175-Man to become brigade leader

 About three years ago now.

 Wearing the robe of the Immortal King, which was left by my grandfather, and a mask, I was engaged in a war against humans as a lowly member of the Demon King's army.

 I don't mind saying it myself, but I think my record in battle was pretty good. It's not a good idea to compare their performance with that of the low grade monsters such as orcs, kobolds, and goblins that surrounded them.

 ---- I don't really remember the situation before and after.

 Anyway, when I came to my senses, I was transferred to Cephiro, the Witch of the Black Peril, who was my boss and my sister since I was a child.

 He is still a prankster. You may be in the bathroom or bathing at the right time, so I should have told you to refrain from using the transference magic suddenly.

''It's been a while, Ike.

 I look around and check out the situation.

 I am first relieved that the destination I was called to in a freaky situation was not a bath or a battlefield. Apparently, I was called to the great hall of the Demon King's Army's 7th Legion's residence, Barenzele. Cephiro, who was smiling like a bad boy, was sitting deeply on the throne decorated with luxurious stained glass.

 It's been a long time since I've seen you. If I was called out so often like this, I'm sure that feeling would fade away.

"Commander........what do you want today? I don't have time to spare either, you know?

I know that. No matter what kind of organization you're in, the people on the end are the ones who work the busiest. You are a lowly member of the Demon King's Army. That must be very busy for you. Well, I'm a concubine and I don't have time for anything.

You look like you have a lot of time on your hands when you're experimenting with whatever you want, though.

 It's hard to say.

 Even if they are in good company, they are still superiors and subordinates. The other side is the commander of the corps, and this is the lowest of the low in the army. You will have to be polite to them.

 It's very annoying.

And what does the busy leader of the Legionnaire want in person?

Ike, do you intend to lead the brigade?

The brigade?

 He parrots a question mark.

 A brigade is a sub-organization of a corps. A brigade is a group of multiple brigades, and an army is the one that brings them together. In battle, it is customary for the Demon King's Army to work in brigade units unless they are facing a very powerful enemy.

 Leading that brigade means you are the brigade leader.
 In short, it's an unusually large promotion.

 It is normal for a person to first gain experience as a lowly soldier, then become a troop leader, and from there, after working their way up through the ranks of chief of staff and deputy chief of staff, finally become a brigade leader. It's not unusual for people to accumulate several decades of experience before reaching this point.

''........Commander, what is this a joke? You don't ask me to be a brigade commander I'm still a young man with a blue ass.

'It is reassuring to be a general of a brigade, for you know your own inexperience. For there is nothing more pathetic than soldiers working for a vain general.


"Well, to put it bluntly, you are the grandson of Ronberg, the Guardian of the Abyss, a friend of mine. Your robe-clad, masked figure is the very essence of the Immortal King. It's uncomfortable for such a person to be running around the battlefield as a soldier. And I don't even have the face to match that Romberg guy.

''Let's say I'm going to take a hundred steps and become the brigade leader. Then what would happen to the brigade members? I've never heard of the Seventh Legion having such a surplus of talent.

You may rest assured of that. "That's where you can relax. The members are sure to become the brigade that will represent our Seventh Legion. The grandson of the Guardian of the Abyss will be joining the brigade as its general. I can't help but look forward to it.

 When I say it, Cephiro gives me an innocent smile like a child. He really seems to be looking forward to it from the bottom of his heart. This person has a juvenile mind, or rather, a juvenile spirit that won't go away anytime soon. His emotions come out on his face immediately.

 But I'm going to be the general leading the brigade, huh........

 It's a story that doesn't feel real. Because until just a few minutes ago, I was running around the battlefield as an underling of the demon tribe. And now, all of a sudden, I'm a brigade commander.

 Of course, there will be opposition from those around me.

 I've never heard of a lowly soldier becoming a brigade commander in one fell swoop. Besides, each of the demon tribe is a very proud creature. They won't obey those weaker than themselves, even if they die.

 I still don't have the confidence in myself to manage such people.

 It's a good thing that Cephiro was on the spur of the moment, too. I'm sure you're not the only one who knows what you're capable of. It's not just a matter of having a good sense of battle, but also of being a general.

 Well, it's not that I don't know anything about it.
 I have memories of my past life, and I know the tactics they used in advance.

 However, whether or not I can carry out this will depend on whether or not I can unite the demon tribe.

 Can I really manage these self-respecting demons?
 ........Yes, I'll still say no. It's not a very good idea, but I don't have that kind of confidence.

Commander. I'm sorry to be the one to make this offer, but--

Oh, and by the way, this is not a suggestion. This is a superior's order. As brigade leader, you will work for the mistress. This is definite.


It's obvious that you're going to say no in a humble manner. This habit can only work against you among the demons. I recommend that you correct this habit as soon as possible.

''Huh..............................Hey, Commander. You're not serious?

She's always been serious. Now, Ike, it's all ready to go. All we have to do is wait for you to arrive. Let's get going. It is said that a soldier should respect the speed of his own life.

I'm going where--

You know what to do. You will meet the men of the brigade you will lead.

 It's too soon to say, but Cephiro popped down from his throne and grabbed my robe and yanked me languidly.

 Apparently, I don't have complete veto power.

 As it is, I had to be dragged through the Barenzele's residence.