181-180 Mother revives (Brave side)

 The Demon King's Castle.
 There was a person standing on the throne on the top floor of the castle.

 The Demon King.

 The apex being who rules over all the demonkind.

 Currently, there is only one Lord among the Demon King and his close associates are kept away from him.
 In the silence of just one person, the Demon King held out his hand.

 As soon as he opened his clenched fist, he waved his wrist.
 As if swept away by his momentum, a vetri and a red thing shot out from inside his hand.

 The red stuck to the marble floor as a vetch, paused for a moment, but then quickly moved.

 Naturally, it undulated.

 The red slop rose up, regulating and reconstituting the various impurities contained within it....
 Bones, organs, and flesh were regenerated and reconfigured as they were originally.
 After everything was recreated, what appeared was a pure white child. It was Ida, the strongest of the four Heavenly Kings in history, "Heaven and Earth".

 As soon as the rebirth was complete, Ida knelt down.
 She kneeled down as soon as her rebirth was complete, and then she turned to her principal demon king.

''We can't overlook that one, can we?

 The Demon King said.
 His voice was as thick as usual, but strangely prolonged.

'I ordered you to find your escaped pet, didn't I? I don't remember authorizing a fight without permission, do you?
I'm sorry.

 As if kneeling wasn't enough, Ida got down and rubbed her forehead against the floor.
 An attitude of absolute obedience, with no pride or anything else.

'I'm going to select you for Valhalla without permission. What kind of selfishness do you want to kill the children of this world and welcome them to Valhalla? You don't get to decide who gets to join Valhalla, do you? It's the best of the best, right?
'As you wish, sir! This 'Heaven and Earth' ida, you were an unworthy fool!

 Ida, overly humble and remorseful.

''It's outrageous that you've increased and violated the Demon King's authority and acted as if it were your own power! My Demon Lord, I beg you to punish me severely! I can't go back to Valhalla with such an unholy body!
I don't care about that.

 Ida, who was very self-condemning, said to the demon king, "The Valhalla is my precious treasure box, but the collections are always killing each other inside, so I have to have my brain intact.

The Valhalla is my treasure box, but since the collections are always killing each other inside it, I can't help but become a brainiac. When you were alive, you were a calm and collected child, so why do you have such a belief in machismo?
I'm sorry!
'By the way, your expectations are not included in the criteria for admission to Valhalla. It's all about what you've accomplished in your lifetime.

 The demon king says.

I'm sure that Radie is very active and has a good chance of joining Valhalla in the future. I'm not sure I'm ready for that. I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about it.
''You almost ruined the brilliance the Demon King has been expecting...? I can't bear the weight of my own immorality! Please just wipe me out of existence...!
I don't want you to do that.

 The Demon King didn't seem to care about anything.

''There are more fundamental issues, aren't there? What was your reason for calling you out of Valhalla?
The capture of the Doris Megian and several other walkers who have escaped from hell.

 The most recent event where the Demon King opened the lid of hell.
 Bashbarza, the Four Heavenly Kings 'Ayan Fire', displeased the Demon King out of arrogance, self-righteousness, and outbursts, and because of that, he was sent to hell.
 It was at that moment that Inferno escaped from hell.

''It looks like they've been planning for that moment all along. They spent a lot of time planning and recruiting people to help them, and even though they didn't have a body, they prepared a dependency to operate in this world and escaped.
It's a Drismegian-like, unexpected and barbaric act.

 This means that if Bashbarza hadn't gone to hell, the inferno disaster wouldn't have happened.
 It was annoying.

I love you, Drismegian, because you're always welcome to surprise me. I know you hate me a lot," he said. You hate me a lot, but you shouldn't spread that hatred around to the children of this world.

 That's why I called Ida from Valhalla as a pursuer.

'Anybody could have done it, though. Ida, you have been a good friend of Drismegian's since you were alive. I thought you'd be a good fit for the role of Tahoe.
"Though you have lived in Hell and Valhalla, you are still my friend and ally, and I will not rest until I have brought you into the presence of the Witch King. I will bring him to the Demon King and have him swear my loyalty this time.
That's what this is all about.

 I was about to crush the promising current heroes by getting into the fight with the same groove I had in Valhalla.
 Those who are already on the other side of the shore will torment those on this side. That would be no different than what the Drismegian-led Inferno was doing.

Sorry to repeat...?
Well, the world is a different place now than it was when you were alive. You can't expect to get into trouble if you don't follow the values you had then.

 Moreover, the place where Inferno is hiding now is a human territory far away from the demon king.
 Even if Ida, a demon race, stepped in, it was an obstruction. In fact, it was the fight with Radie that caused the trouble.

"Drismegian-kun... or is it Inferno-kun? I don't really care what it is, but you're really good at hide-and-seek. If we could just locate them, we could play a crane game like I just did with you.
No. You will continue to leave it to me to bring them back to Dorismegian and the others. I will not make another mistake. Please give me the opportunity to clear my name.
Even so, it's still tough to be in a human territory with no knowledge of the land, isn't it? That's why I've decided to get you a helper.

 Before I knew it, I was standing alone next to the Demon King's throne.

 It was a woman.

 She was beautiful in her strange age, and her skin tone was glossy and supple, reminiscent of a bow.
 One could tell at a glance that she had the beauty of a woman and the strength of a warrior.

 And her skin color was eerily white, just like Ida's.

''I don't know? Well, Valhalla is a big deal now, so it's no wonder we don't know each other.
So she's from Valhalla, too?
'He's a shiny new guy. He's also the most recent to join Valhalla, so there's no generation gap. Plus, he's from a human background, so he'll help you avoid trouble in human territory.

 Ida, however, was not happy with the instructions.
 Because being assigned a helper is like being told he can't accomplish the mission alone, and it can be perceived as a lack of trust.

 It hurts his pride.

''...Yes sir.''

 But since the decision maker is the Demon King, he must be obeyed.
 You are not allowed to have an opinion.

''I will work with her and this time I will bring the Drismegian out before the Demon King to see it.
Hang in there.

 The Demon King's tone was still languid, and he wasn't sure if he was truly expecting Ida and the others to do so.
 It was doubtful that he felt any urgency in capturing the inferno in the first place, or that he didn't really care how much damage the inferno caused to this world.

 Ida, turns to face the female warrior who has been brought in as a partner.

"My lady, as we are about to embark on a mission, it is my pleasure to have you with us. ........and what is your name?
''Estelica. I'm honored to be working with Ida-sama of Heaven and Earth, a brilliant figure in the history of human and demon warfare. Henceforth, please get acquainted.

 Hearing the name, Ida was more and more confused.
 To be called to Valhalla, one must have demonstrated a reasonable level of competence in the battle between humans and demons.
 That's why there are usually legends and anecdotes left behind.
 However, Ida's mind is completely devoid of any heroic stories connected with the name "Estelica".

''No wonder you're confused.

 The female warrior who called herself Estelica gave a self-mocking laugh.

It's as if the warmth of the God of War brought me into Valhalla. I'm just a figment of the imagination that is not worthy of standing alongside the rest of you.
Not so fast, Estelica, you're a fine young woman, aren't you?

 The Demon King adds.

'She's the girl who fought the most amazing battle a man could do. I allowed her to enter Valhalla with that achievement.
Great battle?
To protect my children and fight for my life.

 The Battle of the Mother.

'I died in that battle and my soul was welcomed into Valhalla. Every mother deserves to do it. I dread that I alone should be praised for it.
'That's true, but Estelica-chan was a brave woman to begin with. Besides, what she left behind in her death was worth it.

 What she bequeathed to future generations in exchange for her life.

 It has grown and is now about to turn into the center of the world under the influence of various fierce men and women.

'It's a good opportunity, you can go and see your son while you're on your mission. Unlike Ida-kun, it would be a side trip that wouldn't bother the others.
Outrageous. I am now an apostle of the fighting gods. I will put the mission I have been given above all else.

 Estelica is a woman who was a brave woman in the past, a mere half a century in the past than in the present.
 She retired from being a hero after being defeated by a young flame wizard, and shortly afterwards she married and had a baby boy.

 Her husband followed in her footsteps and became the greatest hero of all time, Arantzill....
 The son, after many twists and turns, became stronger than even his father.

 The person at the root of it all.
 The female hero, Estelica.