2117 - - 57-05 Guest and one more

 Meanwhile, Jin's doppelganger (= Jin D).

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 He was in the audience for the invited guests and acted as a commentator.

 The guests were all of high rank.

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 The first one is King Mericarance I of the Kingdom of Klein.

 Queen Josephine Lumeth Klein.

 First Princess Lizabeth Leah Klein.

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 The Minister of Magical Technology, Corwen Raqqa Kiddo.

 Five knights of the Kingsguard and Alice, the nanny automata presented by Jin.

 They are not invited guests, but invitees.

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 And who are the invited guests in the true sense of the word?

 First of all, there is Theon of Shinra. She is here as a representative of the Nordic Federation.

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 She, too, is from the participant (organizer) side, so I doubt if she can be called a pure invited guest. .......

 Next, from <, Zora Himmel, Deputy Director of the Aircraft Research Laboratory (commonly known as the Aeronautics Laboratory), and Ciel Azure, a member of the Aeronautics Laboratory.

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 Then, from <, Ernest XVII, CEO Emeritus of the Royal Factory of the Kingdom of Egelea, and his close aide Canaj Parosofa.

 Finally, there was Edda Yma, a technician from the Nostalgia party.

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 No one from Elias, Franz, Selroa, Shoro, Mitsho, etc.

 It was not surprising that the was still minor.

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* * * * * * * * *

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 <> are becoming common as a means of flight for a small number of people.

 While I hope that the development of blow floaters will be promoted in many countries, I also hope that countermeasures against accidents will be taken.

"As long as they fly in the sky, there is a possibility of < in the worst case, so we need to take sufficient safety precautions," said Jin D. "I think it is important that we take safety into consideration.

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 Jin D reminded them of the safety considerations first, and then began his explanation.

The Nordic Federation is a large country with scattered towns, so wind-powered blow floaters have developed as a means of transportation. In addition, since the area is covered with snow in winter, it is difficult to use automobiles even on sunny days.

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"I see, I guess it's just the way of the country."

 Corwin Raqqa Kido, Minister of Magic and Technology, nodded his head in agreement.

"Now you are right, Mr. Jin," he said. ...... My friend Marikka once invented a wind-powered floater (blow floater) as an easy and fast means of transportation."

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 Zion corroborated.

"That's right. I've heard of it too.

 said Zora Himmel of <>. She is a petite female technician, standing at 143 centimeters and 38 kilograms. She is in stark contrast to the 169 cm, 50 kg Ciel Azure sitting next to her.

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"<> is small, so walking is the only way to get around, and if you are in a hurry, there are cars, so small aircraft are not very popular."

 The Aeronautics Institute, to which she belongs, mainly studies medium-sized aircraft.

"But when I look at all these different blow floaters, I am amazed at the variety of ideas."

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 Ciel Azure, too,

"Yes. The blow floaters that we have seen here are small, but there are many ideas that could be applied to medium-sized aircraft. I would like to experiment with it as soon as I return to <>. Right, sister?"

 < was Zora Himmel.

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"......However, there has been some research on blow floaters in the Kingdom of Egelea, but at the moment, it is only on an individual level. However, nowadays, balloons are the mainstream for individuals, and airships for medium and large sizes.

 Ernest XVII of the Kingdom of Egelea said.

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"Balloons and airships are stable when the wind is light.

 Jin D. added.

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 Since the tilt of the earth's axis is less than that of the earth and the changes of the seasons are rather mild in this world, typhoons are less frequent and winds strong enough to cause damage to buildings do not blow very often.

 Therefore, balloons and airships can operate safely.

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"......We can either move in the direction of stability or further development."

 Jin D. added.

You are right. In our country today, there are many people who are more interested in stabilization.

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 Ernest XVII said a little regretfully.

"That can't be helped.

 Corwin Raqqa Kiddo, Minister of Magic and Technology of the Kingdom of Klein, spoke up.

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Our country is in a similar situation. The reason for this is that we have been at the mercy of the League of Magicians for the last few years.

 The result is that we have lost competent ministers and it has become difficult to run the country itself.

"But if we don't work hard here, we will be left behind by the times."

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 < said.

"Indeed. The Kingdom of Klein is taking such a positive approach. Your Highness, we can't afford to lose.

 Canaj Parosofa, an aide to Ernest XVII, said.

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 Cannage was one year older than Ernest XVII and was not only his aide but also his childhood friend.

"Yes. ...... Mr. Zion, Mr. Jin, is it possible to have such a tournament in our country?"

 Ernest XVII asked the question in a straightforward, unpretentious, and honest manner.

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"If you ask me if it is possible or impossible, then yes, it would be possible.

 And Hitoshi D. asked, "If it were the Kingdom of Egelea, it would be possible.

"For the Kingdom of Egelea, it would be necessary to select an inland plain where the wind is weak.

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 and Zion.

 He added,

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"The Kingdom of Egelea, unlike the Kingdom of Klein, is a country with the sea, so we need to consider the sea breeze.

 Jin D said.

"To tell you the truth, it is a bit far from our country, so it would be difficult to hold this event.

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 Zion said apologetically.

 Of course, we all know that our conversation here is informal.

 Even if the words < are spoken here, it does not mean that they will be followed.

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 But it is therefore also true that it is an honest opinion.

 There do not seem to be many people here who are good at belly tricks .......

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"There is only one thing that concerns me..."

 Mericarance I, King of Klein, spoke up.

"What is it?"

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 Theon, who was sitting next to him, immediately responded.

"There are rumors that the nobles ...... who were cut off for joining the <>, or rather, the former nobles, are colluding and plotting something."

"That's possible."

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 Jin D replied nonchalantly.

 In fact, images from the satellite and the old man's had already alerted him to the fact that these were planning to take revenge on the Klein Kingdom.

 Their goal is to take revenge against the Kingdom of Klein, which ostracized them.

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 To do so, they plan to attack the event, where dignitaries from other countries will gather, in order to ruin the reputation of their host, the Kingdom of Klein, as well as to harm the attending dignitaries.

"But, Makina is here, too. I will make sure the convention is a success.

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The king was also present at the conference.

It's convenient that even the king is present.

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Let's give a blow to the hated kingdom that has neglected us.

"Well, it's time. ...... I'm sure the locals will do just fine."

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 And then <, that is, their comrades in hiding near the village of Toka, activated the metal warriors ......<> they had secretly bought or had made for them.

"Go! Golem squad! Overrun the village of Toka!"

"Hyahaha! Attack those who have gathered!

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 And so, the forces that were trying to destroy the <> were brought to bear.

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