2467 - - 66-33 Reporting in Avalon

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 The scene changed the same day, in the meeting room of the <> in <>.

"......I see, I understand the situation."

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 After listening to the latest report, Chief Superintendent Tomax Bartmann gave a small nod.

"So, Jin and Makina are providing us with substantial assistance. Therefore, we will deal with the conspiracy of the Duchy of Jagus.

 No one present objected to this.

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"So, first of all, let's talk about . ...... Illumina, please."


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 Tomax Bartman asked his second-in-command, Ilmina Ratkin, to explain the situation in detail.

"I'm talking about in a nutshell, but taking into account the information from Jin-dono, Makina-dono, and Nostalgia, there are four types of brainwashing.

 For a moment, there was a stir in the conference room.

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"First, brainwashing by the Magi machine found in the ruins.

 It is known that this can be released by <>.

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"The second one is ."

 This is weaker than brainwashing by Magi Machines, but more difficult to detect.

 This can also be released by <>.

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"The third is <.

 It is said that those who are cadets or above, or those of privileged class, are taught loyalty to the country from their childhood.

 There is no way to lift it in a short period of time.

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"And the fourth one is ."

 At this point, the room was once again abuzz.

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"For lack of a better term, I say , but it is a little different from what is commonly known as narcotics.

 Ilmina Ratkin continued her explanation.

"First of all, there are no side effects, such as physical damage. There are no side effects that will make you sick if you don't take it.

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 A sigh of relief escaped from the others when they heard this.

"But it is addictive. If it wasn't, we wouldn't call it a .

 Mutters of "That's true," could be heard everywhere.

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"When you take it, you get a feeling of euphoria. It's not easy to shake it off."

"Yes, I suppose it is."

 At this point, Reveraldo Dartez, commander of the World Guard Avalon, agreed and then asked a question.

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"Can I ask you a question?"

Yes, go ahead.

What kind of narcotics are these? ...... No, this is not a good question. Do you have any detailed data on the drug?

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"Somewhat. ...... First of all, it is a clear, colorless, tasteless and odorless liquid. It dissolves well in water. The effects should appear within a few minutes of drinking it.

"...... Sounds terrifying."

"Yes. Yes. It is not so much a withdrawal symptom, but it is somewhat addictive.

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 It's a bit like eating good food," said Ilmina Ratkin.

"It's a few times more addictive than eating something that tastes good and then wanting to eat it again."

 Moreover, the effects do not change even if you take more than a certain amount.

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 In other words, if you take it in small doses, you can enjoy it for a long time.

"...... This drug seems to be given to merchants from various countries who do business with the Principality of Jagus."

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 Therefore, Ilmina Ratkin explained, the merchants deliver the goods desired by the Principality of Jagus, even at the cost of profit, and they do not divulge information about the drugs to anyone.

"How did you find out about the existence of such drugs?"

"Yes, I did. <

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"I see. I see. ...... there, was it the honorary advisor ......? I see.

Yes, as a matter of fact.

Yes, in principle.

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 Everyone present at the meeting knew that the hostage was the fake Elena.

* * * * * *

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"Now, let me explain the next piece of information."

 Ilmina Ratkin glanced at the documents in her hand and resumed her explanation.

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"Now we have an interesting situation.

 She continued her explanation.

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"The hostage Elena, who was just mentioned, seems to be continuing to cook even though she is imprisoned.



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 A few of them sounded distracted.

"Yes, cooking. It seems that the culture of cooking did not take root in the Principality of Jagus. ......

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 Rather, Illumina explained, the gastronomic culture had died out due to a lack of variety in crops and the fact that in the early pioneer days, people were forced to prioritize over .

"So nowadays they are demanding seasonings and ingredients from the nostalgia party (nostalgia)."

 This could be said to be a counter-intuitive move on the part of the Duchy of Jagus, Ilmina Ratkin concluded.

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"Hmm ...... but it will be difficult to take advantage of that situation ......."

 Reveraldo Dartes, commander of the land forces, looked at her with difficulty.

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"It takes time for the results of such maneuvers to take root. But it turns out that the unity of the Duchy of Jagus is not monolithic either."

* * *

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I have one more piece of information.

 Illumina Ratkin began to explain three times.

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"A communication device, believed to belong to the Principality of Juggs, has been discovered in the Principality of Mimaka. It was used by a brainwashed person to broadcast information about the Principality of Mimaka on an irregular basis."


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 Someone shouted in surprise.

"We have checked and found that ten people have been brainwashed."

 The transmitter was a short-range one, with an automatic repeater in the wasteland about twenty kilometers from the capital, from where the information was sent to the unnamed peak, Illumina concluded.

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"Mmmmm ...... that's quite clever."

 said Lemand Crosite, the director of the Military Affairs Bureau.

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"We must be careful.

 Tomax Bartmann also expressed his opinion.

"We will need the cooperation of Manon, Simone, and others.

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 < that cannot be brainwashed by .

"We must be careful not to be brainwashed without realizing it.

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 There is a <>, but do not be overconfident.

 You also cannot wear it all the time. You may have to take it off when bathing, getting a haircut, or attending ceremonies in other countries.

"I will activate the periodically," Tomax Bartmann decides.

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 Tomax Bartmann decided.

"We must avoid suspicion at all costs," he said.

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  also began to think about how to use its power against the Duchy of Jags.