366-An inescapable reality

 Even though it was a change in PT members, the only ones who replaced them were Zeno and Daryl, so there wasn't much of a problem with the PT coordination. Daryl had been prepared for a prayer warrior, but for better or worse, he's honest, so he could be corrected, and Xeno would not be a drag with Pico's assistance.

'You're getting used to it to some extent. I hope you can be as good as Garum, if not better.
Don't be ridiculous...

 That expectation was not far off, and Daryl seemed to be gradually getting used to the PT, starting from imitating Garum's movements as an example in a few days. Corina and the others didn't seem to be experiencing too many problems, given that they were also advancing to the 99th level.

'Don't be too much of an imitator,'

 In contrast to Daryl, whose drooping dog ears are lowered, Garum, whose dog ears are pointed, has a slightly shunned attitude, as if he feels threatened by his rapidly catching up. Daryl has been lurking around like an older brother looking for a parent for his brother, who was close to him at his age, to act like an evil brother.

'I feel like I can move a bit more. Dragonizing.

 Amy had become much more accustomed to the Dragonization Knot state and was now steadily increasing the duration of the effect. Amira watched her with a subtle expression as she stared at the large sword she held.

 Although the results didn't look that good at first, Amy, who had trained more than anyone else according to Tsutomu's unusually detailed instructions, had now acquired the ability to be one or two of the best of the twin swordsmen. In the present situation, her abilities are so outstanding that there is no one to compete with except Weiss who has the twin swords in her hand, and her cooperation with the clan members is also being refined.

 Besides, Amira was aware of her skill at maintaining her dragonization with the dragonization knot, and perhaps that influenced her to turn her attention to the dragonization state more often.

 While observing the attackers, such as stiff and soft to the tank's dog-man duo, Tsutomu erased the medic who was turning her like a fairy.

(More than enough in terms of strength. With Garum and Daryl, there's no need to worry about the tank, and Amy has become a twin swordsman of the upper echelon. (Even if she dies at worst, Amira can take over with her firepower and take over, and it's become a moderately egregious PT.

 All of them have recently crossed the 90th level, so there is no problem in terms of their status, and they are not too worried about cooperation. There's no doubt that this is a PT that can be said to be almost perfect for attacking the 100th level.

(.........I don't want to go to the hundredth level!

 If I had to raise the only concern, it would definitely be me. When you see a hundred levels in front of you, all the worries you've thought about so many times before will erupt from the bottom of your heart. You have the choice to forget about reality and stay in this world.

 The desire to return to the original world was strong when I was first brought to this world out of the blue. Although I was able to secure some money for the time being with the sale of the black staff, I was tired of being looked down upon as a lucky person with no one to rely on.

 However, as he met Garum and Amy and conquered the dungeons of the gods, he improved his position and was less likely to be unreasonable. Even after that, there were a few times when I had a cold feeling in my liver, but I was certain that I gradually became less anxious and easier to deal with.

 If he chose to continue to settle in this world, there was no need to force himself to conquer a hundred levels, so it wouldn't be a problem if Corina or Stephanie beat him to it. On the contrary, he wouldn't have to part with the clan members, the guild members, the forest apothecaries who always sold him potions and the people in the Doren workshop who maintained his equipment.

 And you won't lose your current position or the fortune you can play and live with for the rest of your life. Even if I don't have to conquer a hundred levels, I won't be in trouble. I've even tried several times to imagine and simulate the future of settling in this world with that idea in mind.

(But in the end, I can't seem to escape reality for the rest of my life...)

 However, Tsutomu couldn't help but recognize this world as reality. I'm not sure if I'll ever wake up from this dream and return to my room. I'm not going to be able to get rid of the idea that the assets I have now are the currency of the game. I know that there are people in this world who can't get enough G (gold) and are struggling to make ends meet, but I can't help but look down on those who think that G is just gold.

 If you can let go of reality that easily, "Live Dungeon! He threw it away in high school when he was hooked on Live Dungeon!" when Tsutomu, who wasn't that different from the cripples, was a senior in high school. It was the golden age of the game, and many of us had left reality behind, to the point where the TV news was reporting on netgee criminals. In fact, Tsutomu was once told by a friend to take a longer login time, and as for his high school life, most of his memories are of "Live Dungeon! There's only so much I can do.

 But Tsutomu, during that period of "Live Dungeon! I also studied for exams in between loading times and chatting while playing "Live Dungeon!" and I went to college, albeit just barely. I even dropped out of high school to play "Live Dungeon! Aside from those who were immersed in "Live Dungeons!", Tsutomu was also moving, albeit minimally, to the point where people around him were donning him about the reality of the situation.

 For the next few years, he enjoyed himself while moving from being a cripple to running a clan, but "Live Dungeon! After the producer of "Live Dungeon!" was changed, the number of players decreased quickly, and when I saw my friends disappearing and the management intent on exploiting them, I secretly thought it was time to move on. So, since my third year of college, I've been looking for a job and playing "Live Dungeon! and even got a job offer during the last five units of operation.

 Even the cripples who mocked and mounted the newcomers as hackers dropped out of high school or retreated to their rooms to play "Live Dungeon! They can't escape the reality of the situation. And it is the same for Tsutomu. It is difficult to live in this world without turning away from reality. That's why I will capture the first 100 levels before anyone else, and I will not stop there, but I will continue to live without turning my eyes away from reality.

(Could they implement a login from reality as well...)

 Although he had come to such a conclusion, he couldn't stop thinking languidly. Tsutomu continued his careful support recovery to the PT on the ninety-nineth level while thinking about something that was an escape from reality.