208-207 Lady, counterattack (Brave & Shitenno side)

 No one was now able to stand firmly on two legs.
 Everyone was on the ground or on one knee as best as they could manage to support themselves.

 A dragon man looked down on such a messy situation from the sky.
 It was no longer the style of a transcendent.

''This reminds me of Na........''

 'Sernya,' he says to himself.

'Before I went to hell, wo.... Even when I was alive, I fought with you like this.
"I remember my warriors, too. "It was one of the few good times in my life.

 The reply came from within himself.
 The voice of Windora, the wind monster beast inside Cernya.

'You were betrayed by everything, you didn't care about anything, and you wanted to destroy everything once and for all. And you're the one who helped me with that, Datta.
''You fused them together in the same way as now and destroyed the Four Heavenly Kings and the Demon King's army of that time. ''You and I can do that easily.
Last time, Gana was crushed by the Demon King. But this time it's different. I'm going to end it.
"To beat him?
'This is what it's all about, Da. While we are here nailing down those who are in the way, the Lord will make all the preparations. Prepare to defeat the demon king.
"I don't think we'll be able to beat him no matter how much preparation we do. Well, all right. You're trying to buy time with straw, that's quite extravagant.

 However, below, the raiders who were kicked away without needing to buy time are lying below.
 Indeed, the wind dragon was right, the power of the demonic beasts was too grand to be used just to stall for time.

 Instead of stalling out the time, it was over in an instant.

 Even so, there was one person who was still trying to stand up.
 It was Radie.

 He thrust his sword into the ground, using it as a stick, and stood up, using it as support.

"Will you never stop fighting, my friend?
Windora speaks in such a manner, Tohana. You must have been living in human territory for a long time.

 Sernya flicked her fingers again.
 With that alone, Radey was blown away again. A compressed air bullet hit his body.

''Keep falling down, Ilo. If you don't move, you'll be dead for good.

 Cernya's goal is to buy time to support Drismegian's actions.
 It's not about defeating the enemy.

"That's a very gentle thing for you to say. It's a good thing that you're not the kind of person who would kill anyone who stood in front of you while you were alive.
Dana, when my heart was filled with anger and despair. Time goes by, my heart changes. The vengeance of that time was washed away by the flames of hell. And on top of that....

 Cernya, looking down at Radey.

'It's a strange thing, Da. Now that I'm merging with you again, I feel amazingly calm. Is it from you, Dana?
"Maybe. "I have lived in seclusion for nearly 100 years.

 But still, the strugglers have not lost their coolness.
 As Radey tries to stand up again, this time, he sprays two air bullets at her.

''Agh! Agh!
That's why I said don't move, Noni...

 Except for Radie, there is no sign of a twitch.
 The fact that she is the only one who tries to stand up is not due to the difference in the amount of damage, but to pure willpower.

 The pep talk in your mind drives your injured body.

"You have tried to fight us to that point, Hana. Why? Why do you want to go to such lengths to antagonize us?

 Perhaps it was the effect of the fusion, but Cernya speaks to the child as if to tell her off.
 He comes all the way down to her face.

You have already heard the story. We have to defeat the demon king. It's the same as a brave man's goal. I'm not sure why you guys are so eager to do this.

 He didn't answer because the damage had taken its toll on him and he didn't have the strength to move his mouth.

"If you stand idly by, your purpose will be accomplished by our hand. You will no longer fight, you will no longer bear wounds that you do not need.
Don't be silly, please.

 Still, I answer.
 Gather your energy.

'Don't tell me that you've tricked Altamir and Mr. Zester into attacking the village of Rax and killing so many people who were imprisoned in the jail that you can now join hands with them! You are clearly guilty of this!
So we're going to fight?
'The mission of the brave men is not only to defeat the Demon King, but also to protect people from violence without reason. I will also fight to protect people from violence without reason! I'll fight you for it!
How noble of you.

 Air bullets are released again.
 The wobbly Radey couldn't even avoid it and was blown away.

But you don't see the big picture. "But you don't see the big picture. The only way to defeat him is through ordinary means. There is no way to defeat him without using extraordinary methods.
Are you willing to sacrifice people who don't belong to it?
"Fulfilling our ambitions, mule, may require sacrifice, Al.
'I will not accept...!'

 No matter how many times he was blown up, no matter how many times he fell down, he got back up again.

'No matter what kind of person you are...! Poor, weak, uninformed...! They have their own unique life. There is no alternative. To trample on that is evil for any reason!

 Radey was sure of it.
 If he had stayed, Dariel would have said the same thing.

'You will pay for your crimes! A person who thinks he's so ambitious that he tramples the flowers under his feet doesn't have the qualifications to defeat the Demon King! I will defeat you! And I will defeat the Demon King! No problem with that!
Don't be arrogant, little girl.

 A tremendous air rubbing sound sounds in Cernya's palm.
 Compressed air bullets are compressed even more. So that it is deadly and powerful.

 If this one hits, this time Radhi's life will be gone. But before that deadly bullet is released.


 It moved from another direction.

 A wave of earth and stone of tremendous weight struck Cernya.

'Ida, ka...!
'It's still the earth that boasts the heaviest of the four attributes! This mass, this volume! Can you easily blow it away with the wind?!

 Ida has switched from the ultimate magic technique, spatial distortion, to basic earth and stone manipulation.
 It's not just the fact that he is the best mage in the world, but his power is tremendous when he returns to the basics.

It's interesting to see how the apostle of Valhalla no longer cares about what he looks like. It's interesting.

 But with this timing, Cernya is sufficiently avoidable.
 It seemed to be.........

''Let him go!

 Zester boldly chases after it, swinging his hammer down and attacking Cernya.
 In response, he can't move from that spot.

''We'll help you!

 Droyer, who also has the same earth attribute, releases a mudslide from another direction and tries to bury Cernya alive.
 The Zesters jumped away at the perfect time, and Cernya was swallowed up by the earth and rocks that caught her from both sides.

''Don't let your guard down! Fill it with all the magic in the world! They'll be crawling out of there in a heartbeat if you're half-hearted!

 Ida and Droyer.
 Even if it took two of the highest class earth wizards to hit them, they only temporarily blocked their movements.
 Soon, Cernya would use the power of the demonic beasts to blow away the soil and come back to the ground.

''I'm warning you guys.

 Ida called out to everyone present.

'Whoever wants to run, run. This is your last chance! In a few minutes, he will crawl out of the ground and the battle will resume. When that happens, I will fight it with all the strength of an apostle of Valhalla. I will not delay again.

 That means that a mythical battle of mythical proportions is about to begin in which the stranger cannot intervene.
 There is no way for Radie, Droyer and the others to get out.

I will fight.

 It was Radie who answered without pause.

'We are the ones living in the world today. Why shouldn't we be the first to fight?
''I buy your enthusiasm...?

 But from the surrounding area, the others also gathered around, dragging their injured bodies.
 No one was willing to give up the fight.

''All of them are going to be welcomed by Valhalla........''

 However, even if the intrepid ones unite their minds, a miracle move will not immediately come to mind in this predicament.

 Is there any way to make the attack reach Cernya, who has fused with demonic beasts and is constantly protected by the turbulent currents like a great storm?
 In a sense, it was more impregnable than Ida, which was hardened by spatial distortion.

 The way to shower such an opponent with a single sword........

''There is......a way.

 Zeviantes, who was blown away by an air bullet, dragged his body back.
 It's only one hit, but it's bearable enough because it's not as sturdy or as gutsy as Radie.

''Zevi-chan, are you okay! I'm bleeding........!
It has always been the power of friendship to overcome difficulties. Now it's time to bring our minds together again...!