313-312 The decisive battle begins

 Nevertheless, the opponent was a true monster.

If the "Soul Emperor Splitting Sky" didn't work, he would normally be a desperate opponent.

 Is he the most evil person I've ever encountered?

 Salamandra, the Flame Monster Beast.
 The Lord of Hell Drismegian who took it in.

 They were also memorably formidable opponents, but this enemy is undoubtedly even more so.

 Even the Demon King acknowledged his abilities as the most evil and worst monster monster.

''If Drismegian is the Lord of Hell, then Fenrir is the Lord of the Hungry Demon World....... It won't be easy to defeat an existence for one world.......''
So, if that's the case, there's only one thing to do...

 I know the master of the world, I have an idea.

 If we accept what the Demon Lord once put in our ears.
 I'm also the master of a world.

''The power of 'Heaven'.......it's time to rely on it again.......!

 A sword of the extreme degree that once wiped out Drismegian and his entire world.

This is the Sky.

This is the ultimate sword, surpassing even the Supreme Supreme Rift Valley, that can cut down to pieces.
 This is the time to gush forth my sword, my sword flash...!



 What is it?
 You can't move your hand?

 I don't have the same response I felt when I slashed Drismegian, I don't have the same response of feeling something in the middle of nothingness.

''Dariel-san! They're coming!
"What are you talking about?

 Before you know it, Fenrir, who has regained his position, is right in front of you with his mouth wide open.


 You'll be able to jump around, but if you were to delay for even a second, you'd be in that wolf's mouth.

''It stinks!''

 A moment later, the smell that leaked out of the wolf's mouth, which passed by in close proximity, almost made my nose turn.
 You can feel it when you come in contact with it again.

 It's a very thick beast smell.
 I'm not sure what kind of beast it is, but it's absurdly smelly, this wolf!

 No, it's not that........?

''Koremsky........the power of the 'heavens' didn't work? Why?
"You have no idea what your destiny is.

 The earth demon beast Gigantomachomachia snuggles up to me.
 It seems that thanks to our participation in the game, she was able to breathe well.......

''Your sword is the sword that divides heavenly lives. It's not just a matter of time before you get to the point where you'll be able to get your hands on it. If you slice through that divine order, nothing can exist.

 That's the power of "Heaven".
 The world that I was able to glimpse and take over from Granberza-sama and Mr. Arantziel.

Not even God can escape from the 'heavenly' mission. Hence, the power of 'heaven' is a power that can kill even gods. But it's not an all-powerful force.''

 That's right.
 There must not be a heavenly mandate that says that because you can cut, you can cut all of them one by one.

 Because it's a life in heaven, the person who cuts it must have the proper resolve and belief....

''So I haven't yet determined that doggy's natural destiny...!
That's right. If you don't know him and find out what kind of being he is, you won't be able to find his destiny. If you don't find its true destiny, you won't be able to cut it down.

 I must get to know him better in order to find out what his destiny is.
 For that, we must put our swords together and get to the heart of the matter....

Radey! Zebiantes! It's going to keep him around for a while! Cover me!
What a load of trolling! They're going to kill him, so they don't have to cover him or anything! You are the one who takes it to the climax right from the start!

 You're absolutely right...?

 The seriousness of the battle has already begun. The young girls are much more serious about this than I am.

 Especially Zeviantes.
 With those mithril wings on their backs again, their motivation is visible.

''Stupid dog! I've been thinking about ending this with you someday! I didn't want to interfere with Radey-chan's training, but if Teme came to tickle me, there's no reason to refrain from doing so!

 Each and every one of the silver-winged wings emitted a super high-pitched ringing sound.

''Now is the time to eat it! I'm going to be sliced to pieces by the ultimate version of the 'Wings of Harpuer's Wings' with the supreme special attack 'Symphonic Razor'!

 The silver wings she equips, imitated by metal.

 A thin, thin blade of highly compressed air emanates from the gaps in each of the wings that make up it.

 That is the strongest attacking wind magic, "Symphonic Razor", that Zeviantes can demonstrate by borrowing the power of those wings.
 A number of sharp blades of air are unleashed, slicing the target into pieces.


"Geez, it doesn't work! The highly compressed air blades are easily flicked off!

 On Fenrir's hot fur, the best attacking wind magic by the strongest wind wizard of the current generation didn't even manage to scratch him.

 I'm not going to be able to get a good look at them.

You can't get away from them. Don't get close to me!

 He slid through the air on his silver wings and ran away, with Fenrir chasing after him.
 It's a good idea to make sure that you have a good idea of what you're looking for. It's just like that in terms of contrast in size.

''Don't mess with Zebi-chan!

 The sword flash swung down snatched the tip of Fenrir's nose and frightened him.
 The one who released that sword........

''Radie-chan! Thank you for saving me! You are indeed a friend of the heart!
'Fenrir! I've fought with you many times for my training! I'm the best when it comes to combat experience with you!

 He thrusts the tip of his sword at the demon wolf.

 In response, Fenrir is........frightened? Obviously?
 The Demon Wolf has never shown any fear of the Gigantomachia, but is now afraid of Radie's sword?

 Why in the world?

It looks like it's finally sinking in. You're not going to be able to get away with it.

 It is swung down.........
 The power contained in that sword.........

''Vacuum break!

 Radey's sword brilliantly catches Fenrir's body, causing red fresh blood to spurt out.
 The wolf roared bitterly, ''Gah-oh-oh! and jumped back with a painful roar.

''The blade passed through...?''

 This is the first time I've seen the damage that Fenrir seems to have suffered.
 I've never been able to get through any of my strongest moves until now, so how is that possible?

"And that was...?

 I felt a sense of discomfort in the sword strike fired by Radey.
 Is that technique imbued with magical power?
 Not just the aura?

 It's the same combination of aura and magic power as the 'Encounter Sky' used by Siegfriedgel, the former inferno hero.

If that's the case, it makes sense that it can also be used by a hexenbiest...?

 But why?
 As a human, Radhi has no magic factor in her nature, so she can't even use magic!

It was passed down to her.

 Gigantomachia says.

'Just like you. That's what she was expected to do, by the One. That's why she wasn't welcomed to Valhalla and allowed to be trained in a more special way.'

 Did Radey also inherit the magic factor from someone else?


''During my fight with Sernya-san, I was entrusted with something important by that man. So much.

 Radie holds his sword in his hand.

Watch me. I'll use what I've inherited from you to open up a new era!