3040 - - 80-26 Research begins, and

 Reiko called out to Jin and Arnold, who were looking around.

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"Father, Mr. Arnold, the mini-mole has reached its destination."

"Oh, I'm on my way."

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 That was the end of the wilderness investigation, and the two returned to the Hurricane.

 The monitor there is showing images from the mini-mole.

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"The image is a bit grainy," says Arnold.

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 Arnold says, but Jin explains.

"It's an infrared image."

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"Oh, I see. There is no light at all.

"That's what I mean. We'll turn on the lights once we're sure there's no danger inside.

That's a good idea.

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 After that, <> investigated the movement of free magical elements (ether) inside the facility, and confirmed that everything from no movement at all to the large Magi Machines and Golems, to the small sensors, had ceased to operate.

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"Okay, let's turn on the minimum lights ......."

"No, wait a minute."

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 Arnold interrupted Jin.

"This is a facility like this, it should have its own lights. It would be more natural to channel magic power into it."

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"I see. Is there something like an emergency light?

 Many emergency lights have independent energy systems, so it is easy to turn them on again.

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"There should be. These facilities are probably at the foot of the building."


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 Following Arnold's advice, I let the <> search the wall about 10 or 20 centimeters above the floor, and it soon found it.

 After getting down from the <>, <> investigates and finds that it has an independent <>.

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 The < is also used as a fuel tank for simple golems.

 It is made of magical crystals and is like a battery that stores mana.

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 If mana is poured into it from the outside, the emergency light will be restored.

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 A dim yellowish light comes on.

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 There were three similar lights, so we turned them on as well, and the floor became much easier to see.

 The resolution is different between infrared and visible light.

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"I guess this room was air-conditioned."

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 Arnold can now see the magi-machines clearly, which had been blurred before, and it seems to be easier for him to judge the situation.

"I don't see anything else. Let's send him to another room.

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 < does not only go through the ground. It can move on the flat floor with no problem.

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 So we investigate the next room in the same way, and find that it is just a warehouse.

 Next to the warehouse is a golem hangar. However, there were only broken golem parts lying around, and no golem itself was found.

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 The room next to the warehouse appeared to be a lodging facility, with five sets of bunk beds and a washbasin still standing.

"I wonder if this is the room where the workers slept?"

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"Yes, I think so. I think it's a facility for development staff."

 And further investigation led me to .......

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"Oh, a workshop? A laboratory?"

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 They came across an interesting room.

"It looks like this is where they were doing their development."

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"Hmmm... ...... how does it look like from Jin's point of view?"

"Well, ...... I'm sorry, but it looks like child's play equipment to me."

"No, it's not that bad. No, it's not bad. I think so too.

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"So there is no here?"

"At least they didn't develop it here."

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 The two of them looked both relieved and disappointed.

* * * * * *

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"Well, what do we do now?"

Jin, we still have something to look for.

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What is it?

The transfer magic circle. If we can find it, we can draw the same thing. Then we can get into the facility.

"Oh, okay. ...... Okay, I'll have them keep looking.

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 Then, in the next room, we found the transfer magic circle.

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"Arnold was right. There was a transfer magic circle.


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 Since the emergency light was not enough to make some things clear, we temporarily turned on the light with the <> spell.

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"I see."

"So this is what it looks like."

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 First of all, to avoid any danger, I drew this on the floor of a simple tent in the wilderness, instead of inside the hurricane.

"Let's see if this will get us over there."

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"Yes, let's."

 This is the type of transfer magic circle that you need to be careful when you send <> to it.

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 If it is a golem or a human, it will walk out of the magic circle when it reaches the other side, but if it is a package, it will stay there.

 In this case, the phone receiver is disconnected (sorry for those of you who have only used cell phones or smart phones), and you can no longer transfer.

 In order to move again, you have to move your luggage from the top of the magic circle.

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 Incidentally, dust, sand, and pebbles are treated as a kind of noise and do not interfere with the transfer, nor are they transferred together with it.

 This depends on the mass of the object. In most cases, the threshold is set at about 100 grams.

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"For now, let's ask < over there to come over here.

"That would be best."

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 If the magic circle on our side is incomplete, it cannot come. In fact, the transfer magic circle does not work by itself.

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Oh, it works.

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  has appeared in our magic circle.

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Now we can go to the other side.


Father, are you sure there's no danger?

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I think we'll be fine. ......

Yes, no.


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 He comes back and says no.

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"Sansooga, there's nothing there."

"Oh, I see. ......"

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 No wonder the air conditioning isn't working.

I'll take care of this."

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 Then Chelle came forward.

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"No, I'll be fine too."

 Arnold, too, is an automaton and does not need to breathe.

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 So, after consulting with each other, Arnold and Chelle decided to move to the other side of the island to investigate.

 We will ask them to take <> with them.

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 This way, <> will be able to observe what is going on over there through his vision, and can take immediate action in case of an emergency.

"Do you need any equipment?"

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"Well, ......<. And some weapons.


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 Jin gives 10 Magi Crystals to Arnold.

 He also entrusted Chelle with a weapon, a .

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I'm off then.

Take care."

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 The three of them then moved in the transfer magic circle.