2656 - - 71-07 End of briefing session, beyond that

 The old man finished his report.

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"Okay. The remote control facility on the seventh island of the Lehen Isles, Pearl Island, has been deactivated and is harmless. No submarines remain. The only thing that remains is a golem that may have been in charge of the facility. The golem had gone dormant on its own. Is this correct?"

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"But it is regularly serviced?

"I mean, dedicated ......, no, no. "But there is a golem that is supposed to be patrolling each base and facility for maintenance and inspection on a regular basis, so you are worried about how to deal with it.

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"Hmmm ......"

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 Jin must be worried too. Because there is a big uncertainty.

 It is .

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"Even if we restore the facility and place it under Marikka's control, we don't know what the <> will decide, do we?"

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 At this point, we have too little information to make a decision.

 Erza asked a question at this point.

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"Brother Jin, what about <>?"

"I asked Marikka to ask <, <>, and <>, the chief magic brain in charge of <>, but they couldn't tell me. The golem is probably <>'s own system."

"...... Then I don't have a choice."

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"Yes, that's right."

"Jin, I think we should < it here, don't you?"

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 Reinhardt suggested.

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"Yeah. I mean, until that shows up."

"Oh, I see."

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 It's a postponement, but it's not a procrastination. I mean, why don't we hold off until we have more information to make a decision?

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"Yes, let's do that. ...... right, old man?"

"Right. Oh, I'll have the markers set up for the transfer, at least."

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"I will seal the facility as it was.

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 This completes the .

 The time is 11:40 am.

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 It is decided to have lunch a little early.

"Everything is ready."

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 The five-colored golem maids quickly set out the food.

 Sandwiches were the order of the day.

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 Ham sandwiches, ham cutlet sandwiches, tuna sandwiches, egg sandwiches, tomeitul (tomato) sandwiches, vegetable salad sandwiches, cheese sandwiches, and many other bite-sized items were piled up.

 There were also some unusual sandwiches such as yakisoba, hamburger steak, and Neapolitan sandwiches.

 The small size of the sandwiches was intended to allow customers to enjoy a variety of sandwiches.

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"Yes, it's delicious.

The yakisoba sandwich is surprisingly tasty.

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I like the simple ham sandwich.

 Drinks are fruit juices.

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 Freshly squeezed Persica (peach), Apurul (apple), Citran (orange), Vitis (grape).

 <, Neige and Rouge drink vintage Persica juice.

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"This is delicious!

"Mmm, it's delicious."

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 Lunch was also a convivial affair.

"......The strength of Jin-dono and the others may be their personal connections."

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 muttered the in a low voice.

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"The biggest difference between us and <> is the idea of <>. ......

 The only people who heard these words were Neige, Rouge, Reiko, and the old man, who were sitting close by.

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* * * * *

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"Now then, the last concern..."

 After lunch and tea (tee-aye), we continued with the morning's activities.

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"There. ...... hmmm, what should we do?"

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"First, we should do some research, right?"

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"No, that's going to be difficult."

 Right now, Jin and the others would be considered officials of <>.

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 What would happen if they visited the competing <>....... That is not clear.

 This was not predicted by the <> either. Because the factions are different, the design concept of the magic brain is also different.

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"However, <> are not fighting each other, right? Then, there is no problem, is there?"

"Zion has a point. The battle on the submarine is just a game. There is no conflict between the owners, is there?"

"Well, you say, Mr. Goose. I think you are right.

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 The <> corroborated Zion and Goose's opinion.

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"Oh, well, how about this?"

 Milowina, who had been a bystander all this time, spoke up.

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"The was worried that wasn't responding, so they sent a golem to investigate, didn't they?"

"It was a thankless inconvenience, though."

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"...... That's the thing, though. Anyway, since you were concerned about us, we're sending out a survey team as a way of repaying or thanking you for your concern.

"That's ...... a good idea."

"Yes, that sounds good. <?

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"I think it would be a good idea.

 So, we have decided to send a survey team from as well.

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"But the Agate base only has the golem we confiscated the other day.

"No, I understand Jin's concern, but wouldn't <> be better here?"

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"No, preferably a golem with Marikka-sama's magic pattern."

"Oh, I see."

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 Jin agreed that the <> were right, and called out to Marikka.

"Marikka, can you call up some of the golems that Marikka made?"

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"Yes, Jin-sama. Yes, Master Jin. We have golems not only for Hanako but also for maintenance.

"Good. Then I will dispatch two maintenance golems made in Marikka and two <>.

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 Jin decided that with that kind of ratio, the craftsmen would not be suspected.

"Well, that would be good. Considering the position ...... or rather the ratio of forces, if <> sent out 10 units, <> would send out less than half of them. I think that's reasonable.

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 The <> were of the opinion that this number would not be a problem, so we decided to work out our plan along these lines.