3139 - - 83-03 Conference Initiated

 < has begun.

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 The first step is to share information about the contaminated area as surveyed by Deus Ex Machina.

"This is the Borolon Wilderness. There are some areas where some grass and bushes can be seen, but generally the land is rough.

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 Makina shows the image projected on the large magic screen and explains.

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"Along the valley upstream of this river ...... border river, the Gondorians, who were called at that time, invaded. This is the so-called Western Route."

"Oh, I see."

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 On the north side of the valley, there were many relatively low mountains and the terrain was easy to pass through.

"This area, which was called the Bororon Plain at that time, was also a battleground. Isn't that right, Mister Arnold?"

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Yes, sir. There is a mine to the east, isn't there?

Yes, the Ahi mine.

Yes, the Ach mine. The area to the west of it is where the fighting was the most intense. It was a breadbasket at the time, a major wheat producing area.

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I see. From what I've seen at ......, that area is the most heavily contaminated.

 They planned to contaminate the area with heavy metals in order to disrupt food production. And they have succeeded in their goal.

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"...... how contradictory it is that they went south in search of a better life, including food."

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 Delphina says bitterly.

"I guess that's the proof that they were being manipulated."

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 Lorona's voice was also sad.

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"From what I've seen, the heavy metal contamination seems to be centered in this zone and spreading to the surrounding areas.

"So the farther away from here, the less contaminated the area is."

"Jin is right. But it's not that simple. The contamination is much worse south of here, towards the town of Bororon.

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 So named by Marcel, the king's brother. No objections.

"The area around it is and the area around it is ."

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 Agriculture and Forestry Minister Bowanni followed suit. This was also accepted.

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"......, here is my proposal. I recommend that we start with < and select a location for a trial decontamination."

 Lorona offered her opinion.

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"The reason for choosing a <> is that this is a >. The <> will be a little easier and the <> will be more difficult. I think it would be appropriate to determine the work and the man-hours involved."

"I see. < would be too easy to determine.

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Yes. And in , it would take too much time.


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"I'll tell you more. < and in the model areas of < contaminated areas, and check the effect of decontamination."

"That sounds good. How large an area would you plant?"

"Well, about ......100 square meters should be enough for data collection."

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That's an acre, right?

That's right.

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I have no objection to that approach.

"It is better to collect a variety of data efficiently in the beginning.

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 Since there were no objections, the meeting proceeded further.

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"Next, let's decide on the candidate sites for the .


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"That's right. First of all, we need to decide on the <.

"I think that's a good idea. The location could be anywhere in the area. The problem is < and .

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 Kiku Maskawa and Bowanni tell the others that they will discuss with them where they would like to go.

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"It would be better to select the candidate sites for decontamination tests from <>, so ......"

"So, the southern part of the wilderness, near the town of Borolon?"

"I would like to select at least two more sites."

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That way we can compare the data."

 The two members of the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences in charge of the soil survey said so.

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 Makina also spoke up in response.

"Then why don't we just do a random soil survey?

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"What ......?"

"If you tell me how to do your survey, I'll get my golem to do it too.


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But I'm sure Makina-san can do .......

Then I'll help you.


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Then why don't we start by sampling concentrically from the center of the contamination?

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 Arnold also expressed his opinion.

"That's it. ...... By the way, what's the method?"

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 Jin asked Kiku Masukawa.

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"Well, we put a metal pipe into the ground for soil sampling, and when we turn it around and pull it out, it comes out with a soil sample inside the pipe. We analyze it."

"Oh, ...... I see."

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 Jin thought about it for a moment and then spoke up with his idea.

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"We keep the end of the hollow pipe ...... closed, make it sharp and drive it into the ground. If we hang a grimoire inside the pipe and pull it up from the bottom to the surface for analysis, we will soon get the results. ...... Huh?"



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 < were in raptures.

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"That's wonderful, Jin-san. If you don't mind, after we finish this job, could you make us one of those magical tools?"

"Oh, sure."

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 Makina also approached Jin.

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"...... Jin, if you tell me what it consists of, I'll make it myself.

"Oh, yes, that's right."

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"Mr. Jin, you know, the three of you are still in a stupor. ......

 Delphina, who couldn't help but notice, interrupted.

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"What? Oh,......, uh?"

"......I forgot that Jin-san is that kind of person. ...... Well, I'd be very grateful for your cooperation. ......"

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"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry."

"No, no, I remember a story that the Mutu family told me before I came to Avalon. ......"

"The Mutu family ...... is Ataru?"

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 Atal Mutu is the current chief of Mitsuho.

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"Yes. My parents live next door.

"I see."

"And I grew up with the young lady, Michal, and we often went to visit her, so I had heard many legends about the Magecraft Meister."

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"I see."

 The Mutu family had been the chiefs of Mitsuho for 400 years, and as the second generation of the <>, Jin knew them well.

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 Jin imagined that the things they had made (or done) in Mitsuho must have been legendary .......