2438 - - 66-04 End of two days

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 After visiting the museum, we headed to the shore of Lake Sayama since we did not have much time.

 The purpose of this visit was to see the boats used in Mitsuho.

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"Most of the boats are flat-bottomed because they are designed to be used on the lake."

 Atal Mutu explains the process to us, which makes it easier for Hitoshi.

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"Over there are fishing boats. When fishing with nets, they use catamaran boats for stability.

"I see... I see..."

 The people from the Principality of Mimaka and the Principality of Norway, which have lakes, seemed to be particularly enthusiastic about the tour.

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* * * * * * * * * * * *

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 After the tour, we had lunch at a restaurant on the shore of the lake.

 The freshly caught fish were grilled, sashimi, carpaccio, and other dishes were prepared in a creative way.

 Of course, the fish is protected against parasites, so there is no need to worry about anisakis or dystoma.

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"I've never had it this way before, but it's very tasty, isn't it?

"Soy sauce? I like this seasoning.

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This wasabi is also good. The stimulating taste and aroma are good.

 The sashimi was especially well received.

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 And then, while chatting over a cup of tea after the meal, he said to me.

"......In this way, it makes a lot of sense to protect and increase the number of fish in the lake, doesn't it?"

"Absolutely. If we just catch more fish, we'll lose our future.

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 After that..,

"......Does the Principality of Norway encourage overfishing?

 said Gaspar de Mimaca, the king of the Principality of Mimaca.

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"No, I have heard nothing of the sort," said Gaspar de Mimaka, King of the Principality of Mimaka.

 Keith Tennick de Norha, King of the Principality of Norha, replied.

 But the Duke of Mimaka did not back down.

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"As a matter of fact, we have received a complaint that our fishing boats are being persecuted by your fishing boats on Lake Yateau," he said.

"What? That's not a good thing to hear.

 The Duke of Norway, a bit embarrassed.

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 Gaju Tugga, who was accompanying him, interrupts.

No, Your Majesty. No, Your Majesty. ...... I saw it too. No doubt, a ship flying the flag of the Duchy of Norway was behaving unmannerly on Lake Yateau. ......"


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 The Duke of Norway looked at Kaim Lo Hasta, the minister of administration at his side,

"No, I was not aware of such a fact.

 The Prime Minister and the Minister of Military Affairs both replied "No, we were not aware of such a fact.

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 Both the Prime Minister and the Minister of War shook their heads.

"But why are you telling us this now, at a place like ......?"

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 Prime Minister Premus High Yasna said quizzically.

"...... perhaps you were worried about the repercussions of discussing the issue in an official setting, or perhaps you were worried that it might damage future relations?"

 Gaju Tugga said in defense of the Prince of Mimaka.

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"I see, so that's what you're worried about. I see... I see... ...... but I'm sorry. I neither approve nor encourage such behavior.

 The Prime Minister of the Duchy of Norway stated categorically.

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 But one of the princes, Gifora Movie de Norja, who was the first prince, said: "I have been going around the country,

"I have heard of it, though it was only a rumor, when I was traveling around the ...... world," he began.

 He started to say, "I have heard about it, although it was only a rumor.

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"At the time, I had no idea of a future in which the three duchies would join hands in this way, so I let it slide," he said.

"I see. I see. ...... All right, Zifora, as soon as you return to your country, you are to investigate this matter. And if it's true, crack down hard on them.

"Yes, sir."

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 At the time, it was thought that this problem would be solved. .......

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* * * *

 At 1:00 p.m. Mitsuho time, the <> took off for the Principality of Mimaka with the group aboard.

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 The time difference is minus 4 hours, and the time required is also 4 hours.

 In other words, they arrived at 1:00 p.m. Mimaka Principality time. Jin's Hurricane, piloted by Hope, has also arrived.

"Even though I know about the time difference, it's still strange to see it like this.

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"No, not at all."

 Specifically, the sun was always hanging at the same height in the sky.

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"From here, I'm going to the Principality of Dalat."

"I will take you to the Duchy of Norway," said Jin and Deus ex Machina respectively.

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 said Jin and deus ex machina respectively.

 The people of the Principality of Mimaka returned to the castle in the golem car that had come to pick them up.

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"Well then, thank you for all your help over the past two days.

I look forward to working with you in the future.

 With such greetings and handshakes, the members of the three duchies headed back to their respective countries.

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* * * *

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 Deus ex machina heads north in the .

 The destination is the Duchy of Norway.

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"Thank you for all the help you have given me, Lord Machina. Thank you.

 On board the ship, Keith Tennick de Norha, King of the Duchy of Norha, thanked them.

"I am honored, Your Majesty."

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 Makina replied in a reverential manner.

"It has been an eye-opening experience, indeed.

 The first prince, Gifora Movie de Norja, also seems to have had an unforgettable experience during these two days.

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"In a closed country, development is hampered. In such a country, the happiness of the people will not be achieved. That's what I thought."

"Your Majesty, Your Highness. I and will continue to support you in the future, so please make a good country. ......"

 Deus ex machina," he concluded.

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* * * * * * * * * * * * *

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"It has been a fulfilling two days, Mister Jin."

"Thanks to you, I have gained strength in this way.

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 Gilberto de Dalat looks so healthy that it is hard to believe that he had been in bed until half a month ago.

"I'm glad you are feeling better.

 At a time when we must unite to face the Duchy of Jagus, the unity of the country could be loosened if the king of a country is in bed.

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"When I return to my country, I will tighten my resolve and carry out various reforms.

I will help you in any way I can.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

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 The future looks bright for the Principality of Dalat, which has abandoned its futile unilateral policy and has chosen the path of cooperation with other countries.

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