273-Whole body ad lib

 We finished our delicious sandwiches, and not long afterwards, the practice resumed.

 The activity on the beach, which we were not accustomed to, and our footsteps were heavy in a mental sense.

 Today, we practiced with the wooden sword to gain experience. We practiced in the afternoon as the theme.

 After every match, we practiced and practiced with my father and Aegal's advice.

 However, only Eric and Silvio-san, who are still very close to me in terms of ability, are able to do this during a match.

 There's no way they can try it out without having Luna and Elinora's sister or others go easy on them.

 Well, that's where they adapted to us in the sense of practice, but both of them took advantage of that and played with me like no other.

 It's a good idea to have a good time with a good friend.

 I'm not sure how many times I've been tumbled over by being lightly swept away by a wooden sword, and when I see an opening, I'm grabbed by one hand and thrown off, or I'm put on my feet or pushed.

 Fortunately, the sand is soft here on the beach, so you won't be injured, but it's quite humiliating to be rolled over and over again, and it's hard to have your body covered in sand.

 Eric and Brother Silvio had been through the same thing, so I was able to endure it, but if I was alone, my heart would have been broken.

 It took several hours of practice like that.

 Finally, I got tired.

'I can't do this anymore!'

 He swung the wooden sword so much that his arms were lazy. And because of the unaccustomed sandbox, my legs are terribly heavy. I'm sure you'll find it hard to stand up and be honest, it's hard to even stand up.

It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on a new one.

 As I sit down on the ground, Eric says to me with a bare hand.

'I'm not a very strong person to begin with,'

That's why we should stand up now and build up our strength.

You can't even do that, so you're sitting there.

 Eric may be used to it because he practices on the beach every day, but this is the first time I've trained here.

 The sand is soft and soothes the impact, but it gets tangled up in my legs and I can't stand on it.

 I had to use my muscles more than usual to kick the ground. I'm working with dangling lead, so to speak. It's no wonder I'm so unaccustomed to it, then, that I'm getting burned out so fast.

 While I'm sitting and groggy, Mr. Agal and Nord Dad come in.

 Maybe you two are going to tell me to work harder, too? I hate it when people say that.

 I'd better show my limits here with my attitude, not my words. I give them a blank stare as a check.

'Are you okay? I know it's hard, but--whoa!

 Then, for some reason, Mr. Eagal made a startled noise, and Dad Nord jerked his shoulders.

''Nono, Nord-dono. Alfried-kun's eyes are pretty bad, but........

But she has very little energy to begin with, so you might as well let her rest here.

 Mr. Aegal and Dad Nord are whispering to each other in low voices.

 They are judging whether to call a break or continue, depending on the exhaustion I'm expressing with my body. I'd really like to take a break or end this.

 I'm not sure if I've made the right decision when I look at you two in protest, but I'm turning to you.

''Well Gohon, the first time on the beach is pretty hard, you know. Alfried, you should get some rest.

'Yes, you're right. It's hotter today, so you can take a break now.

 Oh, whoa! I guess Mr. Eggal and my Nordic father understood my feelings, so they took a generous action.

 Fatigue is not a good thing to keep in mind. You should be able to express it with all your might, verbally and physically.

 That's what I learned in my past life. If you're tired, you should complain of fatigue. If you're at your limit, talk and rest. There is nothing more important to a man than his body.

Yes, I understand. Well, I'll take a rest in the shade then.

 I respond with a desperate attempt to hold back a grin, and then walk with a gait that suggests I'm at the limit of my ability to move my body.

 My body is actually tired, but my mind is light as a feather now that I'm exempt from sword practice. If your mind is affected and you try to skip here, you could be taken back.

 You have to keep your mind from floating away into nothingness.

 I walk slowly through the sand, disciplining my mind.

 And after taking my time, I finally reach the shady seat.

'Huh ... finally rest--'

If you're going to be on the seat, you're going to have to go and clean the sand off of it.


 I let out a breath and tried to lie down, but once again Mother Erna told me that.


 I couldn't be bothered to go back to the sea and clean the sand off, so I used water magic to clean the sand off as usual, without sticking to seawater even though it was the sea.

 The seawater would have made my skin sticky anyway. I'm sure your body needs a break now more than it needs to feel the ocean.

"Can I come up?

 I asked after I cleaned off the sand, and Mother Erna nodded her gaze up and down.

''I forgive you,''

Oh, I see. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Uh-huh. What's that?

 Natasha chuckles, probably amused by the exchange between Erna's mother and me.

'You're doing the same thing.


That's weird for a mother and son.

 Mother Erna said sternly like a queen, so I just acted like a retainer in the groove.

 But Natasha-san thought it was funny, or maybe she was laughing happily when she saw us.

 If it was just us, it wouldn't bother me so much, but after all this time, I'd feel ashamed of myself if people laughed at me like this.

 I wondered if it was the same for Mother Erna, and her face was getting a little red.

''But then again, is Al already battling it out?

 Perhaps hoping to forget the embarrassing exchange we had earlier, Mother Erna brings up the subject.

'Huh? Is the exchange you just had over?

 However, Natasha dared to bite the bullet there.

''Well it's over because you're embarrassing me.

Well, I would have liked to see some more.

 Mother Erna says shyly, and Natasha looks disappointed.

 Everyone in the Silford family is basically serious.

 Eric is stiff, and I don't think Luna-san would have that kind of interaction with him. The head of the family, Aegal-san, even has a bit of a mischievous streak, so this kind of joke between father and son must have been refreshing.

''So, Knight Alfried. Why did you come back here? The others are still fighting on the battlefield, you know?

 As I was thinking about this, Natasha-san, not Mother Erna, came up to me recklessly.

 I was a little surprised at the unexpected situation, but if I went through with it here, Natasha-san's heart would be deeply wounded.

 I remember what she said to me earlier and desperately think of the words that Natasha-san might be looking for.

 A queen and a knight. Then I've read a number of stories in the mansion's books. I'm going to pick up those lines and adapt them to the current situation.

It's a good thing that you're able to get the best out of the game, because you can't swing your sword properly, and that's why I left the front line under the instructions of the troop leader Nord. However, I didn't come back for free either. I have brought back a map of my opponent's forces on the battlefield.

 I get down on one knee and pick up the long, thin seaweed that was on my body earlier and pass it to him like a scroll.

 An improvised performance by Alfried full length.

 When I was wondering how Natasha-san would respond to this, I suddenly heard a gushing sound.

''Pfffff, that's great, Alfreet-kun! It's like a theater company!

 When I looked up, I didn't expect Natasha to abandon her role after she dumped me first.

 I think it's horrible that people are laughing at me when I've tried so hard to answer their recklessness and put in a passionate performance.

 Feeling somewhat cocky, I toss the unfurled seaweed into the distance.

'Oh, the power structure!

'It's not a force chart. It's just seaweed!

 I said, and then I sat down on the edge of the sheet and laid back down as if the act was over.