2369 - - 64-02 Medical System

 Jin returned to Horai Island and called out to Reinhardt, who had also returned from Hale, Lewis, and Bina.

"What's wrong, Jin?"

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Is something wrong?

"Is something wrong?" "Is it unusual for Jin to ask for advice?

 The three of them came to the cafeteria we usually use for meetings.

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"I have a rather complicated matter to discuss with you."

 I thought it would be better to consult with Reinhardt and Lewis, who had political power.

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"Come in, everyone."

 Reiko handed out tea to everyone.

 Sipping the tea, Jin opened his mouth.

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"Actually, there are not enough doctors in the world today.

 He explained his conversation with the old man, "We are trying to educate them, but it will take 10 years before they are useful.

"So, what are you going to do about Jin?"

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 I have an idea," said Reinhard.

"Well, I'm going to make medical automata and dispatch them to various places, but the problem is how to do that.

"Yes, that's true. ...... I think it would be easier to consider simulating this kind of thing in a limited area."

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 Said Luis,...... the former Count Kuzma.

"Oh, that's Lewis. ......Jin, since that's the case, for example,...... so, let's proceed with the assumption of a medical environment in Leuthart."

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* * * *

"First of all, as a premise, does the treatment take money or not?"

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 Lewis said.

"I don't want to, but it would be bad, wouldn't it?"

"It's a bad idea. If we did that, it would put all the private healers out of business.

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 Bina answered.

"Well, I guess we'll have to ...... take some of it then."

"That's right. That's what I've been trying to do. ...... and it's all about matching the ."

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 As for Jin, Reinhardt's advice was easy to understand.

"That's what I'm trying to say," he said. I'm not talking about the healers who are ripping us off."

"That's right.

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The next question is, what form will they take?

 Lewis says again.

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What is the form?

 Jin was not sure and asked again.

"I mean, do you rent or buy a building to open your business?

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"Oh, I see. ......"

 Lewis continued.

"You already know that if we did that, we would need more than a hundred or two hundred healers, or even healing automata, right? You know that, don't you?

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 Cities, towns, villages, hamlets. It was easy to imagine that the number of healers to be sent to cities and towns would be quite large.

"Then ......"

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 Jin thinks.

"Home-visit treatment? House calls? No. ...... mobile treatment?"

 It reminds him of the light trucks he has seen in modern Japan that go around depopulated villages.

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 At the same time, it also reminds me of .

 Together, they are <>.

 When I explained this to them, Reinhard, Lewis and Bina said,

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"That's a good idea," "That's a good idea," "That's a good idea.

"That's a good idea.

"That's a good idea," "That's a good idea," "That's a good idea," "That's a good idea.

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 They agreed with me.

"Then, we should prepare a healing automaton that travels around the country in a <>, ......."

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"Wait, Jin. There's still one problem.

 Bina stopped Jin as he was about to start discussing the production.

What is it?

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Trust and credibility.

"Oh, ......."

 Bina's words made Jin understand.

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 Certainly, medical care is based on a relationship of trust.

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"You can't just come in out of the blue and say, 'I'm going to diagnose your disease,' or 'I'm going to cure your disease.

I see.

"Hmmm... ......"

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 This was more difficult than expected.

 Golems and automata can be created at will, but trust and confidence cannot be created.

 Trust and credibility cannot be created, because they are built up slowly.

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"I would like to ask for the cooperation of a renowned healer in this area. ......"

 It was easier to be trusted if you had a name value, such as being a student of a famous healer or a colleague of a famous healer.

"Or you can use << Sakura>> or ......."

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 In this case, <<> is not a flower, of course. It is a hired hand who is hired to make the place more lively, as in "fake guest".

 In other words, they took the initiative to have a medical examination, and as a result, <>and then they let the public's guard down by being a little overjoyed with the results.

"Hmmm ......"

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 Jin keeps groaning.

"I'd like to borrow the name of a famous healer here. ...... anyone?"

 I said, to Bina's dismay.

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What are you talking about? You have your own wife."

"Is Elsa that famous? Four hundred years ago, I could understand that. ......

"If you say so, there are no famous healers in this day and age.

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 He told me, "That's why there's a shortage of healers.

"That's true."

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"Now it's just a matter of how to do it.

 Luis again offered his opinion.

"I think it would be a good idea to start a healing organization under the name of Ms. Erza, and to have her dispatched from there.

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"I see, that's a good idea.

 Jin is impressed with the idea.

"I don't think it will be immediately accepted, though.

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 That's the problem," Lewis said, "but Reinhardt said, "That's exactly what we need to do,

"That's exactly what you should advertise at the World Congress," Reinhardt said.

 Reinhard said.

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"That's true."

"Then let's decide on the plan step by step."

"Yes, that's right. Will you help me?

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"Of course."

 After about half a day's work, we had a rough idea of what to do.

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