162-Eighth Army Assembly

 The first person to return to Ivalice was Lilith of Succubus.

 She was born in Dvorberg and was the daughter of a large succubus family. I can imagine what a bustling homecoming it must have been, but the first words she unleashes at the opening are trite.

'My family, 20 succubus daughters gathered together and I'm the only one who was a live daughter. This is all Ike-sama's fault, but can you somehow take responsibility for it?

If you want me to introduce you to some promising demon men in the future, I'll do it as much as I can.

Master Ike, you still don't know anything about maidenhood, do you?

 Lilith describes it as such, puffing out her cheeks, but I think she's a pretty ungainly girl, too. She looks at the sweater I'm wearing and giggles.

''Ike-sama, where did you pick up that sweater? Your stitches are frayed.

 This is made by the Demon King-sama, I wanted to tell her that, but for the sake of the Demon King's honor, I remained silent and waited for the other subordinates to come back with her.

 Lilith sat down on the couch in the living room unceremoniously, saying, "Ding dong,
Satie, make some herbal tea.
 I'm begging you.

 Sati sneered, and brought the herbal tea.
 After bringing the herbal tea, the girls began to chat.

 Normally they don't seem to get along, but after three months apart, I wonder if they are aware of some kind of bond.

 Lilith was talking to Sati about what had happened in the past three months.
 Satie listened to it with a smile on her face.
 The next person to return was the dragon man, Sigan.
 He was already without a wife and had several children, many of whom had been killed in battle.

 He was staying with his daughter, the only one who had survived, but he had a lot of spare time on his hands.

'After all, whether at Dvorberg or Ivalice, there was nothing to do but wield a spear.

 After finishing that report, he went back to his unit.
 The next one to return was Alistair.

 In her case, she was back in the territory near Reezus, north of Ivalice, and she also had some time on her hands.

'This is the kind of time soldiers have trouble with. Should I have one of those hobbies too?

'Would you like to knit? It's a good way to pass the time.

 I suggested that, but she had difficulty.

'I'm a military man. Military people don't knit and so on...'

 She wouldn't believe me if I told her that there was a demon king who knitted.

 So I gave up suggesting knitting and told her that we could play chess sometime.

 She smiled.
That's great, now let's take a look at it.
 And then he left.

The last person to return was the elf, Anemone.
 She came in with a pile of fruit and spread it out on the desk.

''Here's a gift for you. Mr. Ike.


 I have to say, this is polite.
 Or rather, it's not an amount that can be consumed by one person.
 In this other world where refrigeration technology is poor, it's a problem to have so much fruit brought here.

 Therefore, I asked Anemone to ask Satie to process most of it into jam and dried fruit.

''How was Lady Ferrette?''

Your sister is still the same.

 Anemone responds immediately.

'He was all about wanting to see Master Ike, and he wanted to see you. He was seized by a handmaiden when he tried to steal my armor, thinking that, being twins, he would not be discovered if he disguised himself.

 She smiled bitterly, "I know you're such a big sister, but the elven people will be in trouble if you don't stay in the forest," she said.

''Well, I hope you sisters can live peacefully in the forest soon. I'll do my best.

 When I say that.
'Then Master Ike, please come to the World Tree Forest. You'll spend the rest of your life in peace and quiet.

I'll think about it.

 My dream is to retire early and live a quiet life.
 With that in mind, it's not a bad idea to live in that forest after the unification of the world.
 The climate is mild and above all, it's quiet.
 Except for the fact that the two sisters are shy, it might be an ideal place to retreat to.
 I thought about it, but I didn't say it, and I was tired from the trip.
 She headed back to the troop of elves she had returned home with.

'Feng, well, I hope we're all assembled now.


 Lilith says this as she finishes her herbal tea, but Satie denies it.

'Um, I'm afraid Mr. Giron hasn't returned yet?

'Oh, come to think of it, that pig wasn't there yet. I'd forgotten about it because of its lack of presence.


 Sati complains modestly, but I defend Lilith.

'He took his family back to Dvorberg for the first time in a long time, too. He wanted to spread his wings. Give him plenty of credit.

''Well, it can't be helped. After all, Dvorberg is home to the demon race.

Yeah, I know.

 ........By the way, don't tell anyone that I had completely forgotten about Giron's existence, too.
 In the end, Giron came back at the end of the day.
 The reason for the delay was simple: his wife had given birth to another child.
 It was his 18th child.
 It was a blessing, but could he have eighteen children to feed?
 I asked Jiron, but he looked up to me and demanded a raise in wages.
 The Demon King's Army doesn't have a system of alimony or baby gift money.

 If they had such a system, the orcs and goblins would benefit, and the type of demons who have a hard time producing children would complain.

 But, well, Jiron has served this legion for many years.

 As a legion leader, I can't give him special treatment, but I can celebrate him as an individual.

 I'm going to use my own pocket money to buy Giron a pram.
 It's a luxury item made by the dwarves.
 'I'd die for my husband,' Jiron quipped, whimpering with tears of emotion.

'Fool, you just had a baby and you're dying for it!

 I convinced Giron, and then I let him do his job.

The League of Overlords should be making their move in earnest by now. I'll need you to keep me posted.

 He nodded like a chief of staff and began to prepare for it.