200 Episode 69 To Teito

Hold on tight.

Yes, yes, ......!

 As soon as Kreia answered the call, the sky pulled on the reins and lifted the Indigo Wyvern high into the air.

 The scenery on the ground is growing more and more distant. It was not the first time he had ridden a wyvern named Crow Solas, but it was not something he could get used to after one or two rides. Kreia's back trembled as she felt a different kind of floating sensation from the one she felt when she walked in the air with her strength.

 Soaring above Ithaca, Claud Solas began to fly eastward. His goal was to reach Inisium, the Imperial City of Ad Astera. The sky said that he had already received permission to cross the border to the imperial capital.

 Not only that, but he has even arranged an audience with the Emperor. It had been less than four days since Kreia had moved into Sora's house. When Sora came back from the capital and told him about it, Kreia could not help but be amazed at how well he had done.

 Speaking of surprise, she couldn't help but be surprised that Sora had allowed Kreia to accompany him.

 Of course, it was not that he was unwilling to accompany her. I was going to ask her to take me to the demon gate even if I had to rub my head on the ground.

 However, Kreia's body was still far from being in perfect condition, and she was having trouble not only in battle but also in her daily life, so it was impossible for her to enter the gate. This was the result of his overexertion until he reached Ithaca.

 In this situation, accompanying Sora would only slow him down. If he could use the potion that Sora had given him before again, he would be able to fight at full strength for a while, but he had been warned about this by Priestess Sailor, who had healed Kreia. She said that if she did it again, her physical problems, which were only temporary now, might become permanent.

 Naturally, Sora must have been informed of this. Therefore, Kreia did not expect Sora to allow her to accompany him. Even if Kreia were in Sora's position, she would not go to the trouble of taking a slow learner with her.

 And yet, Sora chose Kreia as his companion as if it were a matter of course. The dark-haired young man shrugged his shoulders and replied to Kreia's fearful question about his true intentions.

It's impossible for me to tell you to rest until I get back from the Imperial City, right? If my return is delayed even a little bit, I can see that you can't wait and will head to Onigashima by yourself. It's safer to keep them within your sight than to have them act on their own where you can't see them.

 That's all I'm saying," Kreia said, unable to speak.

 While he was remembering this in the saddle, Claud Solas was flying through the Canarian sky with the wind in his face. Clinging to the back of the saddle to keep from falling off, Kreia turned her gaze to the ground and saw the land of the Canary Kingdom.

 The scenery changed one after another like a picture scroll, and an unconscious sigh escaped her lips. Kreia had just recently run on that earth with a grim determination. He had never imagined that a few days later, he would be riding a wyvern to the Imperial City from above.

 Would I be able to reach the capital safely? Even if I could reach the capital, would I be able to meet the emperor and get his permission to enter the demon gate? Even if I get the emperor's permission, will the Mikado family let me pass through the demon gate? And even if I do, will I be able to find Klimt through the gate?

 There's too much to think about. It's no use thinking about it.

 No matter how much I tell myself that, the anxiety never ends. Kreia pulls her gaze away from the ground scenery and turns it to the sky in front of her. Then she closed her eyes and buried her face in the back of the sky.

 As she did so, the anxiety that had been roiling in her heart disappeared as if it were a lie.

 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one.



What is it?

 After a few breaks, Kreia spoke to me, and I responded.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm not sure what to do. The sound of his voice is calm and there is no hurry in his eyes.

 He is far from fully recovered, but there is no doubt that he is on the road to recovery. To tell the truth, I was worried in my heart that it was a mistake to bring Kreia along with me, who was still in a state of weakness, but as far as I could see, it seemed to be working in the right direction, and I was secretly relieved.

 I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's a little concerned about this.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

"Oh, you mean that?

 He nodded a little, realizing the nature of Kreia's concern.

 She probably thinks that Princess Sakuya is trying to tell her father about us by riding fast or something.

 Needless to say, the former is much faster than the indigo winged beast flying in the sky and the fast horse running on the ground. If we arrive at the imperial capital before the imperial princess's messenger, the emperor who does not know the situation will not meet us. Of course we won't get permission to pass through the gate. That's what Kreia is worried about.

 I shook my head to dispel her fears.

"Don't worry. Don't worry. I'm the princess's messenger. Here's the letter of intent.

 From his pocket, he took out a tightly sealed cylinder. Inside the tube, of course, is a letter from the princess to the emperor.

 Normally, this kind of thing would be entrusted to a trusted vassal, but since there was no better means of transportation than a wyvern, Princess Sakuya decided that entrusting the letter to me would be the most efficient way.

 Incidentally, I am not going directly to the Imperial Palace with this. This tube can only be used by the royal family, and it is said to be a kind of identification, but the emperor's rank is not so light that he can go directly to the audience room with it.

 Since Princess Sakuya's mother and younger brother live in the palace, it is impossible to use them as a handhold.

 Therefore, she thought that she should first ask a nobleman who was close to her, and then ask him to deliver the letter to the emperor.

It seems that the nobleman is serving the younger prince. I've also written a letter of introduction to that nobleman.

 Kreia's eyes rolled up in surprise as he said this.

"That's very thoughtful of you. Your Highness seems to have placed a great deal of trust in Lord Sky.

"Well, I'm not so sure about that.

What do you mean?

Her Imperial Highness says I'm a man who never forgets a grudge or a favor.

 This is what she said to me the other day when we parted. This is an analysis of my character that she has made based on the information she has gathered about me and her actual contact with me.

 I'm not that vindictive and I'm not that loyal, but aside from that, the princess seems to be trying to sell me as much as she can while she can.

 I let out a sigh, "If only she would offer me some terms in exchange, I could make up for the debt by fulfilling them.

 How will I repay the great favor I received from the princess this time? This was another problem that gave me a lot of trouble.

 While I was thinking about this, the person who started the whole thing shrunk his shoulders and bowed his head.

"I'm sorry, I just relied on you, Sora-dono. ......

 I'm sure you'll be able to figure out how to get the best out of it. Perhaps Kreia would not refuse if I asked. But I couldn't bring myself to make such a s*xy request to my sister who was risking her life to save her brother.

 Let's take a cue from Princess Sakuya and ingratiate ourselves to Kreia. Since Kreia was a loyal person, she would probably take action of her own volition if she could safely find Klimt.

 With that thought in mind, I told her "Don't worry about it" in a quiet voice, and Kreia looked at me with a mixture of gratitude and apology.

 His gaze was very close.

 ...... It's not that Kreia suddenly came close to my face. She has been sitting right next to me since the beginning of the conversation.

 Specifically, we are close enough that we can feel each other's body heat through our clothes. We are almost in close contact.

 Just for the record, I did not order her to do so. Kreia is doing it of her own volition.

 And to add to that, she's been doing it all this way. When we were flying on Crow Solace, she hugged me from behind with a lot of strength.

 I don't know what Kreia's intentions are, but I don't feel uncomfortable in close contact with a beautiful girl, so I'll let her do what she wants. Maybe she's just a little nervous after everything that's happened.

 It's not as if she read my inner thoughts, but Kreia's lips, which were looking at me, suddenly relaxed.

 In conclusion, Kreia's sense of distance remained unchanged until we arrived at the Imperial Capital.