35-Distribution survey

 The next day.

 Mele and I were walking the road from the inn to the guild.

 Noel-san will soon be asking us to investigate the distribution of the demons that live in the Zephyros forest.

 It is important for the guild and the city of Zeto to know the distribution of demons. For example, it seems that powerful demons sometimes occur in the vicinity of the city, and when they do, the distribution of demons is disturbed as an omen.

 In addition, the distribution of demons is also said to be disrupted when a monster more powerful than the monsters called "demons" occurs. It is an important job of the guild to not overlook such signs.

It's a bit of a scary thing, isn't it? I don't know why that dog lady is even supposed to follow me.

'Registration duties, I was disqualified after all. Noel-san said that Mei Fan was also a part of this, but...

 Yes, today's mission would be accompanied by Mei Fan. But not as an adventurer, but as an informational collaborator.

 I don't know what Noel-san had in mind when she decided to take Mei Fan along with her. From my point of view, having witnessed the numerous blunders she caused during the registration mission, I honestly have no end of worries, but.......

Well, it's the client's choice. It's not something we have to interfere with.

Well that's just the way Gerald is wont to treat any girl but me.

You're the one who's never been shaky...

 The jealousy without permission, the openness and lack of s*xuality, the constant freedom of speech and behavior, and the immediate hugs, if you fix these things, I'd be more inclined to take you on a little more.

I'm a fan of Gerald. I won't be blinkered!

 With the way things are going, it looks like the day when Myl will be equipped with something like depth is far away.

 While we were exchanging words like that, we reached the front of the guild. Noel-san, Mei Fan, and Karius-san were already waiting there. These five are the participants in today's mission, including us.

 Karius-san is a forest tribe and a famous elf. In a sense, it was inevitable that he was approached by a man who knows how to walk in the forest and yet has a close relationship with me and Meir.

''You're late, newcomer. You're getting too relaxed.

 Faster than I can say hello, Karius-san flies in with a harsh voice.

 It sounds crunchy, but if I translate it into meaning, it means, 'Keep your heads up today and work on your mission. You don't know what's going to happen in the sealed site (dungeon),' which is a sign of concern.

 He's this guy, and he's awkward with words.

'And I don't want to be told by someone who always has a muggy, recessionary face.

I don't mind the recession. I'm not a baby drinker. You are not an infant, and as an elder, I recommend that you behave in an age-appropriate manner.

"Uzzah! This old man is annoying, Gerald~

No, you're an old man and that's not very nice to say to Mr. Karius.

Yeah. The boy's right. I'm not old enough to be called an old man. I'm a young man who just turned over 100 years old.

A hundred?

 I heard that elves are a long-lived breed, but 100 years old is still treated as a young man........

 People, no, elves are not what they seem........

 When I'm surprised like that, I'm unexpectedly tugged on the hem with a hard yank.

 When I turned my head to see what it was, I saw Mei Fan looking up at me with her silver ears down, looking up at me.

''Ah, well, good morning.......thank you.

Yeah, good morning.

...Yes, yes, good morning, sir.

"...? What's wrong?

No, no, anything!

 When she returned the greeting, her tail pinged upwards and her whole body shook with a jolt.

 Her reaction was as if she was afraid of something.

 ........Well, right after being attacked by a bunch of wood dragons and then in the forest again, right? No matter how easily I put it away, the fear of being surrounded by the demons of the advanced individuals might still be there.

I'll be fine.

 Thinking that, I patted Mei Fan's head and consciously let out a gentle voice in an attempt to get rid of my anxiety.

I'll be there for you no matter what. But I'll protect Mei Fan as much as possible. Even if there's something I'm afraid of, I'll be fine to some extent.

Huh? Oh, no, I mean, I'm not...

Well, it's a tricky thing, though. If I say it's okay, Karius will probably be mad at me again.

'Of course. Anyone who is overconfident in their own power will get their foot in the door because of their own inexperience. Now and then, the fundamentals are the same.

 I chuckle at Karius-san's mannerisms, as usual, and pat Mei Fan's head with a chuckle.

''Wow. Huh, ah, Gerald, Mr.......?

Well, you can't let your guard down, but if you're too nervous, you'll never be able to move. Let's take it easy and get it together.

 He cheered up Mei Fan, who was still looking anxious with slightly contradictory words.

''Dah! Dog, what are you doing to my Gerald, you idiot!

'Oh, yes, yes, yes, let's keep Meir a good boy...'

Gerald, are you making fun of me?

 How well you understand.

 Noel chuckled in front of our exchange.

'It's fun, you guys.'

I'm sorry, sir, I didn't mean for this to happen.

I don't mind. I don't mind. Children are best when they're innocent. And I'm sure she's in the best condition.

...Yes, yes. I'm sorry, it was unseemly.

 At Noel-san's words, I nodded with a subtle bitterness.

''By the way.......Are you sure Noel-san is coming too? He's the head of the guild and it's not very good...

That's no problem for you, kid.

 When I questioned Noel-san, Karius-san interrupted me from the side.

''That woman's hobby is to follow adventurers to the sealed site (dungeon). It's drunkenness.'

'Please don't tell me it's a hobby. I just want to see firsthand how the adventurers in my guild work. Besides, it's dereliction of duty for the guild leader not to know about the sealing site.

You have a great work ethic, don't you?

Otherwise, the whole city will fall apart. Besides, a guild leader who keeps to himself in the safety of his own home won't be seen or trusted. If we don't show that we are willing to approach them, the adventurers won't trust us and no one will follow us.

Well, this woman is much more determined than the boys think. It's a good idea to think about our own concerns as well.

I don't know. We don't have a single force that we can let play. Even if that was me.

 Noel-san says brave things without a care in the world.

 From the naturalness of her words, I could tell that she meant what she said.

''Well. Well, I guess we should get out of here now. There's nothing good about letting them play around with time, you know.

 At Noel's urging, we walked off towards the Zephyros Forest.