2695 - - 72-15 Undercover operations started

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 On the morning of October 27th (Horai Island time), an advance team was first dispatched.

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"The advance team must be careful not to be detected by the residents.

 Jin warned.

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 This time, the old man did not use the "peepers" because of the magical reaction inside.


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 He was also careful that the technology of the <> might be able to locate the source of the transmission by following the magic power of the <>.

 And one more thing.

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 It is also his duty to collect information that the old man's < cannot pick up.

 Sight certainly provides us with a lot of information. However, it is also true that it cannot cover all information.

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 The most important one is the mind of the inhabitants.

 Of course, it is difficult to read the mind even with advanced magic.

 However, it is possible to infer them from their actions and conversations.

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 The Shinobi Unit was sent out this time to listen in on their conversations and observe their actions.

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"I understand."

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 Using this method, it would be difficult to listen in unless you are ready and waiting for the communication.

 Moreover, just to be safe, the contents are to be written in .

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 This is based on the calculation that even will have difficulty in deciphering it.

"Are there any other precautions ......?"

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 Jin also took extra precautions this time, and wanted to be even more careful than usual.

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"Jin-dono, is there any way to escape from here in case of emergency?


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"Yes. We have two systems just in case."

"Yes, that's good. And one more thing.

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What's that?

How about some kind of identification?

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 In other words, something that can prove who they were sent from.

 With this, even if they are found and questioned, they may not be identified as enemies .......

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"Specifically, it is a magical crystal (magi crystal) that records the magical power pattern of Marikka-sama.

"Ah, I see."

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 < have the magical power pattern of Jin.

 So it was thought that Marikka, who had the strongest blood of the , would be useful in case of emergency if she also possessed the magic pattern of the Shinobi.

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 Based on this, Jin gave each member a for infiltration. These were secret weapons of Jin's own making.

 With all these preparations in place, the investigation begins.

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I'll be on my way.

I'm counting on you.

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 At 9:00 a.m. on Horai Island time, the ten "Shinobi" units were transferred to the Rasheel continent.

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* * * *

 At 0 seconds flat, 10 <> appeared on the Rasheel continent.

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 They appeared 50 km west of Lake Rubin.

(There is a vent here.)

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 Shinobi I said using the built-in manacam.

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(Kiku and Jyu, stay here and provide back-up in case something happens to us.


(There may be some "pools" or S-bends along the way because of the rain. There may be wards. We'll be careful.)

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(Roger that.) (Copy that.)

 First, descend 20 meters.

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 The ventilation openings are disguised to look like gaps in the rocks near the surface, perhaps for camouflage.

 From there, a gap of 20 meters is made of natural rocks.

 The size of the gap is such that it is impossible for a human adult to pass through.

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 Even for a child, it is quite tight.

 It was thought that they had created a number of such small gaps to secure the necessary amount of ventilation.

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 After descending another 20 meters or so, they came to a landing area.

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 It was still made of natural stones, and the intention to deceive the public was evident.

(The ventilation shaft has been shifted here.)

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(I guess it's to prevent water infiltration)

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 The Shinobi troop then went to a pit about 2 meters off to the side.

 Looking inside with the infrared function, they see a circular pit made of natural stones, like a well.

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 And then...

(Alert! Something is coming!)

(Something's coming!)

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 Everyone reacts immediately to the warning issued by Shinobi San.

 < and stop moving.

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(...... were they distracted?

(I don't know. But be ready to return to the surface with the transporter at any time.)

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(Yes, sir.)

 And 30 seconds later.

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 A golem the size of a puppy arrived.

 Even the size of a puppy is huge in the eyes of a 5-centimeter-tall Shinobi troop.

 Looking closely as it approached us, we saw that the golem had eight legs and seemed to be able to jump on the rocks.

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(I wonder what it is.)

(Hmmm, looks like a scavenger.)

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 The golem, which was about the size of a puppy, moved on eight legs and used its two legs, which seemed to be its front legs, to roll up dust, debris, dead leaves, dead branches and other debris into a lump.

 As a ventilation outlet, it is inevitable that dust and debris accumulate.

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 Therefore, it was assumed that the cleaning golem was used to clean the ventilation openings on a regular basis.

 The cleaning golem seems to have low detection capability, and did not show any reaction even when passing right by the <>.

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(It doesn't seem to have a security function.)

(I guess if we keep waiting, they will leave.)

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 After about 15 minutes, the small eight-legged golem left for nowhere.

 We thought about following the small golem, but we decided not to take the risk, since there was a high possibility that the facility had a function to detect anomalies even if the small golem did not notice them.

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(We'll rope down from here.)

(We'll use the rope to go down from here.) (Understood.)

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 This is one of Jin's seven tools.

 <, we have to descend with ropes, since there is a risk that our magic will be detected.

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 Fortunately, the equivalent of rock-climbing rappelling techniques existed in this world, and all of the Shinobi have mastered them.

 And the ropes are made of < threads, which are 0.1mm in diameter but can withstand a weight of more than 5kg. In other words, it will not break even if the entire < hangs from it.

 And with 0.1mm threads, they are hard to find and look like threads produced by insects, making them less likely to be detected.

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 It is true that the is an insect (not an insect) in the broad sense of the word.

 The <> was steadily descending. .......

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