4-03 Dariel was a human

 Let me tell you my story.
 Me - Dariel, the former soldier in the dark, a bit of a story.

 I never knew my parents' faces.
 When I can remember, I was apprenticed as a soldier under Master Grumberza, the former Four Heavenly Kings of Fire.

 Granbaza-sama said that he found a baby left behind on the battlefield, took pity on it, picked it up, and fostered it.

 As it was, he was trained and joined the Demon King's army.
 Directly instructed by the Four Heavenly Kings Granbaza-sama.
 It was good to say that it was undeniably elite training, but even so, I was in despair because I couldn't learn a single magic.

 Even so, Granbaza-sama kept me on hand and left me in charge of various other tasks.
 Well, inevitably, all I had to do was chores.
 Even so, I did my best to be of service to Granbaza-sama.
 Thanks to this, I was able to assume the important role of Assistant to the Fourth Heavenly King.

 As time went on and the Four Heavenly Kings took over from Granbaza's generation to his son Bashbaza's, I continued to serve as the assistant.

 That's because Lord Grandfather had asked me to do so.
"Take care of my son, help him.
 His son didn't like me and I was fired.


 Based on the testimony of Grampaza-sama who said he picked me up on the battlefield, my birth is not known.

 Are you born of demon parents?
 Am I born of human race parents?

 I've grown up among the demon race, so I've always taken it for granted that I'm the demon race....
 Was I actually different?

 There is little difference between the demon race and the human race in terms of appearance.

 If you can use magic, you are a demon, and if you can register with the guild, you are a human.

 I was despised among the demons for not being able to use magic, so I came to the human village and was able to register with the guild.

 In other words, I am........
 Do you mean I've always misunderstood what race I am?


 I'm in shock and confusion.

 I arrived in this village as a human.
 More importantly, I'm an adventurer.

I'm going to teach you how to be an adventurer.

 And now, I was getting a lecture on adventurers from Marika's father.
 Outside, how it's like, 'I'm about to go on a rampage.

'Please be careful! Your father was an adventurer when he was young.

 Marika, who was watching beside me, said with ease.

 I can understand.
 This father has a woozy look on his face as he remembers the time when he was at his most violent in a long time.

 I'm getting tired of keeping up with him........

''The basic ki of an adventurer! What matters is how you handle your weapons!

 I know.
 No, not as an adventurer, but as an enemy tormented by those adventurers.

 When I was still in the Demon King's army, the humans with their powerful armor were a pain to deal with.

 The human race is a weak creature that cannot use magic.

 That's the perception from the demon tribe, but the human tribe with weapons is not frail in the least.

 Humans who pick up a weapon are able to fight evenly with demons who use magic.
 This is also due to the benefits of the guild system that the human race has built up.

''Swords, bows and arrows, hammers and shields. Weapons come in many forms.

 In front of me, there were a number of weapons lined up in front of me.
 They all seemed to be village equipment and were suitably cheap and old.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for," he said, "and if you're a member of the guild, you're given the protection of the human race and the blessing of the fighting gods. They can control the aura of life force and wear it as a weapon in battle.

 Armor clad in aura can go head-to-head with the magic released by the demon race.
 It is up to each individual to decide who will win.
 Tens of thousands of humans and demons have fought, won and lost according to these rules.

''Dariel-kun, just take any one of them with you at random.
Yes, sir.

 After being told that, I, for the time being, take the sword that was closest to me.


 It was old, but the weight of the metal was slick.

 It was strange that the sword that had once been thrust at him by his enemies and meant nothing more than a threat was now in his hands.

 Demons don't have weapons.
 If they wanted to kill their enemies, they had attack magic.
 The demon race rather looked down on the human race, saying that they can't even fight without relying on weapons.

''Try to breathe and be aware of your aura.

 I did as I was told.
 I close my eyes, breathe, and imagine the feel of the air covering my skin.


 I feel it.
 A light, airy thing that sizzles on the surface of my body.

 The basic training I once did in the Demon King's Army to control my magic power.
 Imagery training to become aware of the invisible magic power.
 It was the first step in training to use magic, but I failed because I couldn't feel a bit of magic power.
 But I remembered the feeling I had at that time and was able to grasp the aura instantly.

''Great...! You were able to control your aura almost instantly.
I don't know...! It wasn't a wasted effort, so, you know...!

 That's something to get off your chest.

Next, I'm going to transfer the aura that covers your body into a weapon. Since it's the first time, we'll do it slowly and carefully...!

 An aura could be seen residing in the sword.
 With this, you'll be able to counteract the demon race's attack magic and destroy magical wards.

You're the only one who can do it. Are you a genius, by any chance?
No, no,

 I'm an incompetent fall guy.
 That's what I was always told in the Demon King's Army.

''Well, well then, let's take the next step. The nature of the aura has its advantages and disadvantages.''

 That's a new one.
 Is this a more intimate conversation that the enemy can't see?

The aura can only be used as a means of attack when it is wrapped around a weapon. It's not just a matter of what kind of weapon you're compatible with, it's also different for each person. The Guild divides the properties of these auras into four main categories.

 Then Malika's father recites his four aura qualities.


Everyone has their own aura-nature. Now, Dariel, let's see which one you're good at.
I understand.
'I've just got a sword and I'll start with the slash characteristic. Try to slash away the log I've prepared here.

 There really was a log at the ready.

'Slash is an aura property that specializes in slashing. It is the most basic and adaptable. A weapon that goes well with it is the sword. It's the one you have with you right now.

 But I've never held a sword in my life, and I've never had the confidence to cut such a massive log into rounds....

There's no need to cut it open. It's not necessary to cut through it to see how deeply the blade is cut into the ground to test your aura aptitude. That old raggedy sword, if you can dig in halfway, you can say it's good enough.


 The log was slashed beautifully.
 The top and bottom halves split neatly apart, the top one falling to the ground according to gravity.
 With a thud.

"........... ..........?

 Dad widened his eyelids as if his eyeballs were about to pop out and stared at the cross section of the log.

'.........well, well. If you were able to cut this much, then Dariel-kun's aura aptitude is slash.
'Wow. If you can slice through half of it, you'll pass, right?

 Even Marika, who was observing by the side, was surprised.

''That's right...! Dariel, you are awesome! Now let's look at the next characteristic.

 I thought my specialty was confirmed by slash (slash)?

If it turns out to be a hit, do I have to continue...?
There is no single aura trait that is clearly defined as a strength. It's usually distributed among the ones you're best at, the ones you're a little good at, the ones you're not so good at, and the ones you're not at all good at.
"Ho ho!
There were poor dexterity people who were not good at it, but not good at it either. You should try the whole thing out to see if that's the case.

 We'll just do what they tell us to do.

Now the sting. Next is stinging. The only weapon that goes with it is the bow and arrow.

 The adventurer's course will continue.