2914 - - 77-29 Council

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"We will now discuss the collision that occurred on February 4, 3902, near the town of Orchitz, between two horse-drawn carriages."

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 Prime Minister Roderich Barberus von Heizer declared.

"The participants are recognized. Viscount Jochir and his consort Chokes Jayde as parties to the accident."

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The coachman, Demos Breo.

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Yes, sir.

Two passengers of interest, Emma Ledda and Dallo Ona. Three residents of the area, Ian, Bites and Ride, who were present at the scene. Three security guards who were present at the scene, Morya, Shacha and Zhang.

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Yes, sir.

Count and Countess Nidor and their two friends, Jin Nidor and Elsa Nidor. Count and Countess Gough and one of their friends, Rubina Garrett.

Yes, they're here.

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Very well. Okay. First of all, let's start with a brief overview. ...... Orchids, Guard Morya.


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 The guard, who looked familiar to Jin and the others, stood up and began to explain.

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"The time was approximately 1:00 p.m. A carriage bound for Leuthart and a carriage belonging to the Viscounts of Jochir collided at a crossroads.

"Hmm. Does anyone object?

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 No one spoke up or raised a hand.

Then continue with the whole story.

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Hm... The ...... carriages are running on the straight part of the street, and the carriage of the Viscounts Jóhir has jumped out from the side. Only the horse pulling the carriage dodged and avoided hitting it, but the carriages collided with each other and both overturned."


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 Viscount Yohia shouted, but the Prime Minister brushed him off.

"Now is the time to listen to the Morya guards' explanation. You are not allowed to speak. ...... guard, continue!

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"Yes, sir. ...... There are 12 passengers in the coach. The carriage belonging to Viscount Jóhir had the viscount on board. Both wagons overturned and 15 people, including the gentleman, were seriously injured, three of them quite seriously.

 From that point on, the story became familiar to Jin and the others.

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 They participated in the rescue and treatment.

"......At that time, His Excellency Count Nido passed by, and the people who were in the car with him helped us and treated them, so all of them were saved."

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 Then, after the interview and the report to Miyagi (Kyujo), and so on, until today,......, Jin traced the flow in his mind.

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"......That's the whole story of the accident."

"Good. Does anyone have any ...... objections or additions?"

"...... have any objections."

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"Well, Viscount Jóhir, you are allowed to speak."

Thank you very much. ...... position at the crossroads is correct, but my carriage did not jump out of the way."

Hmm. Continue.

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"Yes. If you check the position of the carriages at the time of the collision, you will see that the passenger carriages collided with the side of our carriages. In other words, we came out of the intersection first, so please consider the carelessness of the carriage in front of us.

I object.

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 The coachman now raised his hand.

 It is good to be able to raise an objection to a nobleman, Jin said, secretly pleased that the council was in good health.

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"Well, well, the Viscount's carriage jumped out, and that's why our carriage hit the side of yours.

Do you have anything to back that up?

Yes, sir. I'm sure the two passengers present also saw it.

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I see. Passengers Emma Ledda and Dauro Orna?

Yes. Yes, sir. You were right.

He was right.

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 They both agreed with your testimony.

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I agree with you.


Viscount Jóhir, please refrain from speaking out of turn.

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"......" I'm sorry.

 Jin cheered inwardly, "This is like a trial," but in fact it was the result of Jin's advice 400 years ago.

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"I'll check with the witnesses now. First of all, ......."

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 The Prime Minister confirms with three villagers who were present.

 After that, he reconfirmed the testimony of the two passengers of the carriage.

 He also confirmed the testimonies of the two guards who were in charge of the cleanup at the scene.

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 All of them corroborated that the carriage was running at the normal speed, and that the collision occurred when the carriage of the viscount jumped out of the way at a considerable speed.

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"That is what happened. Viscount Yohia, do you admit it?"

"...... admit it."

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 The situation was such that he could not be pushed, and the Viscount had to admit it, albeit reluctantly.

"Very well. ......Now, I think the accident itself has been clarified. Next, I would like to clarify the damage caused by the accident.

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 In response to the Prime Minister's words, Rubina, who was standing next to Jin, asked a question in a low voice.

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(Jin-sama, is there any meaning in revealing the damage after all this time?)

(Yes, there is. For example, for the purpose of determining the compensation and the compensation fee.)

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(Oh, I see.)

(So, I know I'm boring you, but I'm listening to you.)

(Yes. ......)

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 The damage was recorded by Morya, a guard.

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"Viscount Yohia suffered a fracture of the right thigh and a sprained neck. Chokes Jayde is bruised all over his body.

 He even described the exact injuries of the 12 passengers.

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 This was confirmed by Rubina and Gough, who testified that they were sure.

"Good. Does anyone have any corrections? If not, let's move on. What was the damage to each of the carriages?"

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 Again, Morya, the guard, answered.

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"Yes. The Viscount's carriage has a broken axle and damage to the left side of the body. The passenger carriage is at ......."

 Again, the information was accurate, so Jin did not need to add anything.

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"Okay. I see no need to add to this either. I will now pronounce the verdict. Viscount Yohia is to pay 50,000 crowns to each passenger of the coach. And the same to you. And to the owner of the coach, 100,000 Tolls."


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"In addition, you are to pay Count Nido 500,000 Tall as a gratuity."


"You don't seem happy, Viscount?"

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No, I'm not.

"It's fortunate that Count Nido and his party were able to be there, you know? It was an accident that could have killed them. And to think that all of them, including the Viscount, were treated perfectly."

"Yes. ......"

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"In addition, the fact that the carriage was repaired on the spot was also significant. If we had sent it to ...... later for repairs, it would have been an expense that would not have cost half a million dollars."

"...... indeed."

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 After that explanation, the viscount finally seemed to understand his good fortune.

 It is easy to imagine what would have happened to the seriously wounded if not for the treatment provided by Hope and Elsa.

 He also had an inkling that the carriage, which had been restored to its original state rather than repaired, would have been impossible for an ordinary repairman.

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"Do you have any other suggestions?"

Yes, I have one.

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Count Nido, what is it?

 Dike raised his hand and the Prime Minister invited him to speak.

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"Yes, Count Nido. The carriage was loaded with luggage in addition to the passengers. One of them was a glass wineglass, which had been damaged in the accident.

"Hmm. Glassware, of course. Can you prove that?

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"My wife and I, as well as those who accompanied us today, can attest to the fact that the glasses were damaged. After all, they repaired the broken glass yesterday.

"Well, that's interesting. Can you tell us a little more about that?

"Yes. ......"

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 Daikie then explained what had happened at the glass store he had stopped by yesterday.

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"Well, that explains a lot. At ......, I will pass an additional sentence. Viscount Jóhir is to pay a courtesy of 100,000 Talls to a friend of Count Nidó's."

 This is almost the price of 50 fine wine glasses. It was a reasonable judgment.

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 Viscount Yohia did not raise any objections.

 Thus, the ended without a hitch.

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* * * * *

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(If all deliberations were like this, the weak would not be oppressed. ...... Her Imperial Majesty would be pleased at the fountain.)

 Jin liked this way of not allowing power to push him around.

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 It reminds me of the reign of the female emperor.

 A woman who loved the people and hated tyranny. Jin was pleased to see that her legacy was being carried on.

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