152-Chapter 24   Wedding Ceremony

 Leaving Ogashima, I headed westward along the "Highway of Law". My footsteps were a complete change from the time I'd arrived, and my heart was lighter than ever. I can't help but hum along.

 To put it simply, I was in high spirits.

 My time here was short, less than a day, but I gained a lot. I was able to confirm my own growth and the heights I needed to reach.

 On top of that, I was able to defeat the Demon God and raise my level, so it was no wonder that I was buoyed by it.

 My current level is '30', and every time I picture this number in my head, my face collapses into a smile of its own accord. As I walked along, humming with a smirk, I was an unmistakably suspicious person. Occasionally, travelers would avoid me as if I was a creep.

 If I had run into an imperial soldier guarding the streets, I would have been taken to the checkpoint without question. It's fortunate that we didn't run into such a situation and were able to reach the border between the Empire and the Canary Kingdom.

 --Well, I don't know if that luck will continue in the future.

 I'm not sure if it's going to last. It's just like a long line of people. It is always crowded at the border, but even so, this scale is strange. There was no doubt that there was something unusual going on.

 However, the faces of the people waiting in line were neither impatient nor tense, so it's not like a large demon appeared, or a war between the Ad Astera Empire and the Canary Kingdom had begun, or some other disturbing anomaly.

 Then what on earth is going on? I nodded my head.

I can understand if the border on the Canarian side is congested.

 The Canary Kingdom has been in a string of disasters recently. The capital has been attacked by undead monsters, a stampede of magical beasts, the appearance of illusory species, and the list goes on and on. And there's no guarantee that those disasters won't continue in the future.

 That's why it's understandable if you say that the number of people taking refuge in the Ad Astera Empire from the Canary Kingdom is increasing rapidly and the borders are becoming crowded.

 But the scene I'm seeing is the opposite, the people here are trying to head to the Canary Kingdom, which is in turmoil.

 Is it a merchant who saw a business opportunity in the turmoil, or is it a mercenary who travels from place to place in search of a job? Or - and so on, I listen to the voices around me while thinking about it.

 I gather the voices of those who have been stranded for a long time and have no time to waste, and sometimes I join them in listening to their stories. As he did so, the situation gradually became clearer.

 --In conclusion, the wedding ceremony of Princess Sakuya of the Ad Astera Empire and Crown Prince Azar of the Canary Kingdom has been announced. The ceremony will take place in the royal capital Horus. The ceremony is scheduled to take place in a month's time in the capital Horus.

 I had heard about it when I visited the capital before. So I wasn't surprised by the wedding ceremony itself, but I was surprised by the schedule.

 Only one month (one month) from the announcement to the implementation. In the case of inter-national weddings, it is not unusual to spend more than a year preparing for the ceremony, so I wondered how short this time was. I'm sure even ordinary people's weddings take a little more time to prepare.

 In this way, they can't even prepare properly. To begin with, as mentioned earlier, the Canary Kingdom is in the midst of turmoil, and even the logistics have not been restored to the old ways. How can a big wedding ceremony be held under such circumstances--

No. Is that why you're here?

 I put my hand to my chin and ponder. It is not uncommon for the state to undertake major construction projects to help the needy who have lost their homes and jobs after a major disaster.

 When it's a marriage ceremony between countries, the scale of the work can be extremely large. It's a perfect public works project.

 The current Canary Kingdom wouldn't have the time to gather the materials needed for a massive construction project, but with the full support of the Ad Astera Empire, there's no need to worry about a shortage of materials. After all, the Empire is another party to this. The Empire is another party to the conflict, and I am sure they will be more than willing to provide food and manpower to ensure that the wedding ceremony takes place.

 Such moves related to marriage ceremonies could be an opportunity to revitalize the ailing Canarian economy. It's not just the economy. National celebrations can also have a calming effect on the minds of people who have been disturbed by demons.

 Yeah, it's all very good. It is absurd to postpone such a celebration for another year. No matter how auspicious the occasion, too much time in the future will not bring hope to people's hearts. One month from now is a date that gives us all the time we need to work just a little bit longer.

'On the face of it, it's not stingy. Ostensibly, though.

 As a person who knows that the Ad Astera Empire has moved the swordsman and eliminated Claudia, the Dauphin's fiancée, this marriage ceremony is not something to be sniffed at.

 The Empire may intend to keep the matter of Jijinbo in ignorance and bring things to a head at once. No doubt the Canary must have wanted to avoid that, but given the circumstances, it was difficult to refuse Imperial assistance. It is even more so (even more so) because there is a risk of inviting an imperial military invasion if they forcefully refuse.

 By now, Duke Dragnaut and Astrid in King's Landing will be in a tizzy. How is Claudia also doing? Although Claudia, whose engagement was broken off, should have nothing to do with this marriage ceremony, there is no chance that she is involved in any trouble as a former fiancée.

 Besides, Claudia's subsequent condition was also a concern. I defeated Jijinbo, the source of the curse, and I also raised his level with soul granting. Even in the letter I received from Lord Dragnaut before I left for Onigashima, there wasn't any language that specifically told me that my daughter was abnormal. So there shouldn't be any problems...

 On the way there, my mind was in a hurry, so I only had to pass through King's Landing. Let's stop for a bit on the way back when I'm no longer worried. I was already fed up with the line that didn't go fast enough, but I was thinking about it.

◆ ◆

 At the same time, Claudia Dragnaut was alone in her home stables, sinking into thought.

 The duchess, who until recently had been emaciated under the influence of the curse and looked unbearable in the slightest breeze, had now regained all her health.

 Her cheeks are glowing with rosy color, her hands are as beautiful as a white fish, and her neat appearance is still clothed in freshness and vigor.

 Her dainty beauty is enough to astonish the public, so much so that the courtiers in the palace with my father and sister had to shout in unison when I arrived there the other day.

 Most of the courtiers knew Claudia before she fell under the curse, and even they knew what Claudia looked like now. Most of the courtiers had known Claudia before the curse, and even they could not help but be amazed at her current appearance.

 Originally, Claudia had been a young lady known for her beauty and intelligence, but the current Claudia was clearly a stranger to the past. Her former fiancé, Prince Azar, who hadn't seen her in a long time, also revealed his surprise with his eyes.

 When I remembered the face of the crown prince at that time, a sigh came out of Claudia's mouth, huffing and puffing.


 Seeing Claudia like that, a huge shadow moved. As mentioned before, there was only Claudia alone in this place, but there were non-human creatures.

 A winged beast (wyvern) Clarent, a winged beast owned by the Dragnaught family, was lying in front of the duchess. As evidenced by the fact that it bore part of Claudia's name, Clarent was Claudia's horseman.

''I'm fine, Clarent. It's just that I'd like to ... well, just give His Royal Highness a little slap on the cheek,''


'You want to do that? Of course not!

 That's why the resentment is building up. It's not that I'm angry about the fact that the engagement was broken off," Claudia thought, as she pursed her lips into a tight knot.

 It's not that I'm angry about the fact that the engagement was broken off. Of course I have my own feelings about it, but considering my condition until the other day, it can't be helped if I'm judged to be unfit to serve as the crown prince and even future queen.

 The fact that the marriage of Sakuya and Princess Sakuya went ahead after that, as if to say that they were waiting for it, is not the crown prince's fault. It was probably the result of the machinations of the Marquis of Calkia, and since the king allowed it, the crown prince had no choice but to accept it. I understand that as well.

 But. Yes, but.

 Just because he didn't like the authoritative nature of Princess Sakuya, whom he had met face to face in the Empire, why not send Akiba to Claudia again? If you think that Claudia will be happy to jump on you if you flirt with the second wife's seat, you could be mistaken.

'Utterly and utterly! It's a good thing Father and Sister didn't hear about it. If we weren't careful, it would have become a dueling incident!

 In front of an angry Claudia, Clarent is shaking his head from side to side in a daze.

 He seemed unable to hide his dismay at the Lord's unusual display of anger.