142 . Frontier City Training Introduction

 The days leading up to the start of the training in the frontier cities flew by in a blur, as we were given a tremendous amount of reference books and booklets to work on beforehand.

 After all, even if I read through them from morning to late at night, I may not have been able to get through half of them.

 Nevertheless, I somehow managed to read through the entire contents of the course twice, checking off what I thought was important and focusing on the most important content.
 This was helped by the books on the bookshelf in my room, which Quinn had prepared in advance for me.

 This was a personal collection of items that Quinn had collected for me that he thought were relevant to the frontier city training program, and it helped me a lot in reading the material.
 I felt rather sorry for having to go this far, and I offered to pay for some of the book, but
''No, no, these are items that were requested to be disposed of by those who had previously completed the frontier city training program, so there's no real cost to them.
 So that's what he said.

 ........Just what is the right way to keep something that you asked me to get rid of? I was just wondering a little bit.

 They have an agreement with the Quinn Chamber of Commerce to dispose of everything in a manner that suits them.
We have a contract with the store that allows them to own it, take it to a used bookstore or sell it as used paper, so there's no need to worry about it. If you have something you want, you can take it home with you.
 Quinn laughed at that.

 If that's what you mean.
 I was relieved and continued to study this and that using this book as well.

◇ ◇.

 The day before the start of her training in the frontier city, Biblina, the daughter of the lord of the frontier city of Batcombe, came to visit Quinn's private residence.

She said, "My father had some business to attend to. He asked me to run some errands for the Central Bureau, so I thought I'd drop by and see you.
 Biblina hugged me with a big smile as she said this.

 Quickly, Unja.
"Lady Biblina, if you continue to be overly skinny with the little one, I'll report you to Lady Erdena, okay?
 As she said that, Biblina reluctantly walked away from me....

 I'm glad to see her, but I think of her as my best friend, but she has her father's approval and wants a more intimate relationship with me, so I really don't understand why people like me so much.

 That said.
 As I said earlier, it was still nice to see Biblina after so long.
 I spent some time chatting with Unja in the room I was renting as my own room.

I'm sure Erdena is doing well, but she looks a little lonely because she doesn't have a master to look after her.
 Biblina told me this as we drank the tea that Unja had made.
 When I heard that, I wrote a brief letter to her.
"Vibrina, I'm sorry, but can you get this to Eldena?
 I asked him to do so.
 Then Biblina
Do you have a letter for the mistress?
 He smiled nastily as he said this.
'You're talking to Biblina now, you know, like this.
 I can't help but giggle as I say that.
 Vibrina, to me, is...
That's something you don't understand about women, my dear.
 As she said this, she stood up and suddenly kissed me on the cheek.
'I'll keep the change for your letter delivery,'
 Saying that, Biblina smiles a little shyly.

 .........Really, I'm in trouble.

 Soon after, Kirko, the maid, came asking for the room.
''If it's alright with you, Biblina-sama, would you like to join us for dinner, Quinn has said that Con?
 Kirko bowed reverently and said so to Biblina.
 I also asked her if she wanted to eat with me, since I'm here, too.
As much as I'd like to, you've been neglecting your work for a while now.
 With a chuckle at that, Biblina took the Batcombe carriage she'd been riding in and headed back to King's City.

 This was something I found out later.
 On this day, Biblina was on guard duty at Liberty, where she was on guard duty at the magic ship depot.
Oh, I don't want to be patient.
 As soon as he shouted that, he boarded the magic ship and seemed to ask for me almost in fits and starts.
 Later on, I heard that he was severely scolded by Daiken-san, who is running the magic ship, Gugs, who is in charge of its minor responsibilities, and Erdena, the acting lord.......
 I'm flattered, but you're your father's daughter, Biblina.

 However, once I got used to the training, I had to go back to the city to see my face, or else someone else might come along....

◇ ◇.

 Finally, the first day of my training in the frontier cities has arrived.

"Good morning, my dear boy, did you sleep well last night?
 Unja called out to me as she cleaned the clothes I was going to wear.
 As usual, she does these jobs exactly as well as she can, which is why she's really helpful.

 I changed into the formal clothes that Unja had prepared for me and went downstairs.

 As usual, after finishing breakfast with Quinn and everyone else in the mansion, I
 They climbed into Dengo's carriage.
 Quinn, who goes to work at the Quinn Chamber of Commerce store, is with me.
 Unja will accompany me and will wait for me to return while I help her with her work at the Quinn Trading Company.
'You can wait for me at the mansion while I relax.
 I told him.
No, no, no, I just want to see you as soon as possible, little one.
 Unya smiles as she says that.

 By the way, at the mansion, Unya has a
Hey, little man, if you need anything for the evening, I'm always here for you.

So, Mr. Gossage, good luck.
Hey, little girl, we're rooting for you.
 With Quinn and Unya cheering me on, I headed out of the Quinn Chamber of Commerce all the way to the Central Agency Frontier Bureau.

◇ ◇ ◇.

 When I got to the Central Agency Frontier Agency.
All frontier city trainees to the 10th floor lecture hall, please.
 The woman at the reception desk told me so, so I used the automatic boarding machine and went up to the 10th floor at once.
 On the 10th floor, there was a room labeled 'Frontier City Training', so I walked to it and opened the door.
I opened the door as I walked up to it. "Good morning, you're the one attending the frontier city training course, right?
 A female staff member inside approached me and said so.
 I showed her the participation badge that I had received beforehand.
'Yes, indeed ... then please take a seat of your choice and wait.
 As he said this, he led me by the hand to the desk in the back.

 The seats are gradually raised from the front row, so that the people in front and their heads are not in the way.
 However, there is a thin magic wall unfurled in front of it, which is probably meant to check for cheating when a test is administered.
 I remember that the magic school where I used to work also had this system in place.

 In the room, there were already several people seated in addition to me.
 I greeted them all lightly and sat down in a seat in the middle.
 Soon, more and more people began to gather in the hall.
 I'd seen it in my preliminary materials.
 This frontier city training is not just for those who will soon become lords of frontier cities.
 Many of the students studying in the Urban Management Department of the Wangdu School are also attending this course in anticipation of their future.

 Soon after, nearly twenty people gathered in the hall.

Wow, I'm going to be late.
 While saying that, Riknas came running into the room.
 Everyone couldn't help but laugh at the gesture, but it seemed that the participants were now all present.

 As Riknas took his seat, the door of the room was closed and a first-aged man stood at the podium.
I'm going to be in charge of your training, I'm Grand Nuts, Inspector of the Frontier Bureau of the Central Agency. From now on, I look forward to working with you.
 This was the beginning of my training in the frontier cities.