3260 - - 86-07 When confronted

 Jin was wondering how to investigate the mastermind behind the mysterious , but the solution came from the other side.

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 <, 20 mysterious golems were transferred again.

 Of course, the old man, even though he was consulting with Jin, had enough ability to detect them immediately with his <>.

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"What? That's very convenient.

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"Yes. ...... their destination is still the ?"


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 This narrows down the options for the plan of action considerably.

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 Once again, Jin and the old man will discuss the plan.

"Can we talk to them?"

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 The old man, who is the brains of Horai Island, had more or less grasped the thinking patterns of the mysterious golem through their recent contact, and he devised a plan to use it.

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"I see."

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 Since the last time we tried this strategy, Land Squad had neutralized five Golems, we thought that if that they are , the dialogue would not go smoothly.

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How about Hope?


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 Hope is one of the unique golems created by Jin.

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 Originally, when Jin was sent to the continent of Pandor (Pandor) and isolated, he wanted an assistant golem, so he made it with the best of his skills despite the lack of good materials, but later it underwent a major renovation on Horai Island.

 Its body is .......

 The skeleton is made of foamed magi-adamantite, and the musculature is a composite of aged < with the shell of an ancient dragon.

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 It uses 6 lines of magical nerve wires and is extremely reliable.

 It has four subprocessors, and its exterior is made of 64 light silver, reinforced by the shell of a gigantopod.

 It is even equipped with <.

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 Moreover, its body shape follows Jin's.

 What is distinctive is that the right eye is light (transparent). The right eye is light (transparent) and the left eye is lightning (purple).

 This is due to the fact that the left and right eyes had different colors when they were first produced due to lack of materials.

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 Hope is a one-off golem that is as good as Lando's.

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"I don't have to fly the this time."

* * * *

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** ** ** I know. That's why they've doubled their forces.

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 The 20 golems are half-powered and heading for their destinations.

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 We were about halfway there when we came upon a sparse patch of grass.

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 A wilderness of limestone rocks dotted with sparse grass.

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<...... golem? >>

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 Such a conversation took place within seconds.

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 Fortunately for Hope's <looking appearance, the twenty mystery golems approached without alarm.


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 One of the 20 became the spokesman ...... spokesman golem.

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"Do you need something from us?"

"Well, it's a simple question. Why are you in a place like this?"

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 Hope begins by asking a simple but penetrating question.

 But the spokesgolem does not answer immediately,

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"You seem to be asking the same question, don't you?

 he asked Hope.

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 Sensing that this is not a simple matter, Hope responds somewhere between concrete and abstract.

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"I'm looking into the geology of this area to gather information."

"Hmm. "Well, what are the characteristics of this area?"

"It is a karst landscape with exposed limestone. There are some underground cavities, and I think you can find stalactite caves if you look for them.

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"I see, so you are not lying when you say that you are investigating the geology.

"So, back to my first question. How did you come to be in a place like this?

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 I had a rough idea, but it was a question that would depend on how the mystery golem and the others responded to it.

"To gather information."

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 Again, this was an abstract answer.

 This was another abstract answer, and it could be said that the Mystery Golem was testing Hope's intelligence.

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"What kind of information?"

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 So Hope also plays the role of a intelligent person.

"It's a secret for now."

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"I see. So, what is your destination? Quent village?

How did you know?

How did you know? ...... is simple. The only human settlement in your direction is the village of Quent.

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"I see. So you can think logically.

Yes, to a point.

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 This seems to have caused the mysterious golem to change its response somewhat.

"I see. At ......, can you give us some information on who made you?"

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"No. It makes no sense. If you tell us about your creators at ......, we'll consider it."

I can't do that.

I'm sure you can't.

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 The line continues to run parallel.

 Hope decides to change his approach.

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"Are you targeting a specific person in or near the village of Quent for intelligence gathering ......?"

"What? ...... can you make that much of an analogy. You seem to be able to think more logically than I thought."

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"Yes. Yes. That's how it was designed.

 Hope changes her tone to a slightly more provocative one.

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"So you are after the knowledge of a particular person? You're going to get that knowledge in a way that doesn't involve ...... any risk, aren't you?"

"I don't have to tell you."

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 The mysterious golem's demeanor seems to harden somewhat.

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"No, my master has nothing to do with the village of Quent."

"What? Is that so? Are you trying to hinder us?

That depends on what you want and how you want it.

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"Well... If you're trying to hinder us, what can you do on your own?

 It looks like the clouds are finally getting darker. .......

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