221-220 Scrutinize Inferno's purpose (Brave side)

 When Dariel and Bashvaza leave the battlefield, Aranzir and Granvaza naturally remain behind to take over the scene.

 It's called Inferno.
I'm not sure what the name of the game means.

''Me and Glamberza will act as the vanguard! The rest of you don't stick out! You will be burned to death in an instant!

 Although he had already retired, he was forced to take the brunt of the situation here, and gave a stern warning to the local adventurers that his son Dariel had left behind.

"All adventurers with the ability to guard, always come forward and surround him! Contain it well so that the flames do not spread unintentionally! Stay alert!

 The precise instructions were, as expected of a great brave man of legend, swift and thoughtful in equal measure.

 The hostile inferno inexplicably does not move as it watches.
 Is it a sign of composure?

'We know that you are now a powerful enemy. Even if it's inevitable that you and I will hit each other.......

 Glamberza says with tension.
 A former hero.
 It was once an unthinkable sight to see two people who have always fought each other as enemies facing the same direction on the battlefield.

I don't think they would have let Gacita go to the other side. His ability is outstanding even in this village. It hurts to lose your precious backup fire, doesn't it?
Don't be so shameless, Grandfather. Weep for the name of the Four Heavenly Kings.

 Aranzir, in his old age, was still bitter and demanding.

He said, "If it was his request, why shouldn't we old people do it? He is not the kind of young man who does things on the spur of the moment. We must trust him.
Shouldn't you be the one to go over there? I know it's your own son.

 Bashbarza, who was suddenly resurrected, was Granbarza's own son.

 Father and son served as the Four Heavenly Kings in the Demon King's Army for two generations, and his father retired while being honored as the strongest of all time. His son, on the contrary, was exposed for his incompetence and died a shameful death in battle.

 Although they were a father and son, they followed completely opposite paths.

 The failure to guide his son properly was the greatest bitterness of Grand Barza's life.

'I've come to realize. I couldn't save my son with me.

 Glamberza says with the look of an enlightened old man.

If I could ask, it would be Dariel. I am sure that he will send out a son who is lost and can not be taken up to heaven. This is a man with a talent we do not have.
Yeah, he fought a lot of battles, and that's something we never had.

 Granberza was originally a genuine professional fighter.
 His sense of mission prevailed over the compassion of his flesh and blood.

 This essence influenced him, and may have been the difference between Dariel, who was raised like his own child but was also his half-subordinate, and Bashbarza, who was unable to define his treatment as his own son until the end.

 Heaven did not allow perfection, even for a great man who could be remembered in history.

 Grambarza had no choice but to ask Dariel, whom he had nurtured with great care, for help with his imperfections.

'Besides, if I were to go over there too, I'd have to leave that bastard in charge of you alone. I'm too worried, as expected.
You want me to take him down and take all the credit for it by myself?

 Flames in Granberza's hands, Aranzir holds aside his prey's stick staff.

 Two people who were undoubtedly the pinnacle of an era.
 They had no one else to fight with all their might but each other.

 It was common knowledge to everyone that there was no way on earth that those two would be able to stand hand in hand against each other, but today's opponent was the only one that would convince them.

 A long time ago, the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King's Army, Doris Megian.
 Now he calls himself the Inferno, the very embodiment of 'hell'.

''........Is the meeting over?
'After all, you've been waiting for us to be ready. That's very kind of you.

 The red cape that had been standing on a stick.
 Is that a sign of leeway?

''You went out of your way to use your son to divide us, yet you are an inconsistent man. Was the Demon King's army in the past so lukewarm that he could stand at the top with that level of judgment?''
''The Four Heavenly Kings, who get the most glorious name of all time, have different things to say. ........Granbaza, Alanziel. It's not every day that so many extremists step together in both human and demon camps. No, I'd say none.

 That was why the two sides' abilities were on par with each other and were not settled, and they remained at the top for thirty years.
 No matter what kind of elites they were, no matter what kind of elites they were, it was impossible for a single person to reign at the top for such a long period of time, not even the bravest of heroes or the Four Heavenly Kings.

''And at the same time as your enemies. If you are dead too, your soul will surely be scooped up by Valhalla. To me, such a strong soul is a treat.
What do you mean...?
'That's exactly what I meant. It's a pity that both of you have grown old and your temper has faded and you have lost your hatred. You are both very much missed ingredients, as are Dariel.
So that's why you're here.

 The same demon race, the same four heavenly kings, and even the same attributes that they excel at, Glamberza was able to read the opponent's thoughts.

''The forbidden area you stepped into during your life. The forbidden curse method that converts a person's soul into magical power. Your ultimate goal is to use it to challenge the Demon Lord, right?
"...I don't know. But let's just say that's impressive. You have grasped the essence of the secrets I have practiced and deduced their purpose.

 In fact, the reason why Inferno, which advocates the overthrow of the Demon King, doesn't immediately execute it has a lot to do with its ability to 'convert a person's soul into magical power'.

 He is preparing for it.
 No matter how much one has mastered the art of opposing a powerful demon king, there is no way they can compete with an individual's level of battle power.

 Therefore, prior to the confrontation, Inferno planned to accumulate enough power to compete with the Demon King.

 He would take the souls of the living from all over the world and turn them into his own power.
 However, when the opponent is the Demon King, a half-hearted amount of souls will not be enough.
 If it wasn't enough, the Demon King could not be defeated.
 The quality as well as the quantity had to be carefully selected.

''I see........so Dariel.......?

 Aranzir understood the story, and the more he understood, the more beastly glint in his eyes.

''Don't be silly, you scum........! You're going to use my son as your nourishment...?
That's a nice look. I wish your son could be as susceptible to hatred as you are.

 Inferno gave a thin hint of mockery........

''That's right. Dariel is the finest soul power I've ever seen. I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make the most out of it. That's why I seek him out.

 It was a terribly self-serving claim, though.

'You guys said it was a 'nutrient', but Dariel doesn't deserve such a chutzpah perception. .........He is, so to speak, the 'key'. The key to open a door that has never been opened before. In order to defeat him, the key called Dariel is essential.

 That's why Dariel is such a desirable person for Inferno.

I'm not going to be able to tell you what to do," he said. At first, I wanted Siegfriedgel to play a key role in this, because he was the best aura user that had ever fallen to hell. I trained him in hell and finally produced the highest color that fusion magicians can produce, 'red'.
"...what are you talking about?

 Inferno's words suddenly turn into a mixture of arcane jargon.
 When an eccentric genius stops paying attention to the stranger, his words become no different than the animal's cynosure.
 It's just that it doesn't make sense.

Avos added to the inferno as a backup. There is a risk of losing Siegfriedgel before we even get to the confrontation with him. He was only a half-wit who could only emit 'black', but still, it was better than nothing.

 However, such Doris Megian's caution became meaningless when he encountered Dariel.

'Dariel is the one! It's the ultimate in what I've been chasing. When Dariel and I are united, we will have the power to defeat him in the world! That's why I would love to have Dariel! Dariel is my ray of hope!
''Shuffling around on your own...!

 Aranziel's expression showed an unconcealed anger.

'Dariel is not a thing! As if you can do whatever you want with it...? You selfish and misguided bastard, you must crush it with your own hands or else you'll lose your mind!
I feel the same way, but I don't understand.

 Glamberza says calmly.

''I had a dim idea of what Drismegian was trying to do when he got here. He wants to absorb Dariel's soul to become stronger in order to counter the Demon King, right?

 So first, Inferno tried to dye Dariel's soul with hatred.

 Apparently because it was more convenient for him to absorb the soul and turn it into power.
 In the past, Inferno has been preferring to absorb the souls of the hate-driven, selfish, insidious outcasts like a gourmand in order to expropriate the souls of others.

 Before taking in the soul of the mighty Dariel, it would be preferable for Inferno to dye his soul with hatred as well.

'That's why I targeted the inhabitants of Rax village before Dariel did. He tried to draw Dariel's wrath out of them by killing their friends and family.
You're disgusting to me, you nasty little...!
I suppose it was with the same intentions that I nearly burned my unworthy son. Dariel can only be fair when it comes to Bashbursa.

 Because Bashbaza's presence is the most naive part of Dariel's mind.

'It's probably a cunning ploy to get Dariel to be as upset as possible.
This is getting more and more inexcusable!

 Inferno's spare smile was a silent affirmation of Glamberza's point.

''However, the way you spoke earlier was clearly a special reference to Dariel. It's not merely a difference in strength or weakness. You clearly have higher expectations of Dariel than that. What is the basis for those expectations?
''It's an idea to be too intelligent. I didn't think you could get to the heart of the matter that well with your hasty words.

 Inferno had already erased the atmosphere of spaciousness.
 As expected, he had just had enough of the chatter.

''I suppose so. ........If I were to answer one thing, it would be that my secret method has more to offer. It doesn't end with converting souls into power. The realm beyond that is carved out by me in Hell.

 The only thing left to do is to use Dariel's soul to put the theory into practice.

Therefore, I will have Dariel's soul drenched in hatred at all costs. Aranziel, Granbasa. I know that you are important to him. Dariel would be very angry if you were killed in cold blood!