



 The earth was blown apart by the destructive power of the snow smoke, which exploded and spread like a smoke screen.


 The storm dragon's startled cries could be heard from behind the soaring snow smoke.

''Now, that is!''

 Mr. Garun exclaimed.

 Mr. Kilt nodded.

'Good! Frederica, you take Merle and the others and run to the forest below! Irna, Cologne, Guelph and the five strawmen will take care of him!

 The Black Knight's sister replies, "Okay.


 He grabbed my arm and pulled me to him.

"Let's go, Mister Merle.

 A strong voice that does not allow for refusal.

 Me, Rapt, Recto Alice, and Poe, the four of us are in a state of limbo where we can't use our 'divine energy' at the cost of meeting the Goddess-sama.

(Frustrating, but...)

 I nodded, biting my lip.

 And then some of the snow smoke flickered.


A vacuum wave!

 A storm dragon shot out in the dark towards us, invisible to us.

''One sword, rock shattering explosive formation!


 Garun-san's battleaxe swung in succession, crushing them.

 Kirt-san also drew his great sword of lightning.

"Demon Sword and Thunderbolt Renzang!

 Bazillion. Bazillion.

 The vacuum wave was cancelled out as it ran a blue lightning bolt. 


 Kirt's profile shouted in the lightning light.

'Come on, Lord Marl!

 I start running with Frederica. 

 Solstice and Raptors looked seething, but they started to move their feet with us.

"You guys are coming with me.

 At the sound of Gelfonberg's voice, his three fellow female adventurers also began their descent.

'Look out for yourselves!

 Rapt called out to him, and Mr. Kilt smiled and nodded, keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

 Solstice, running next to him, turned around.

''Sister Irna!''

 The girl's sister is waiting in the rear of Kilt-san and Garun-san so that she can move to support them at any time.


 Call your name in your mind.


I'm not sure...

 He looked back at me as if he could hear it.

 A gentle smile.

 He nodded to reassure us, keeping his usual smile on his face. And then quickly turned forward.


 A huge dragon flew out through the wall of snow and smoke.


Oh, oh!

 Kilt-san and Garun-san catch the huge claws that are swung down and pass them off.



 Mr. Illtimina throws a white spear.


 A direct hit.

 But it didn't do much for the wind-clad storm dragon.

 He opened wide.

I won't let you!

 At that moment, Mr. Gelfonberg threw something precisely into that mouth.



 The storm dragon, which was about to breathe out a stormy wind, fell back, looking up heavily.

 Seeing this, the two vanguards, Kilt-san and Garun-san, tried to give chase.

 However, the lowered storm dragon spun around on the spot and swung its huge long tail, sending the two humans flying in the opposite direction.



 Each weapon is used as a shield and managed to prevent it.

 However, the 20-med was blown away and rolled on the ground.

 The two immediately tried to get up, but before they could, the storm dragon tried to pounce on them with its huge body.


 Arrows of light fell from the sky above that giant dragon, mixing with the rain.


 Scales popped and blood droplets danced in the air.

 When I looked, I saw Mr. Colontude, who was at the farthest back, pointing his toy-like magic wand high into the heavens. The magic stone at its tip emitted a glow of the same color as an arrow of light.


 Illtimina-san also threw a white spear to join in.

 Gelfonberg-san also held a magic armor dagger in one hand and a round sphere that seemed to be an explosive in the other hand, and was watching the storm dragon's movements.

The 'Storm Dragon' versus the five 'Golden Mark Adventurers'.

 This fierce battle was swallowed up by the rain, and was gradually obscured from my distant view.

 ''Gin gin!

 A violent sound echoes through the gray world.

 Occasionally, a blue lightning bolt runs through the air.


 The sound of explosions and flames seem small, but they too disappear behind the curtain of rain.


 --Please be safe, everyone.

 Feeling the signs of a fierce battle between the five of us, we continued our desperate descent down the mountain.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇.

 The downpour blocked our view, muffled the sounds and smells, and we made it to the forest at the foot of the foothills in about three hours without being attacked by any other dragons.

'Hah, hah,'

 We rested in a large gathering of foliage, hiding ourselves in the space.

'Are you alright, Lord Marl?'

 Frederica approached.

 Her beautiful blue hair shimmers wet and shiny, and her frayed hair hangs over her cheeks.

 In her hand is a leather-bagged water bottle.

''While you're at it, make sure you're hydrated.

 He offers it to me.

'Yeah, thanks,'

 I take it, put my mouth on it, and pour the water inside down my throat.

 Gulp, gulp.


 I didn't realize it in my head, but I guess I was pretty dehydrated from running down the mountain.

(Even though it was in the rain.)

 It's kind of weird.

 I cleared my throat and handed my water bottle to Solstice next to me as well.

"Yes, Solstice.

 For a moment, the girl stared at her drink, and then quickly sipped.

 Kok Kok.

 Her white throat moved.

 She seemed to be dry, too, and was drinking quite enthusiastically.

 Then, Rapt, Recto Alice, Poe, the three female adventurers, and everyone else drink the water.

 Finally, the water bottle goes back to Frederica-san.


 gulping sound

 She took a sip and put her water bottle away.

 Just one sip?

Too much of this stuff, and you won't be able to move.

 Noticing my gaze, the trained black knight's sister told me so.

 This is a battlefield.
 Until we reach a safe place, we can't let our guard down.

 That kind of will can be conveyed from the tightened expression on her face.


 That's Frederica, indeed.

 I was a little embarrassed at myself for guzzling it down.

''I'm an escort, you know. That's fine for you, Mar-dono.''

 As I reflected on this, Frederica-san laughed gently and stroked my wet hair.


'Oops I'm sorry. I touched you so casually again.

 He apologized apologetically.

'No, I'm fine,'

 I laughed.

 People pet me pretty easily, like they pet a dog.

 I'm used to it.

 Frederica laughed, too, "I see," she said, relieved.

 While spending time like this, we continued to wait for the five friends who would be coming back from the mountains.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

 Five hours have passed since then.

 The rain had already begun to fall.

 The sun had long since gone down and darkness surrounded us. There were still gray clouds in the sky, making the vision even darker.


 The five have not returned yet.

''You're ... late.''

 Solstice muttered softly, as if she was speaking for my feelings.

 I was thrilled.

 I can't help but imagine the worst thing I don't want to think about.

 I'm sure she was the same way.

'It's okay,'

 Frederica-san put her hand on the girl's shoulder.

''Those five are all 'Golden Mark Adventurers', you know? It's the best party structure I can think of in this world. There's no way that's going to happen.

 The girl nodded.

 She had to nod.

 The world of adventure is so harsh, and no matter how well prepared you think you are, the worst can happen.

 The girl knows that, too.

 I'm sure Frederica knows that too, but I can't talk about it because if I say it, it's going to be real.

 For the same reason, Solstice had no choice but to nod her head.

''Yes, come back.''
It's true.

 The raptors also complained in the name of wishes as they looked up at the pitch black Caligure Spiritual Peak.

 The three female adventurers also continued to stare at the mountain where their leader was.


 It's cold........

 Maybe it's because I got wet from the rain, but my body is cold, even though I wiped it off with a towel.


I guess my heart is cold.

 I thought so.

 I hope he comes back soon.

 Remembering the last time I saw that man's smile, I strongly hope so, in my heart.

 And that's when.

 In the world after the rain, surrounded by the smell of water, I suddenly felt my nose.


 I stand up.

'Lord Merle?'

 Frederica gives me a surprised look.

 Instead of answering her, I walked out of the large leaf-covered space I was hiding in and towards the empty mountainside.

'What's wrong?'

 Solstice also calls out to me.

 Miss Frederica.

Another dragon will find us. Come on back...

 I was interrupting her as she was about to say.


 The black knight's sister gives me a questioning look.

 I quickly return and take the lantern out of my pack and try to light it.


 I'm in too much of a hurry to turn it on properly.

'What's the matter, Merle?'

 Rapt asks me a question.

 But I didn't have time to answer, and when I did, Poe sensed something and lit the lantern for me.


 With my thanks, I stepped out of the bushes again.

 I raised the lantern and turned it in a big circle.

 Grun, Grun, Grun.


 Everyone was already looking at it without saying a word.




 Suddenly, a small light lit up the dark slope of the mountain.

 It drew a small circle.

 It was as if it was trying to respond to the light from the lantern I was shaking.

 My heart trembled.

 It was as if something hot was lit deep inside my chest, just as if the lantern had been lit.

'Hey, what's that?!'

 Solstice's voice bounced and she stretched out her little fingers towards it.

 Everyone else noticed and came out of the bushes as well.


 I replied in a slightly tearful voice.

'You're all back.

 ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇.

 I could see the light of the lantern, but it seemed to be in the distance, and then it quickly disappeared.

'The nocturnal dragon will notice you. Lord Marl, put out the fire too.

 Oh, I see.

 Hurriedly, I turn off the lantern too.

 Frederica touches me on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about it anymore. The other side should have noticed our position. Let's wait and see.

 I nod at my sister, who smiles at me.

 But even though I can see the light, it's actually quite far away from there.

 It was an hour later when the light from the lantern was lit again in the darkness, and I could finally see the five people who had descended the mountain.


 In the distant light of the flickering lantern, the shadows of the five men emerge.

 This one too has lit the lantern and is fully prepared to welcome them.

 Soon, the figures are clearly visible.


 There was that man, stained with mud and rainwater.   

 He had started to run.


 Noticing us, Illtimina-san also runs up to us.


 She was faster than me, and we hugged each other not just at the halfway point, but at a point where I wasn't even a quarter of the way there.

'Oh, I'm home, Merle,'

 He sounded pleased.

 The white armor had several rips in it, and there were also traces of blood on the clothing underneath it.

 There are also scars on the corners of his eyes that have turned white, as if they had been fixed by magic.


 If you look at them, the other four were also in tatters.

 Gelfonberg-san's 'travel clothes' were full of holes and looked like rags, and Kirt-san and Garun-san's armor also had countless dent marks.

 The only person who appears unharmed is the rear guard, Colonchudo-san, but he looked as if he had used too much magic, or had run out of magic power, and he had a completely white complexion and looked as if he was about to fall down.

 I took a breath and

Welcome back. 

 His voice trembled a little.

 Illtimina's smile deepened and Kilt nodded.

'I'm late,'

 As he said this, something seemed to get caught in his throat and he puked something out.

 It was blood on the ground.

 Solstice notices and asks with concern.

'Dude, are you okay?'

 Mr. Kilt looks unconcerned.

'The cologne ran out of magic. I've been doing the bare minimum on him. But, well, no problem.

 So, yeah.

 Frederica looked up at the mountains.

"Where's the storm dragon?
I've managed to stall them.

 Mr. Gelfonberg laughed as he rubbed his shoulder.

 He glanced back at Mr. High Elf, who was being lent a shoulder by Poe, who ran up to him.

'By her magic, you know, she made a big hole and dropped it in there. I've covered the top with a big rock, so I'm sure it'll be a few days before it comes out.

 He tells us that.

 Mr. Colonteau said.

I'm tired.

 And he sounded even more sleepy than usual.

 Mr. Garun took off his helmet and lightly stroked his bald head with his own large hand.

Immortality has been a real pain in the ass, hasn't it?

 I let out a huge breath.

 The other four 'Golden Mark Adventurers' nodded.

 Then Gelfonberg-san laughed and patted Garn-san on the back.

''But Garn-san was awesome. In the end, he sliced off one of the storm dragon's front legs and pushed it into a pit.''
What, it's because of Lady Illtimina's help, that it is.

 He looks at the white spear beauty.

''If you hadn't attacked me at that moment, this one would have been hit by a storm dragon on the counter, that I'm sure.
Yeah, I guess so.

 In the gaze of the two Arun's 'Golden Mark'

The kilt was protecting me from the vacuum wave. It kept me calm and allowed me to throw the javelin.

 Ms. Illtimina replied as she held me in one hand.

 Kirto laughs.

In other words, it's only with the help of all of us.

 And the four of them laughed too.


 Because we survived a fight to the death together, right? It felt like the five of us were getting closer.

 But it was good.........


Everyone.........and Miss Illtimina is safe........

 I put my hands around her, as if to confirm her presence.


 Noticing, Illtimina smiled gently.

 I stroked my hair, slowly.

 Solstice also looked like she was about to cry, and Kilt-san was stroking the girl's purple, wet hair.

 Then she looks at everyone.

'It's not good to be here, not with the visibility. Let's go into the forest first. Then let's get ready for the encampment, shall we?

 Everyone nodded.

 Then the fourteen of us walked into the woods.

 At the base of a suitable large tree, we built a fire and rested while chewing on some portable food.

 The wounds of the four of us were healed by Solstice with magic.

 Mr. Colontude sipped his magic restoration potion and fell asleep as he passed out. Even though she didn't have any wounds, she might have been the one who was the most drained.
 Poe was such a close companion to Ms. Colon-Tude the whole time.

 The three female adventurers were very worthy of taking care of Gelfonberg-san's food and treating her wounds.

 Ms. Garun was tending to her battle-axe while

Lady Illtimina, if you wouldn't mind, would you like to meet with them later?

 He invited them to join him and so on.

 Warriors are great.........
 Of course, Illtimina-san firmly refused, saying "No thanks".

 Kilt-san was.

Disinfecting the body.

 And he sipped his drink, sipping it deliciously.

You won't stop bleeding!

 And he was pissed at Solstice for treating him.
 Haha......... I couldn't help but look at Rapt and Recto Alice and giggle.

 As for the night watch, Illtimina-san, Gelfonberg-san, and Colon-Tudo-san were very worn out, so I asked the three of them to rest, and Frederica-san and the three female adventurers were in charge of that portion of the watch.

 Although I wanted Kilt-san and Garun-san to rest as well.

No problem.
I'm not afraid of this, that I am.

 And then he joined me on the watch.

 The two of you are really tough........

As the four of us who are part of the Divine Family, we couldn't use our Divine Energy, but we can at least keep watch, so of course we join in.

 That night.

People are amazing.

 Rapt, who was on guard with him, was muttering.

(Yeah, right.)

 We all survived against such a horrible giant dragon.

(Honestly, I don't have the confidence to do that.)

 All five of them are truly amazing people.

 That's what I thought as I looked at Illtimina's beautiful sleeping face, falling into a deep sleep.

 And so the night dawns.

 After that, just as on the outward journey, Gelfonberg-san again stood as a scout, and while making sure that we didn't encounter the dragons, we spent two days passing through the forest.

 Ten thousand dragons dwell in the "Mountains of Ten Thousand Dragons".

 The fourteen of us were able to escape from that place and eventually return to the nearby city.