243 . Enclave 2

 It had been a few days since Foldente had headed to King's Landing again.
 As if to replace her, everyone in the guard unit from the royal capital returned to Liberty Combe.
 We bypassed the city roads and came back using the old roads and unused mountain roads, but thanks to our hard work, we were all able to return without injury.
 When Eldena and I heard the news, we immediately went back to the town hall and welcomed everyone.
 Among the troops was the guard chief, Gugs.
 When Gugus noticed me calling out to the guards, he
My lord, I know you have feelings for me, but please be a little more discreet.
 He rushed over to me with a bitter smile.

 Currently, the ringleaders of the Senate are in a very difficult position.
 While I was busy dealing with the actions of Gelter, Gugsu and the others who had come to get me back, the Seiryu Faction in the King's City had seized every bribe and documentary evidence of back taxes from me.
 Furthermore, I heard that there was a group of aristocrats and senators from the Qingliu School who were planning to have me testify about the entire abduction case to the Assembly.
 If I testify in the House of Representatives about all of this, along with the materials seized by the Seiryu Faction, there is a good chance that I will be able to bring the ringleaders of the Senate out of office and arrest them at once.
 Therefore, rumors are spreading in the House of Lords that the ringleaders of the Senate are planning to stop me from speaking, no matter what they have to do.
I've been told by Mr. Gelter to be very careful about the safety of our lord. It seems that the current ringleaders in the Senate are in serious trouble.
 Gugs said that and quickly pushed me, who was in the middle of greeting him, back into the town hall.

 Once we returned to the lord's office in the town hall, Gugus and I unfolded a map of the Liberty Combe area.
''The lord now you are at the bottom of the cliffs of the hot spring settlement, but if a horde of people come pouring in here, we won't be able to do anything... if the Senate ringleaders are able to move the main body of the Knights, the Liberty Combe guards won't be able to do it alone.'' 
 Gugus tightened his mouth as he said that.

 In fact, if the entire Knights of the King's Capital had been acting seriously, it would have been easy to put down this time's move by Gelter and Gugus' move.
 However, among the Knights, only about a fifth of the entire unit acted in accordance with the wishes of the Senate ringleaders regarding this matter.
 The other units seemed to have decided to keep quiet about this matter and did not interfere at all.
 The other troops had decided to keep quiet about the matter, and hadn't taken any action at all, apparently because they thought they were being bribed and had no choice but to obey the demands of the Senate leaders, but because it was clear that the Senate leaders were the ones who were doing the wrong thing.
 But if, as Gugs says, the ringleaders of the Senate are willing to move these knights without any pretense, even now.......

That's why I've instructed them to set up a second base here, just in case.
 Saying that, Googus pointed to the site of the old settlement village.
''But this place hasn't finished investigating the unidentified demonic beast yet, and...''
'That's why. The ringleaders of the Senate wouldn't expect to hide their lord in such a dangerous place, and even if the ringleaders of the Senate were to send a horde of them, this place would buy them enough time. After all, the fort was built with the expectation of being attacked by a horde of ancient monster clans.
 Gugus said that, and then he smiled and went on smiling.

 The current site of this old pioneer village, Sarah was the main one who continued the pioneering work.
 Although the identity of the magical beast that can blend in with the surrounding landscape that captured one before is still unknown, thanks to the triple-layered fort that Sarah designed and built, no reports of damage have been received so far.
 Moreover, this former frontier village is currently part of the frontier city of Green Combe's territory, but as soon as the surrounding area is finished, it will be handed over to the frontier city of Liberty Combe for free, but since this has not yet been reported to the king's capital, the ringleaders of the senate are not likely to notice it that well.
I'm afraid that until the Senate leaders are dealt with properly, we must do everything we can to make our move.
 I could only bow my head to Gugsu who laughed at me and thanked him.

 Although Googs has returned, Nirmana and everyone else in the small frontier city of Pickus will continue to guard the mansion near the hot spring village.
 The reason for this is because they thought it would be suspicious if they concentrated on the area where Liberty Combe's guards, led by Gugus, do not have much time to guard.
 The troops from the small frontier city of Pickus were stationed around the mansion, ostensibly because they couldn't get into the hot spring settlement. This was not unusual, as the guards of Batcombe who had finished training in the underground labyrinth also sometimes did this when they couldn't get into the hot spring lodge.
 They take turns going to the underground labyrinth to train and enjoy the hot springs, and they are even doing some disguise work.

 A few days after Gugs returned.
 A few days after Gugus returned, Foldente came back from the capital.
''It's going to work out.
 As soon as he opened his mouth to say so, Foldente handed a document to Erdena and I, who were greeted in the office of the mansion.
 The document was written as 'Notice of Disposition (Provisional)'.
What do you mean by this disposition, Foldente?
''Yes, we are the victims, aren't we?''
 When me and Eldena said that, Foldente said
All right, let's see if you can hear me out.
 Then he started giggling.

 According to Foldente.....
 The King's Capital Council and the Central Frontier Bureau were privy to the fact that this case was the work of some ringleaders in the Senate, and I understood that Erdena and I were the victims.
 But we can't unquestionably say that the guards of the frontier city Libertycombe, along with the lord of the frontier city of Batcombe, Gelter, invaded the royal capital to arm themselves.
 But that doesn't mean that I, the lord of Libertycombe, was captured at that point in time and couldn't give direct instructions.

 Then Foldente rode into the Central Frontier Bureau.

 Foldente first apologized sincerely for the guards' armed invasion of the royal capital, and then
And to atone for my sins, I have agreed to take over the property of the House of Greedo in Liberty Combe, a small town in the Outlying Areas and put it under my control from now on.
 Yes, they have offered.

 It is true that none of the Greed family's possessions are in a decent condition to live in, so it is rumored that no buyer is available despite the fact that they are on the market for sale at a price close to a knock-off.
 The Central Frontier Agency, which was in charge of disposing of the property, must have been in a quandary, and that's why Foldente had brought this story to their attention.

 The Central Frontier Agency was in a bit of a bind, so Foldente brought the idea to them.
 Some members of the House of Representatives were opposed to the idea, claiming that it was too unacceptable.
 But then, what else would be the punishment for the frontier city of Liberty Combe? Everyone had been thinking about it when it came to discussing the issue.
 As a result, they've decided to have the discussion at the next council meeting.
I heard that the Central Frontier Agency is already working with members of Congress and the House of Lords to reach an agreement in that direction, so I'm sure they'll decide on that first.
 After I finished listening to what Foldente had to say, I looked over the documents again.
 It was clearly stated on the document that Liberty Combe would purchase all of the estates of the former Greed family that had not yet been dealt with, and that Liberty Combe would be responsible for their management and administration thereafter.
 The amount of money written there is quite inexpensive, and if this is the way to pull the curtain back on the issue of the guard invasion, then we can say that we wish for it to come true.
 But here, Foldente frowned.
''........In exchange, I was given one condition....
Well, Safate, when you're asked by the Congress, you're supposed to come down to the Capitol and give your testimony on this case.
 When I heard Foldente's words, my mouth tightened.
 I'm sure it will eventually come to that, but the way things are going, it doesn't seem too far away that I will have to go to the royal capital again.