290-287 ・Akatsuki's rout

In a corner of the City of Ruins, a huge dragon and a naked beauty stared at each other from heaven and earth.

 We watched it from some distance.

 And then.


 I felt the presence of people from the surroundings.

 I hurriedly turned around and saw that the people there were the Kingdom Knights and Adventurers.

 They saw the luminescent signal bullets and gathered around.

''The Dragon Cavalry!
What the f*ck is she doing here?

 Everyone looks dubiously at the scene in front of them.

 Mr. Quilt noticed.

'All of you, no further steps forward! You'll be caught in the middle of a battle conducted by the 'Dragon Cavalry'!

 He shouted a warning.

 With that, everyone stopped in their tracks.

 Mr. Kilt says.

That woman is the enemy that killed our fellow Kaitokudan members. We can't let her go. We must maintain a certain distance and surround her!

 The air tightened at those words.

 The body of the murdered adventurer was still lying on the street.

We'll set up camp immediately!

 The gathered people nodded.

 With their respective weapons in hand, they scattered in a large circle around the 'Snake God Man'.


 The 'Serpent God Man' was watching the scene with interest.


 The long red snake's tongue licks its lips bewitchingly.

 At that moment.

What are you looking at?

 Mr. Amyukel, who was flapping his wings above it, cried out, and the dragon opened its mouth wide.

 The back of its throat glowed red.


 Flames were spat out like a flamethrower.


 A tremendous heat wave burned our skin.

 If it had been closer, as Kilt had warned us, we would have been scorched to a crisp.


 That tremendous flame, the 'Snake God Man' vertically leapt 15-mediums to avoid it.

 What leaping power!

 Mr. Amieukel was also startled with a giggle.

 Towards his face, the 'Snake God Man' pointed his right hand - then


 From behind them, another 'Dragon of the Dragon Cavalry' attacked.


 That's Lana!

 When the "Snake God Man" noticed, he pointed his left arm in that direction.

 The five fingers of his left hand turned into a snake, which extended out long enough to bite the approaching dragon.

 That snake's fangs have a powerful poison in them.

(If it bites you, even the dragon won't know what will happen to you!

 I gasp.

 Above my head, 'Dragon Knight Rana Strehlein' stood up from the saddle.

 One leg was fixed to the saddle with a metal fitting, and Rana-san drew her long sword and held it at the head of the 'dragon' and then swung her sword sharply.

 Zacky, cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

 The approaching five-fingered snake was severed.

(What skill!)

 It's a sure swordsmanship on an unstable footing, just like an acrobatic flight.

 The "dragon" carrying the "dragon knight" who stood still, flew through the air and bit off the left arm of the "snake godman" who was in the air from his shoulder.


 Purple fresh blood spurted out and poured down from the sky to the ground.


The Snake God Man landed on the roof of a nearby pyramid-shaped building, his face contorted in pain.

 Aiming at it, Amuiker's dragon flashed its claws and charged at it.

The 'Snake God Man' leapt at the nick of time and escaped it.


 The building collapses with tremendous force.


It's sweet!

 Another 'Dragon of the Dragon Cavalry' flew over as if to pass over Mr. Amyukel who shouted, and performed a backward somersault just before the 'Snake God Man'.


 Buio Baciin.

 The long, thick tail of the 'dragon' controlled by Bob bounced off the 'snake godman' that was in the air.

 The small humanoid body bounded to the cobblestones of the street and crashed straight into the wall of the building.


 The building collapses and a cloud of dust rises.


 I couldn't help but mutter to myself.

 Shumuria's pride in the coordinated attack of the three dragon horsemen, as expected of the 'Snake Godman', was also defending itself.

 Iltimina-san and the people around her were also watching the battle with admiration.


 A beautiful, naked woman stood up behind a cloud of dust and smoke.

 Her left arm was missing and her right arm seemed to be broken, and the sight of bloodshed was painful to see from her entire body.

 But the next moment.


 It was as if he was taking off his old clothes, the injured part of his body was peeled off, revealing an intact naked body from underneath it.


 Mr. Kilt growled low.

 I'm stunned too.

(After all those attacks, no damage?)

 The three dragon knights flying above also gave a stern look at the figure.


The 'Snake God Man' laughed.

 Its right arm turned into a giant snake, and it bit into a large piece of debris that was close to five meters away and threw it up into the sky.


That's not gonna work!

 Mr. Amukale shouted, and in response, the dragon's tail shattered the rubble.


 The debris shattered.

 Debris scattered in the air.


The 'Snake God Man' leaped.


 Using the debris in the air as a foothold, it fleshed out into the 'Dragon Horsemen' as if it were running through the sky.


 What's that?

 The three dragon knights also seemed to be struck empty by the woman who attacked the sky in an unorthodox way.

 For a moment, their reaction was delayed.

 At that delayed moment, the 'Snake Godman' had arrived right in front of Bob's cavalry dragon.


 Bob pulled out his sword and slashed at it.

 He avoids it with ease.


 The giant snake on his right arm bites the dragon's neck.


 The dragon screamed in agony.

 As it was, it lost its balance and fell to the ground.

 Doggone it, dodoon.

 A huge dragon crashed down, destroying several pyramid-shaped buildings.

Hey, Bob-u!

 Mr. Amieukel and Rana are aghast.

 We couldn't see the crash site from our position because the buildings were in the way.

 All that could be seen was a cloud of dust.

''They dropped that 'Dragon Cavalry'!

 Even Kilt-san was surprised.

 We, who had surrounded the ground, can't do anything about it if it goes up in the sky.

 We hurriedly headed for the drop site.



 Tremendous flames shot up through the cracks in the building.


 The heat wave blew us over, and we flipped over.


 The knights of the kingdom and the adventurers who were around were in the same boat.

 What is it?

 I looked up in a hurry and saw Bob and the 'dragon' spitting flames and trying to rise into the sky.

 A long snake was wrapped around the body of the dragon.

It is the right arm of the "Snake God Man".

 Both of its legs have also been transformed into snakes, and they are also entangled in buildings on the ground, restraining Bob-san and the others from going up into the sky.

 And so, the five fingered snakes on the left hand were attacking the dragon knight.

 Swoosh, Zashu.

 Bob draws his sword and slashes the snake apart.

 However, he regenerates from the tip of the slice with 'molting' and there is no end to the situation.


 It fell to the ground again.

 And then it soared up into the sky again.

 It was a back and forth battle.

 Amieukel and Rana tried to get closer to help their fellow horsemen, but the Snake Goddesses were too close to Bob and the others to attack them.

 That offensive and defensive move away from us.

(Well, wait!)

 Ta-tah, ta-tah, ta-tah.

 We tried our best to chase it, but there were too many buildings to catch up with.

 In the distance, in the city, debris and dirt smoke rose again.

 Above us, two dragons seemed to be wiping the flames and desperately trying to provide cover.

 But their cover stopped abruptly.

 Rana-san's dragon is coming back to us.

 Amieukel-san's dragon circled around the sky above the battle point for about two circles, and then flew back towards us.

 Immediately after.

 Hurul Supaaan.

 A luminescent signal bullet rose from the ground where the two 'dragons' had left the sky above.

 The color of that light is red(...).


 We were stunned.

 The meaning of the light was to warn us of the danger.

 It was a final signal to give up on our own survival and to let our nearby compatriots know, 'Don't come here.

'Ki, Mr. Kilt?'

 I looked up at the 'Golden Mark Demon Hunter' next to me.

 She has a sharp squint in her golden eyes.


I'm pulling away.

 Mr. Kilt announced in a low voice.

'Retreat! All personnel, clear this war zone!

 That's what Kilt-san instructed in a loud voice to tell not only me, but also the Royal Knights and Adventurers around me.

 Everyone falls silent.

 But they immediately nodded, turned themselves around and started running backwards.

(Huh? (Huh?)

 I look at the scene and Mr. Quilt in turn, as if confused.

'Ho, really?'
But, but, but...!


 At the point where the signal bombs went up, the sound of what must still be a fight rang out, and a cloud of dust rose in the sky.

'Mr. Bob, they're still fighting!

 Mr. Kilt bit his lip.

 Then he said.

'That must be a desperate resistance to buy time for the strawmen to retreat.
...to buy some time?
We must not waste our resolve.

 It's a strong voice that doesn't allow for rejection.

(Oh no...)

 I looked again in the direction where Bob was.

 I looked at Bob again, because I just met him this morning, and we just had a conversation.

 And then...

 with a thud

 Bob's dragon flew up behind the dust cloud, flapping its battered wings.

(Mr. Bob!)

 The dragon's entire body was scarred and scaled, and a great deal of blood flowed through it.

 Its mouth opened and blew flames.


 The inside of the dirt smoke turned red.

 Within that red glow, something huge stirred.


 The body of a snake.

 It pierced through the dirt and smoke and struck at Bob's riding flying dragon.

 ''It's big!

 The snake's head was about thirty meds long, and its open mouth was big enough to swallow even a dragon with its wings spread out in its entirety.


 It bit off one of the dragon's wings as it tried desperately to avoid it.


 The dragon, no longer able to fly, spun and fell.

 Bob struggled to pull on the reins.

 At the dragon knight and the dragon, the huge snake, which had chewed off one wing, opened its mouth wide and pounced on him, scooping him up again.

 The dragon showered the dragon with flames, but it didn't matter.


 The giant snake took the fire-breathing dragon and Mr. Bob in its mouth.


 An inarticulate voice escaped my mouth.

 The serpent's throat swelled and moved downward.



 I lost my strength, and Illtimina-san lifted me up.

 Kilt-san nodded.

''Let's pull back.''

 At the sound of his voice, everyone started running.

 In Illtimina-san's arms, my blue eyes stared at the giant snake that moved while destroying buildings, blotting out tears.

The monster named 'Snake Godman' was in the red light of the 'City of Ruins', leisurely pointing its huge head to the heavens.