Chapter - 41

    The first thing you need to do is to get your own copy of the book, which will be available on the website.

    The first thing to go on the list is the fact that there are a lot of people in the world who are not interested in the game.

    It took some time for Yin Cheng to coax the sulking young master back into the tent, allowing Bai Yu to get into the sleeping bag in peace.

    Finally sleeping in the double sleeping bag with Yin Cheng as expected, Bai Yu turned around and lay down on the soft pillow, blinking her eyes at Yin Cheng, suddenly calling out to the other, "Brother Cheng."

    "Huh?" Yin Cheng was lying flat in his sleeping bag, already used to Bai Yu calling him from time to time, heard it and answered from his throat, then turned his face slightly to the side, sighted over to Bai Yu and asked, "What's wrong, still cold?"

    Bai Yu shrunk in his sleeping bag and shook his head, without speaking he continued to look at Yin Cheng because of the warm baby in his sleeping bag, Bai Yu was all a little overheated and his face was red.

    "Do you want to play with your phone?" Yin Cheng asked probingly, then looked at Bai Yu and said, "Bring it here, I'll charge it for you."

    There was no time to charge the phone during the daytime.

    Yin Cheng could use his powers while driving, but couldn't yet do the precise control of the size of his powers to charge his phone while driving, so from the time Bai Yu said his phone was out of battery during the day until now, Yin Cheng hadn't charged Bai Yu yet.

    "I don't play with my phone." Bai Yu once again shook his head, his pretty eyes kept gazing at Yin Cheng, and after a while, his voice was not too loud and asked, "Brother Cheng, why are you so good to me."

    After the end of the world Bai Yu did not suffer any grievances at all, food, clothing, housing and transportation have Yin Cheng arranged for him, and also do not have to worry about the safety problems that everyone has to face after the end of the world, because Yin Cheng is protecting him no matter what, even if he wants to go out, he will find someone to protect him at his side.

    "You're not the one who wanted me to be your bodyguard." Yin Cheng looked at Bai Yu and replied with a smile.

    "Then in case you were someone else's bodyguard, would you be so careful with them as well!" Bai Yu listened to Yin Cheng's answer and questioned Yin Cheng somewhat awkwardly.

    "Well... "Yin Cheng pretended to be thinking, but his eyes were looking at Bai Yu, and seeing the other party's nervous and dissatisfied look, he didn't hold back and laughed out, saying with a smile, "Definitely not ah. " Apart from Bai Yu, Yin Cheng could never have imagined that he would treat anyone this way.

    Even the last Yin Cheng would never have imagined that he would one day stay for a petite young master who knew nothing and become a bodyguard for the other party who had to worry about everything.

    "You." Bai Yu noticed that he was being teased by Yin Cheng, the tense expression on his face was put away, and he glared at Yin Cheng with a little arrogance between his eyebrows, then he kicked Yin Cheng with his foot, and without giving any reason, he turned his head and pointed at Yin Cheng with the back of his head.

    The smile on Yin Cheng's lips could not be contained at all, the corners of his lips curved upwards and he laughed out lightly, his eyes also filled with an easy laugh.

    "What are you laughing at!" Bai Yu felt super fierce yelling at Yin Cheng, he didn't even know why he was angry, a small temper came up.

    Opening his eyes to the side of the tent where there was nothing, Bai Yu felt that he couldn't suffer even if he was angry, so he turned his body back in his sleeping bag.

    Bai Yu's eyes looked towards Yin Cheng and thought about it, trying to stay close to Yin Cheng before closing his eyes.

    Yin Cheng took one look at Bai Yu with his eyes closed and his lips hooked up, reaching out to turn off the flashlight in the tent and grabbing some rest as well.

    The later it got to the late end of the world, the less chances one had to be able to sleep peacefully for a night in the wilderness.

    This night was actually not peaceful, meeting some attacking common animals and zombies that happened to wander over, but they were not strong enough to be dealt with by the few people on night watch.

    The next day, the team that had harvested a few animal flesh had fresh meat porridge to drink in the morning.

    "Why are there so many animals here?" Someone asked, "Why are there so many animals in this place when all we met in the wild before were walkers."

    "Well who cares, just have meat to eat anyway." Another person replied, "It's only two encounters with animals, and you've summed it up, we've encountered dozens and hundreds of walkers before, why don't you see this great understanding to sum up the speech ah."

    "What's there to summarize, it can only mean that it's the end of the world and a large number of people have died." The end times have been over for so long, everyone's initial sadness is much less, and they are able to speak in a calm tone to ridicule this end times.

    "Hurry up and eat you, you can't even gag on it." Sheyan looked as explosive as being lit on fire again, listening to the others blindly lecture.

    These people who stayed behind but didn't much fear Sheyan's explosive personality at all, smiling hehehe and poking fun at Sheyan, "What's wrong boss, you've been chucked out by Brother Li again?"

    "Get lost." Mu Yan glared at Ma Hengliang, his face darkened, but he didn't deny it, it seemed that the other party was right.

    Sheyan had been around Li Feng for six or seven years, and was even staying by Li Feng's side in the end times, and Ma Hengliang knew all these things, in Ma Hengliang's opinion, the two of them should have been together long ago.

    Therefore, Ma Hengliang whispered bad ideas to Mu Yan, "Boss, if you want me to say it, you can just tyrannize."

    Li Feng didn't agree to be together with Mu Yan before, Ma Hengliang felt that one was because Li Feng felt that he was several years older than Mu Yan, and also because of the kind of illness that relied on medicine to sustain him for the rest of his life.

    But now that it was the end of the world, why consider so much.

    "You will add training later." A voice with coldness sounded behind Ma Hengliang, Ma Hengliang was shocked, immediately stood up and turned around to see Li Feng wearing a thick suit standing not far away.

    "Brother Li, I was joking, please let go!" Ma Hengliang howled, a big and coarse-looking man, spoiled but very skilled, looking at the people next to him was about to get goose bumps.

    "Call again three times." Li Feng was called this way about so many times that the expression on his face didn't even change.

    "Ugh..." seeing that his wailing was useless, Ma Hengliang finally gave up, sighing and walking to the side, also droning, "Brother Li is no longer the Brother Li of the start-up, now he's becoming more and more cruel to me! ......."

    In addition to Yin Cheng and Bai Yu in this small team have known each other for a long time, some of the relationship before the end of the world is actually average, but after the beginning of the end of the world, these people's families are in trouble, they slowly gathered together, after the end of the world has experienced so many things, the relationship has become better and better.

    The first thing you need to do is to get rid of all the old stuff, and then get rid of the old stuff.

    The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the newest version of the book.

    "Brother Li, why did you come out?" Sheyan had just been yelling at people, but this had subsided and he was a little worried.

    "I feel that my body is almost recovered, and I plan to start training slowly." Li Feng explained, then said, "I just asked Yin Cheng something about supernatural abilities, and decided to start with supernatural training first, physical training will start again in a few days."

    Li Feng had been sick for too long, he couldn't work too hard until the end of the world, and now even with Li Shuhan's water to speed up the recovery, it would be difficult to return to an ordinary person's level of health for a while.

    "I also know about the supernatural powers." Sheyan's first reaction was this.

    "I'm asking about the electrical supernormal abilities." Li Feng looked at Shenyan with amusement, "You give me an electrical discharge to see."

    Li Feng's abilities were the same as Yin Cheng's, both of them were electric, but compared to Yin Cheng, Li Feng's ability strength was a bit lower.

    Mu Yan had nothing to say, everyone in their team had awakened their abilities, but only Yin Cheng and Li Feng were lightning-based abilities.

    There were also differences in the use of different abilities, and many problems could only be understood and taught to each other by those with the same ability.

    Even if Mu Yan wanted to teach Li Feng, there was no way he could.

    Yin Cheng and Bai Yu both stood behind Li Feng and also saw what had just happened, although they didn't know what had happened between Li Feng and Mu Yan before, they could see Mu Yan's pursuit of Li Feng just by what they saw.

    Bai Yu did not feel in the least that his situation seemed to be similar to Mu Yan, and also looked at Mu Yan with sympathy, feeling fortunate that his city brother would not reject him for anything.

    After breakfast, the convoy set off again.

    After driving for about an hour, there were more and more zombies that followed, and those that could keep up were all zombies that had undergone strength enhancement.

    Originally, these zombies should actually do quite a bit of damage to the open convoy, unless more and more of them gathered and blocked these cars inside, the hordes of zombies would only cause trouble for them.

    However, this time the zombies following them appeared a few very prominent ones, not only faster than the other zombies, but also became a lot stronger, and while following the cars they even managed to cause damage to the car body, scratching the car door with a piercing tearing sound.

    "Cheng, there are zombies approaching to catch up with us." Bai Yu looked back at the walker that was gradually approaching them, his tone was a bit frightened, "Why is it so fast, shouldn't it have fallen far behind before?"

    "It should have evolved again." Yin Cheng looked at this zombie that was almost at the third level of strength and brought some gravity to his tone.

    Now the outstanding portion of the human race was actually up to about two levels of strength, and once a third level zombie appeared, it was the beginning of cruelty.

    Not only were the level three zombies much stronger than normal zombies, they also possessed some simple intelligence - more unfortunately, these zombies would soon learn a way that would be extremely damaging to humans - active infection.

    Water sources, food, medicine... all the supplies that humans needed might have been deliberately infected by a Level 3 zombie.

    Yin Cheng had asked the system why the evolution medicine had appeared with zombies, and the zombies that appeared also had zombie viruses.

    The system explained that the zombies were produced by the failure of the evolutionary agent, which was a simple agent in the beginning, but later, through various channels of transmission, it produced irreplicable changes.

    The "zombie virus" is essentially the same as the original agent, but it is an "induction agent" that can induce the original agent in the body of an ordinary person, because the induction process is so dangerous that most people will not be able to make it through, and will soon become a "zombie virus". Becoming a zombie.

    "Then I don't have that evolutionary agent in me, do I not have to fear zombie infection?" White Feather asked then.

    "You are absorbing the evolutionary agent all the time, but the removal agent can remove the effects of the evolutionary agent, so if you are scratched by a zombie, the evolutionary agent in your body at that moment may have been removed, or it may have just been absorbed, so there is still the risk of becoming a zombie." The system had returned to the watch by then, and what was said could only be heard by the two of them.


    Yin Cheng returned to his senses and looked at the zombies behind him again, confirming that the strength was beyond that of a Level 2 zombie, but not yet at the level of a Level 3 zombie, nor was it intelligent.

    "Accelerate, curve ahead to shake off some of these walkers, then get off and finish them off." Yin Cheng said over the intercom, "These zombies have evolved again, they'll catch up again soon if we don't finish them off."