276-275 Dariel also gains heavenly power


 What is this guy?

 You came here to tell me that I can defeat you because I can use not only my aura, but also my magic, and I can use the strongest power of both together.

''Bokin has only said half of what I want to say,''
You've received Bashbarza's magic factor, and you've reached the final form that Drismegian was aiming for," said Drismegian. You're the very definition of his dream. But you're not even close to beating me.

 Does that mean that Doris Meghian was a disaster in the planning stages?
 He doesn't have anything nice to offer.

He was also halfway there, wasn't he? In fact, he challenged me in a very satisfying way and lost pretty quickly. I wanted him to use that as leverage to get to the next level, but you just made him disappear.
Are you upset about this?
No, that's not true! That's because Drismegian's goal has come true in the form of you. I'm sure he's happy with that.

 I don't want to....
 I have no intention of carrying on his dream.

And you're so much further along than he ever was.
'Even if you don't want to carry on Drismegian-kun's thoughts, don't you have other thoughts that you want to carry on?

 That's the two faces that come to mind when you point that out.

"...the technique you used to make hell disappear, 'Koremsky'.

 In the final battle against Dorismegian, aka Inferno, I eliminated the hell he lodged in with my swordsmanship.

 When I think about it now, it's an outrageous thing I did, but I didn't intend to do it in the first place.
 When I found out, I was able to do it.
 It was like that.

 The teachings of Lady Granberza that live inside me.
 The vein of Aranzir-san's blood flowing through me.

 The two were connected, and the new technique that blossomed within me was Koresora.
 Until it was unleashed, I never thought for a minute that I could do it.
 I've never seen a technique completed with such a natural feeling.

''As I'm sure you know, that profound technique was born from a completely different source than Drizmegian-kun's logic.
I understand.

 That's the result of the struggle of my fathers, which was transferred and sublimated.
 I don't want to think that that rotten bastard had anything to do with it.

I'm sure you'll agree with me that Grampaza and Arantziel are both immortal in a different way than Drismegian. A different approach has given them the power to defeat me.
"The power to defeat the Demon King...

 In other words, neither magic nor aura, but a third power.

The mind of nothingness that wanders, cries, rages, and is quieted at the end of it is quite different from being nothing from the beginning. It is a powerful 'nothingness'. Those two have reached that state of mind and have each reached their strongest profoundness.

 Granbaza's "Jikou Kabuto Tien" by Granbaza.
 Aranzir's 'Jing'o Splitting Sky'.

 Both are the ultimate techniques that will never be broken on earth.

 My sword technique is derived from those techniques.

Dariel-kun, the exquisite sword that you reached, sliced through hell and made it disappear. It's already close to the realm of 'I-Sword ETI'. A sword that can slice through the heavens.

 Is it my imagination?
 The Demon King's tone sounded buoyant.

"When your life energy changed color, Drismegian, you were happy because you thought your magic and aura had fused together. He thought it was because your magic and aura had merged with yours. But no. But no, your aura changed because your life energy has been evolved to a higher dimension by your two fathers' sentient beings! I'm going to...

 The Demon King's solo performance continued.

'I prepared about six means to defeat Bokchin and gave each of them a name. Hell, Hungry Demon, d*mnation, Shura, Man, and Heaven....
'The hell of it is the world where Drismegian was. 'Shura is Valhalla, isn't it?'
'Yes, there is one particular one of these six paths that is special. That's 'Heaven'.

 I had guessed that this person was making various preparations to kill him........
 That much..........

"The 'heavens' are the only world that I can't have in my hands. I have an idea of what it could do, but there's nothing I can do about it. I could only anticipate its existence and hope for the best. ....but!

 The Demon Lord is approaching!
 He's in the form of a child, but his presence is so eerie that it's overwhelming.

You've opened up the world of Heaven! No, you guys! Dariel, Granberza, and Alanziel! The world that these three men have carved out through their struggles is truly a 'heavenly' world!

 What is the world of heaven....
 The world of heaven is a world of worries, hesitation, suffering, writhing in the mire of the world, and the purity that comes afterwards.
 It is cloudy yet pure.

 Only those who have mastered this contradiction can deliver the unbreakable blow.
 That is the Jikou Kabuto Tengoku, the Quiet Sky, and my Koremitsu Kuu.

It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on it. The sword that cuts off heavenly destiny is the only 'God-killing power' one can have in their hands!


'Aranzir-kun, Granbaza-kun tried to welcome them to Valhalla after death, but they are already beyond that. They are their own 'heaven'. .... and you, Dariel, are even more special.


After all, you not only have the power of the 'heavens' that you have carved out, but also the power of hell that Drismegian-kun pursued.

 After being told that much, I finally understood why the Demon King is so obsessed with me.

''The power of 'Heaven' that I inherited from Granberza-kun Arantzill-kun. The power of hell that I acquired by fighting Drizmegian-kun. You have two of these powers that can defeat me. It's a good thing that you're not the only one with a great deal of promise.

 There are six ways to defeat the Demon King.
 Among them, the power of "Heaven" is the most highly desired.
 Not only that, but it also has the power of hell at the same time.

 Can you say that it's inevitable that the Demon King has high hopes for me?

 I myself have noticed the changes that have occurred within me.
 Gradually, over a period of five years.

 When did I become aware that there was a different kind of power breathing inside me than my aura?

 In order to unravel that discomfort, I shot a test spell in the middle of nowhere.
 I was surprised because it really came out.

 I'm not going to be the only one who can do this.
 I never thought that the futile efforts of that day would come to fruition now.

''Your sword sliced through hell and destroyed it.

 The Demon King said in a voice full of expectation as always.

It's a good thing that you're not the only one," he said. The fact that you were able to cut through my world means that you can also cut through me, Dariel-kun.

 What's with that three-paragraph argument?

I've been waiting for someone like you for a long time, you know? Hey? You know how long I've been waiting? No, you know how many tens of thousands of years I've been waiting?
It is beyond my understanding.
After all the hard work of raising and guiding humanity, this is a great opportunity for us to finally have a chance. If you can motivate yourself, I can be destroyed in a heartbeat!

 That's what it was all about.

 I'm sure you're not the only one who's interested in this. It's a good idea to be able to have a good idea of what to expect.

 I'm not a brave man or a hero, so I don't go out to defeat the demon king.
 All I do is work in my hometown.

 I was still waiting for him, but of course he wouldn't show up, so I guess I came voluntarily, out of sheer exhaustion.
 That's just like him, isn't it?

He's like this person. Aren't you going to knock out my bastard? It's humanity's mission, okay?
No, I have other things to do.
"That's fine, just say "poof" and kill me. Please kill me. Kill me, kill me, kill me?

 The demon king in child form, clinging to me.

 There's a huge gap between the fact that I look like one and the fact that I look like one.

'Neeeeeeeeeeeee! Kill, kill, kill, kill! It's a cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Kororoshi-teh! Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no!

 Finally, he lay down on the ground and began to jitter around.

 Yes you are really a child!
 Or is it Zebiantes?

''Still, I can't beat you.
"Zubieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Ababa-baba-baba-baba!

 The demon king-sama, who's already in spoiled child mode, is trying to push me away with a cancerous cry.

 It might have worked out fine if you were a single person, but now I'm a father with three tough kids.
 I'm not easily coddled.

'Listen, I have my reasons for not being able to fight.