109 . Search for Ancient Monsters Part 1

 On Urinacombe's discussion with the dark charmers
 With Butcombe's Geltzer making adjustments to this and that.

 The search party for the ancient monster tribe was ready to go, so I decided to lead that one and head there.

 I also didn't know when I would hear from Gelter.
 I would have liked to ask Googs to lead this search party, but I can't say that.

 This search party.
 In addition to the guards, Sarah the Salamander and Aura the Wyvern have joined the search.

 My opponent.
 So, it was assumed that the race was not humanoid, but rather a large monster race that was still in the form of a large monster, even among the ancient monster race.

 As for the aura, I'm also considering the fact that her aura is still very young, and I'd have to give her a lot of consideration if a situation arose where she had to change into her wyvern form.

 That said.

 In this world, the dragon race is extremely rare.
 In lore.
 When this world was once connected to the wizarding world through multiple gates.
 I'm told that a large number of dragons from the wizarding world inhabited this world.
 It seems that a former brave man almost destroyed the gate in order to cut off this world from the magical world.
 It is said that most of the dragons who had moved to this world at that time went back to the wizarding world, behind the Gate.

 Why the brave men destroyed the gate is unknown, as there is no lore left behind.
 Some say it's to protect the world from the clutches of a malevolent wizarding invader.
 It is said that it was to force the armies of this world to give up their attempts to invade the magical world, but we don't know exactly what happened, as the brave man at the time didn't say anything about it.

 By the way, this brave man.
 For when he received the revelation of a brave man in this world, he received the blessing of immortality.
 Some say we still live somewhere in this world.

 He was the guardian of one of the gates that that brave man destroyed.
 To the extent that Foldente has already become an incorporeal thought body....

 Back to my point.
 That's why, in this world, dragons are a valuable upper
 It is said that the title of "Dragon Slayer" earned by slaying the dragon is so highly honored that the holder of the title is guaranteed a position in the King's army of their choice, if they are willing to do so.

 In such
 It's an aura of youth.

 If I were to be surrounded by a group of seasoned adventurers.......that's what I'm worried about.

 By the way.
 As for Sarah, who is already an adult dragon and can even use dark-based summoning magic at will, I wondered if there was any need to worry about that much.

 Because she's also the one who takes naps in her spare time.
 In the meantime, I try to keep them within sight of each other.

 In addition to these two.
 We also borrowed a magical beast in a capsule from Jambalea, who manages the underground labyrinth.

 Here it is.
 If you break the capsule in two.
 A large monster beast is summoned and it will listen to the person who summoned it.

 The monsters that appear are
 Hold the broken capsule in your hand.
Come back.
 If you instruct him to return to the capsule, he will return to the seal.

 This time, when we went to search for the ancient monster tribe.
 From Jambalea.


 I am borrowing the capsules of these three magical beasts.

 If possible, I don't want you to end up having to use these capsules as well, but....

 With that in mind.
 I'm with a group of guards, two of the Guianacombe Investigative Group.
 This, plus Sarah and Aura, and we set off with the group.

 The other day, Biblina captured a group of bandits around.

 That bandit group had gone out of their way to use it as a stronghold, and also
 Some of the eggs of the ancient monster tribe have been found in that cargo as well.
 Isn't there an ancient Kaiju tribe hiding out somewhere around here? So I guessed.

 I'd heard from Biblina that I'd gotten a general idea of what was going on.
 We were able to get there fairly easily.

 On this day, I think the first thing we need to do is to secure the place where we should base ourselves.
 After all, we were in a dense forest
 This is because we decided that if we didn't get it done before dark, we would be in trouble later.

 Just in case
 Avoid the area where the bandits were basing themselves.
 We decided to create a rationale for the moment on the side of a small hill, a bit farther away.

 It's hard to see from the perimeter here.
 There is a river flowing a short distance away, and we judged that it would be easy to find water to drink.

 That day.
 After we finished setting up the tent and strolled around the area, the sun was starting to shine.
 We broke off the search a little early and everyone returned to the base.

 We split the 20-man search body into two units of eight men each and searched the perimeter.
 We found many brand-new footprints of what looks like a small monster.

 Such a small ... so to speak, one that is slightly larger than a human foot.
 Is there such a thing as a miniature Kaiju race?

 That's the question that came up.
 According to two members of the Guianacombe investigation team.
"There are documented cases of a half-human, half-monster, man-sized race of monsters that existed in the distant past.
 And that was that.

 .... although I suppose that situation was a very old event.
 So these footprints are a fact of life here and now.

 As I joined the others for a dinner of the preserves I had brought with me.

 And that there may be a human-sized tribe of monsters.
 That monster tribe should be stronger than humans, so if they were to encounter them, they would never take on a small number of people, and notified me, who was in charge of the survey team, or the deputy captain of the guards, who was the second in command, to contact them immediately.


 On this day.
 A few guards were set up in a tree in the vicinity of this grounds and then went to bed.

 The guards were to take turns in pairs, and
 I'm in that rotation too.

 In that situation.
 My counterpart, Sarah, is running for office and following me around.
'I'm nocturnal, my lord, you can go back to sleep.
 That's what Sarah says.
 That's not going to happen, as expected.

 As I quickly look around, Sarah is looking around.
You're as serious as ever.
 I laughed at that.
 I was wary of my surroundings, thinking that I should keep this as a compliment.

 It was past midnight.

 There is a sound coming from the depths of the forest, stirring up something.
 ........This is definitely something coming towards us.

 I was in a thought wave with the Vice Captain of the Guard, who was still at the base.
 I passed this on in thought waves to everyone standing guard elsewhere.

 Since I'm the only one in this search party who can use magic.
 I have no way of verifying that the thought waves from me were delivered properly.

 Anyway, me and Sarah continue to gaze from the top of the tree, deep into the forest.

 Not long after that.
 From deep in the forest, an ancient race of monsters emerged.