2818 - - 74-34 Guardian Reiko's turn to appear

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 Security measures are also activated.

 Hearing this, and panicked.

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"<>! Don't tell me that thing still works!

Yes, old creator (・・・・・). I've been maintaining it properly.

"I never thought the day would come when I would use it. ......"

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"Well, what is <>, <>, <>?"

 The old man is not sure if he can understand you just by saying "<>.

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"Well, I think it must be some kind of <>.

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 Or rather, it is the only way in this case, Jin D. said.

...... is the correct answer. But even if you know that, you can't do anything about it, can you?

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"<>, are you trying to harm us? <>?

 What will happen if the <> is activated? <.

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No, whether or not he is the <> has no influence on the decision.


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I'm just following the sequence that's been set up for me.

 Hearing such a statement, Jin D concluded that this <>'s <> seems to be still in its infancy.

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 This is because the <> of the in space can see more emotion than the .

 Nevertheless, if <> was going to appear, he needed to be careful.

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 Therefore, the old man decided to use his "peepers" to look around the room where Jin D and the others were.

* * * *

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 On Horai Island, Jin and the others were interested in the and were on high alert.

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"Is this the created by the former ......?"

 Jin remembered the (17-15) and (17-19) that were created by in the past.

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"Reiko, be on your guard."

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"Yes, father.

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 And the people of Horai Island looked at the screen that the old man was projecting.

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* * * *

......It's a made of indestructible metal. There's nothing I can do about it.

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 The appeared as if falling from the ceiling. Two of them.

 It is .......

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"...... Gorg?"

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 Such words escaped from Reiko's mouth.

 As Jin had recalled at Horaijima, a golem made entirely of adamantite, that was the referred to by .

 It was approximately two meters tall. Its body shape is humanoid, but if its entire body is adamantite, it must weigh two tons.

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 In contrast, Reiko was 1.3 meters tall and weighed 30 kilograms.

 The difference between the two was greater than that of an adult and a child.

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Destruction is not what we want, but it is the rule.

 . His tone has changed. No, it seems to have switched to the rebooted <.

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"Hmmm... ...... it's hard to destroy a <> that's a mass of adamantite... ......"

"Jin, why don't you pull back here ......"

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  and were reluctant, but Jin D was not.

 He had already fought a similar enemy and won.

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 Moreover, the current Reiko is even better than she was then.

You can't stop her now.

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 Reiko replies to the proud and victorious line of , "That's our line," she says,

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"That's my line," she said.

 Reiko then pulls out the from her back with ease.

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"Ah, what are you trying to do with such a thin sword, Reiko?

"Impossible, let's pull!"

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 But Reiko remained silent.

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"Adamantite is certainly the strongest metal. ...... though with the proviso that it's only natural."

 After those words, Reiko's figure blurred,...... and then, with a heavy thud, a , its limbs cut off, rolled on the floor.

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《......What did you do?

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 The words of < contained something akin to impatience.

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"I just cut him..."

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 Reiko replies flatly.

That's ridiculous. You can't cut adamantite with a knife.

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"Even if you say so, I can cut what I can cut.

 Saying this, Reiko steps toward the other and flashes the in her hand to the side.

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 With that flash, the <> was cut in two around the waist, and fell to the floor with another heavy thud.

"I can't believe it. ...... What is that sword?

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"This is the . This is a Japanese sword that your father had made for me.

What in the world?

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 His voice changed. <

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"Your knowledge is indeed great. I'm sure you know a lot of things we don't know.

 Jin D tells him.

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"But we also have something you don't know.

"You mean that sword?

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"...... has been defeated, which means there is nothing left for us to do to resist.

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"You said you were going to reset us, regenerate us.


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Will the former creators be present?

They will be.

I see. ...... Then we'll agree to that.

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"I see. Then tell me where the backups are.

Yes. It's 1,000 meters beneath this base.

It was right below us?

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Yes. We used the same shaft we used when we mined for resources.


Then I'll leave the rest to you.

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  was silent from that point on.

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Is this the end of ......<>?"

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 On Horai Island, Jin let out a small sigh of relief.

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"Good. Then let's have ......<> take control of <>."


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 Now, the only remaining challenge is the <<> that is approaching the ground.