319-318 Dariel decides

 Back in Lax Village, the Fenrir that I brought back was a big hit with the children.

'Wow! Dog dog dog ughhhhhhhhh!

 My son, Gran, was very excited too.

"Doggie, doggie, doggie, doggie! Womp, womp, womp! Fenyah!

 My daughter, Celica, was so happy that she forgot to speak human language.

'Gubebe bebebe bebebe!

 The joy is becoming more and more unusual.

 Children especially love animals, don't they? And because of that, they're relentless in their biting, which is hard on animals.
 I hope Fenrir the puppy doesn't go bald from the stress of being bitten so much.

 And so Fenrir has become our family dog.

 Our brave dog, Radey, is back, no longer missing, and the world will be moving on.

 However, the shocking news that could not be any more shocking arrived around the time when I was well rested and recovered from the fatigue of the Fenrir battle.

The Demon King is gone?

 The one who came to tell you the news was Lizet herself.
 It's only been a few days since the commotion at the Mithril mine, and since Bezelia can't recover in such a short period of time, this guy must be very busy.

 The fact that they came to inform us of this means that they're quite confused as well.

The fact that they've disappeared without anyone noticing is a sign of their confusion. The entire army of the Demon King has searched everywhere, but they couldn't find it. It's as if they were nowhere to be found...

 Come to think of it, Gran has been looking lonely lately, but....
 Disguised as a boy not much older than he is, he became Gran's friend, and the Demon Lord, who was playing with him, is also not seen anymore.

 Well, I thought that since it was that person, he would stop coming on a whim and come again when he's in the mood....

 Something was closing in on me.

 I realized instantly.

 I knew instantly that he was no longer in this world.
 And he will never appear in this world again.

 For some reason, I instantly understood.

''Anyway, I'll mobilize all of the Demon King's army to continue the search, but in any case, the Demon King is a symbol to the demon race. Under him, the demon race will be gathered and stabilized. I don't know what kind of chaos will ensue if the Demon King's absence is known!

 Lizet was in a hurry, like this guy always was.
 They had gone back and forth to the point where it looked like they were going to be insulated at one point, but it was good to see them back to their former friendship.

'Dariel, will you cooperate? Information control and the search for the Demon Lord. If you are on the side of human territory, we can't help you.......!

 He says quietly, trying to control his frustrated Lizete.

''Perhaps the Demon King-sama has left this world. I doubt he'll ever come back.''
Oh no...?
This world has passed the point where it is protected by a god and stabilized. We who live in this world must decide what to do with it ourselves.

 I think God has recognized that we have the strength to do so.
 That's why he was able to leave this world that he had come to rely on.

''Oh no..., even if you say that, I don't know what I'm going to do now...!

 Lizette is confused.
 Is it because of my friend that he readily believed what I said on this occasion?

 But the bewilderment that envelops him is the bewilderment that is about to befall all of humanity.

 There is no longer a god in this world to rule and guide us, and humanity must decide on its own path by its own will.

 The world has been warped and misshapen in order to make God's wishes come true.

 That warp remains unadjusted, and the task of correcting it must be fulfilled by us.
 ...leaving us with a lot of homework to do.

Anyway, all I know is that Lisette is going to be very busy. It's going to be a lot busier from now on.
"Isn't it enough to keep you busy? Until now, he's ruled over the demons and all of mankind including the humans, hasn't he, Demon Lord? The loss of that demon king would be like losing a major pillar of power! Unprecedented havoc...?

 Rizzet is right.
 The mansion, which has lost its biggest pillar, will not be able to support itself and will collapse.
 And a new house will have to be built on top of it.

 A house big enough for the people who live here on earth to live in comfort and security.

I also have a promise to Bezelia. The fact that the Demon Lord has stepped down is also proof that he has given his approval to the world he is trying to achieve.

 He said that he would eliminate the conflict between the human race and the demon race.

 If such an ideal is completed, then the Demon King's hope that 'he who surpasses himself will defeat him' will never be fulfilled.

 Knowing this, he was forced to choose between crushing our hopes and abandoning his own, and gave us priority over him.

 He ended up behaving like a god in the end.

 But that is why we, the people who have been entrusted with this world, have to make sure that we create this world by ourselves.

Then what should we do...? How do we stabilize ourselves in this world where there is no more demon king.......?

 I am completely depressed and only seek my opinion from me, Lizet.

 It's important to make sure that you have a good idea of what you want to do with it, but it's also important to reveal the idea to this old friend who is a good friend of yours first.

''First of all, it would be important to reconcile the human race and the demon race.
'That's what Bezelia was talking about...?

 Originally, the human race and the demon race were one and the same species, and the system was created by the Lord God Ohjin, who claimed to be the Demon King, in order to raise human beings that surpassed him.

 He divided the one race into two and had them compete with each other to train each other.

 But after God's departure, this system of friendly competition is no longer necessary in this world.
 We got rid of the false boundaries. Let's aim to develop together as one race again.

But the human race and the demon race have been hostile to each other for hundreds of years now. Is it really that easy to reconcile? Even if I could, how should I treat them? How can two forces that are meant to fight each other stop doing that and recognize each other?

 It's true that Rizzet is right.
 The current human race and the demon race have interests in fighting each other, so it's impossible to stop fighting.
 Even after the demon king's departure, they will continue to have a warped structure to protect their interests.

 If this is the case, they will fail the Demon King, who trusted them with the world and stepped aside.

"It would be better to destroy the old structure, to smash it down to the ground.
We'll build a new structure on top of that.

 We must be prepared to live together without separation of earthly mankind, to be stable, and to deal appropriately with any trouble that may arise in the future, even if it happens.

'We will build a new kingdom.'
A kingdom where people will leave the protection of God and operate on their own judgment and effort.

 With the current demon territory and human territory, which is based on the premise of incorporating a large presence called the Demon King, it's impossible to continue in the same way even now that the Demon King has left.

 That's why we have to break the old system and build a new one for once.

''For that, we must build a kingdom.

 Create a new one.

 In any form. Whoever is many.
 To live healthily in this world God has entrusted to us.