87-86 Both men leave

 After the battle, I returned to the village of Lax.

 Greeted by my beloved wife and son, I knew that I had returned.

 The village of Laxx must help rebuild the Mithril mine, which had burned down all of its surface facilities.

 There was a lot of work to be done, and it was expected that they would be even busier in the future.

"And now....

 I had to deal with one of the problems first.
 It was a rather private matter.

 The depressed Lady Granberza has not regained her spirits.

 After all, the source of this disturbance is his own son, Bashbarza.
 He did everything in his power for hubris and ill-advisedness, and in the end died in a manner that was close to self-destruction.

 Not only did he mourn the loss of his only son, but he was also saddened by the fact that his only son had grown up to be a helpless fool.
 I guess he blames himself for his poor upbringing.

 For the time being, I'm taking him home from the Mithril Mine and letting him rest in the guest room.
 I felt it was not safe to send him back to the demon tribe's territory like this.

''I'd like to somehow encourage Lady Granberza here and get her to recover to some extent.
Is that what it is?
So, Mr. Alanziel, do you have any ideas?
You're asking me?

 Mr. Arantzill, the former hero.
 I'm baffled by what I have to say.

Because of all the people in the room, it's either me or you who've known her for a long time.
'We've known each other as enemies, if not for a long time! "I'll kill you next time I see you!" We both knew that!
But you must have sensed something about it, too! Bring that feeling back to me now!
Impossible, impossible, impossible! Dariel, isn't that what you are supposed to be doing? That's what you've been doing for over a decade as his second in command, isn't it? And you're here with your whole heart.
I'm only a subordinate after all! 'You don't know how to worry about the Lord!'
That guy's gonna say it.
You bet! So, as a competitor and an equal, I'd love to have your help!

 From the sidelines, it had become nothing more than a difficult mission to push each other around.
 The expressions on the sidelines of the people watching from the sidelines that said, 'These guys are after all blood parents and children' were painful.

 Anyway, leaving the dejected Granbaza-sama in this state is too heartbreaking, so I want to do something about it, but I can't come up with a strange plan for it.

 After all, it's too delicate a problem.

 When both Arantzill-san and I were pondering what to do, Granbaza-sama came out of the room.

''What's the matter with you two? Looking at humans like they're ghosts?

 Although it was a joking manner of speaking, Granbaza-sama's expression was still dark.
 He was probably ruminating over his remorse and regret in his heart alone.

It's a good thing that living beings are solid, because even when their hearts are depressed, they seem to get hungry and thirsty. I thought I'd get you a glass of water.
'Yes, yes, yes! Here you go!

 I hurriedly offer him a glass of water.
 I sip it slowly, mouthing it and sipping a little at a time.
 Even when I took my mouth off the glass, the water inside hadn't diminished by half.

''........Dariel, don't overlook me.
Yes, yes...?
I know it's a terrible thing that happened. It negates everything I've ever done in my life. But that won't be the end of me.

 Lady Granberza was still weak, but she still exuded an unbreakable core strength.

''In order to make up for the hole my stupid son made, I have to whip this old bone. First of all, I must report the details of the incident to the Demon King and apologize, and if allowed, select a new Four Heavenly King to replace the foolish son. After that, I'll do my best to rebuild the Demon King's army that the foolish son has ruined...!

 Even if it was just that he was too busy trying to forget the pain of the wounds in his heart, if it was the only way to heal Lady Granberza, that was fine too.
 After all, this man was made to retire and still have to keep running.

'So that's why, Dariel. I think it's time for me to take some time off.

 Already? Maybe you should wait until you're a little calmer...?

'I was actually going to leave earlier, but I found myself staying too long. It's too cozy here.
Quite so....

 It was Mr. Alanziel who joined the conversation.

It is as if all the fighting spirit and hatred that has dominated my life for decades is wilting away," he said. We used to kill each other, but now we're getting used to each other.
Truly, I never thought I'd be so at ease with you...!

 The two former rivals grasped each other's hands, thickened by successive battles.

"We're retired, let's build a new relationship.
As her grandfather...

 Perhaps sensing the mood, Marika comes over and picks up her son Gran.
 Gran was taking a nap, but let's get him to be bracing for his grandparents here.

 The baby crossed into the arms of the two heroes and went back to his mother.

'Dariel, I think it's time for me to excuse myself,'

 I'm shocked by Alanziel's abrupt statement.

It's a good thing I'm not the only one. Mr. Alanziel doesn't have anything better to do...?
Haha, he's a retired man of leisure. But I just thought I'd stop by and say hello. To see how the new man I've entrusted with your job has grown.

 How could he have foreseen what would happen there that would turn his entire life upside down?

'The curse flames of Granbaza have not yet completely left this body. The healer finally gave me permission to go out for a few days, but the due date has long since passed.
And I've got a lot of things I need to get done in the middle. Radey.
Ha, yes.

 An active brave man in awe when called upon.

''If you want to continue your training here, I'll persuade the Center Guild to let you go. You can go train to your heart's content. Under Dariel, you'll be the strongest brave man in the world.
''Yes, for sure!

 ........This meeting must have a tremendous meaning for me as well.

 My own father.

 What I thought was impossible to find was actually there.
 And he was the strongest and bravest man in the world.

 I still don't realize that fact, and I don't know how to treat a father figure.
 I'm an independent adult, and I'm old enough to not need my parents' protection.

 I didn't know what to do, but I hugged this man firmly, who said he was leaving for now.
 And then with GranBaza-sama.

I'm sure I'll come back to visit you soon. I'll be back to visit you soon.
Then I'll go get my grandson a pile of goodies.

 They left, leaving behind something that made me feel like I'd be back tomorrow.

 The two of them are nowhere near as grand as they are in history.
 They are too big to be feared in a country village anywhere, but I sincerely hope that they will come back to visit us again.

''Oh, I feel lighter now that the heaviness has returned!
There's still a sense of pressure, a sense of urgency.

 And after Nioh went home, Zebiantes and Radie looked truly liberated.

 I wish these guys would go home soon too.