141-140 False Demons, Seen Through (Brave side)

 The battle begins.
 As planned, a barrage of cover is released from the Four Heavenly Kings Zebiantes.

"Don't let them both get hit, don't let them both get hit...?
Are you that nervous?

 However, such protection is firmly effective, and the enemy side is slow to move, perhaps because they are wary of the danger of being hit by a wind bullet.

 I'm not going to be the only one who can do that.

''If I get this close...!''

 Gacita immediately nodded the arrow to the bow, pulled it down and released it.
 A fast but not in the least bit clutter-free movement.
 It's a good idea to have a good time.

 Two arrows are released from the bow in one shot.


 The two arrows each pierced the legs of a different opponent.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what to expect.

 It was a precision that even the brave Radie was tongue-tied.

It's not even necessary to bother with your sister! You guys tried to mess with my hometown. You're not going to be able to get away with it for the rest of your life, right?

 While threatening, Gasita had already prepared the next arrow.
 Two more.

 I'm not going to be able to get the best out of it.

 It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 The next one will also pierce the enemy's legs as a matter of course.

 It seemed so, but the enemy is not a wooden stone.
 They are not wooden stones.

 However, that response was what everyone expected.


 Such a shout came from the group of deadly men.
 At the same time, a whirlwind arose in front of the men, and even the arrows were blown and deflected off course.


 As a result, the arrows only snatched and flew past the target.
 The wind threw them off course.

"What the hell was that...? As if, as if...?

 Controlling the four elephants of earth, water, fire, and wind through magic power was truly a magical realm.

''They used magic to control the wind...? In other words, those guys...?

 A cold sweat breaks out on Radie and Gacita.
 The fact that a single phenomenon conveyed a fact made their imagination take a leap.

''You're saying that the Demon King's army is attacking us? How could it be in this country village?
''Don't tell me they found out that I'm in this village? ........Other than that, what other reason would the Demon King's army have for attacking us...?

 Both Gacita and Radie shuddered at the shadow of the Demon King's army flickering in the background.
 That unrest gave them an opening.
 For a change, the thugs' counterattack began.


 The enemy used another attack using natural objects.

 The enemy sets the torch on fire and sends fireballs flying with a shout as they hold it up.
 The vicious fireballs were flying as if they were parted from the flames of the torch.


 Gashita dodges the fireball in a hurry.

 However, the water blade flies in to further open the gap.
 One of the thugs sprays water from a water bottle. The water flies like a cutter.

These people.........are they still using magic.......?

 Even Radie is struck by the emptiness of his thoughts and can't think straight.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about this.

"...there's nothing left to think about, we can't let the enemy advance any further now...?

 That's where I was trying to switch quickly with the mental strength of a successful battle.

''It's utterly pathetic.

 The enemy was blown away by the tornado that suddenly descended.
 The one who landed lightly after that was the Four Heavenly Kings Zeviantes.

It's not a good idea for me to be the one to provide backup fire. If I go to the front lines, all is well that ends well.

 Most of the enemies were blown away by the gust of wind and turned their eyes around.

''Zebi-chan! These people are, um.........?''

''They're the same demon race as you.
 The words "I don't know," were suppressed just as they came out to his throat.
 You can't say anything.

''These people aren't the demon race.

 The answer to the hard-to-hear question came out on its own.

But these people are using magic...?
This isn't magic! You may be able to fool a novice, but you can't fool the eyes of one of the Four Heavenly Kings, one of the top four mages, this Zebiantes!
''It's impossible for the Four Heavenly Kings to be wandering around here...''

 An expert tells us.

'It's all about transforming magic into one of the earth-water-fire-wind hieroglyphics! These guys are completely different!
''Speaking of which...?''

 The 'magic-like thing' that the enemy just showed me was only one that made use of natural objects that already existed.
 It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on a new one.
 In the case of wind, the air is probably everywhere.

"We didn't create fire, water, or wind by magic.... I put power into the original fire, water and air........? .............aura!

 The reason why Radey immediately reached that conclusion was because he had seen Dariel's technique of infusing air with aura in the past.
 Otherwise, he wouldn't have come up with the idea so easily.

''Putting an aura into a natural object and making it act like magic! As if!
But, of course, such a method doesn't add anything to it. The power is much less than real magic...
''As for the use of aura, it's much stronger to be able to put it into a normal weapon...?

 The reason the two of them were able to argue at leisure like this was because they were able to determine that the game was already won.
 The wicked bandit had already been blown away by the Zebiantes' tornado and had been carefully pierced through the legs by Gacita's arrows.
 With this, there was not a single fear of standing and fleeing, much less fighting back.

''Then what's the point of them adopting this pointless method of warfare...''
There's nothing else to do but pretend to be a demon.
''You were going to attack Lax village and blame the demon tribe for the crime, weren't you? How vile........?

 Still, the question remains as to why the culprit didn't make it look like the work of the demon race.
 It was a good idea to ask the people in charge from now on.
 I'm ready to question them.

 It seemed so, but........


 A distant sound came to the ears of Radie and the others, who thought they had finished the battle.
 A sound as if the metal was being struck repeatedly.

'The sound of bells...?'
The alarm bell. It's a bell that rings in case of a village emergency!

 The first person who noticed was also the village's newest recruit, Gacita.

"At a time like this, an emergency..., no way!
They weren't the only enemies we had!

 You can find a lot of people who have been in the same boat as you.
 There is no guarantee that this is the end.

 If this is the starting point, they may be attacking the village from various directions.

'Sis! Let's hurry up and get back to the village!
Well...! It was right to leave Sesha-san and Satome behind........!

 There were still enough adventurers in the village and the defensive posture should have been established.
 Just when it seemed that Radey and the others would soon return to help.....

 The war situation that should have been over was not yet over.

 The enemy, which should have been blown away by the tornado, began to rise.

''Oh no!''
''They're still getting up! I've hurt you enough!

 You will be able to see that you can't even move with the arrows that pierced your leg.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find a great deal more to say.

I'm not going to be able to do that. Just so you know, I'm stabbing you to make a full recovery! If you move forcibly, that's the only way you'll be able to recover!

 Although Gacita struggled to stop him, his opponent didn't seem to have the slightest idea what he was doing.
 The red eyes are still bleeding and the motionless body is moving with madness.

"No....? What are these people...?

 The obvious abnormality overwhelms even Radie.

'Kill...! Baby and mother...!

 A voice spilled from his mouth along with bubbles.

'At any rate...! Baby and mother.........! To drag a brave man into hatred.........!!!! Wife and child...! I will kill them...!

 Radey's expression froze at that rhetorical question.

"No way, that's...?

 The people I'm pointing at are Marika and Gran.
 The target of these thugs is Dariel's family.