97-Episode 97: Alice in wonderland 11: Someday, in the Spring

 It wasn't snowing anymore and I thought I could hear the footsteps of spring, even though it was still cold.

 My entrance exam went off without a hitch.

 I was able to give it my all.......I think. I think I've done enough to show what I've done so far. But after all, I was still anxious about what I was worried about.

 And so today was finally........the day of the announcement of my acceptance.

'Alice-sama. Are you going alone?
'Yes. I'll give you a light disguise, but I'm going to go check it out on my own.
'I see. Okay.

 That was all Saria could say.

 She also understood. The reason I'm so anxious and insecure is because I'm insecure.

 Anxious but ... no, that's why I thought I should go alone.

 And since it was still cold, I put on some clothes and then my coat and even a scarf to hide my mouth as much as possible before I went outside.

 The acceptance announcement will be made at ten o'clock. And now it was past ten o'clock. My acceptance or rejection has already been decided. It will probably be posted at the main gate of the Canovarian Alchemy Academy. My number is number fifty-seven. If that number is on there, I've passed the test.

 On the other hand, if it's not on there it's the end of the line.

 Will all the effort I've put in so far be in vain or will I be rewarded?

 I don't believe that all my efforts will be rewarded. It's precisely because of that situation that I had no choice but to try. Because it was the only thing I could do.


 When I stepped outside, it was still cold, but I could feel the warmth of the day somehow.

 It's a sunny day. It was clear all the way through.

 It was so clear and beautiful.

 And so I move on. How many times have I walked this way? It's a path I've taken many times before, but my footsteps are strangely heavy.

I'm in!

 When I came to the main gate, it was already a festive occasion. People of all sorts were rejoicing and worrying. I stitch my way through them. Normally, there would be a lot of people screaming when they see me, but right now, I don't know if there's any room for that or not, but I'm going to head to the bulletin board at the main gate as normal.

 Soon ... soon, I'll know.

 There was no hesitation.

 I just went straight to the spot, and I looked for the number... and I found it.

 I found it.

 When I checked to see if my number was there, I started moving again, getting swept up in the wave of people. That's how I left the place without anyone finding me.


 They come to the riverside nearby. So I sit down and watch the water flowing by.

Why is this place...?
Actually, I'm following you. Next door, okay?
Yeah, go ahead.

 With that, Elle came over and sat down next to him. Her hair was long for a man who usually wears it in a bun, but today it was down. We continue to talk, thrilled by the unusual atmosphere.

'You passed, didn't you?'
Well, what do you think?

 That being said, I'll try to be a little meaner.

'I know how hard Alice tries. So I'm just convinced that I'm passing.
I see........well, yes. I passed, I did. I had my number.
'Okay. That's all well and good, but how can you be so calm?
'........I wonder what it is. When you realize that you've passed the test like this...you can't really feel it the other way around.
But ... then why are you crying?

 It wasn't until he said that that I realized that. I was ... I was crying. I noticed the tears spilling out.

 There is no change in my mind.

 Did I pass? I see.

 I didn't think it would make any difference, but the tears wouldn't stop flowing from my eyes. They're just pouring out, and when I realize it, they're pouring out even more.

Alice. I think you've worked hard to get this far. So let me say that.
''Elle........why would Elle-sama only say such things......?
Yeah. That's what I came up here to say.

 Okay. That was it.

 I understand. I am happy to be rewarded. And I feel glad to have those words spoken by him, of all people.

 As it was, I continued to cry quietly.

 And he was right next to me.

 Until I stopped crying, he was right next to me.