86-Quiet story, Sieglinde-voiceless thoughts-

 When I first saw you, the first thing that rose in my heart was compassion.
 It's not just that I'm sorry, I felt only pity that I had to come to such a different world where I didn't have a single acquaintance.

 The first impression I had of you was that you seemed a bit unreliable.
 You're going to be able to find out the best way to make the most out of the game.

 You may not be aware of it, but I've been watching you ever since you came to this world.
 You will be able to find out the best way to get the most out of your time in the event that you are in a position to make a living.
 It's a shadow--a cloak used by the knights to refer to the person who is responsible for guarding the target under cover.
 When you came to this world, each of you had a shadow, and I was the one who was assigned to be in charge of you.

 I was chosen for a simple reason: I do not harbor any disgusting feelings towards men.
 The Duke of Albert's family, although it was not Lili's intention to do so, but the atmosphere of the duke's house has somehow become male-free, and many of the servants who have continued to work in such an atmosphere have feelings of almost prejudice towards men.
 Even though Lili was the first to put you in check, it must have been an uncomfortable place for you.

 I followed you as a shadow, and I made the big mistake of losing sight of you on the first day.
 It's not a matter of choice, but it's not an unavoidable topic for me, and after that, I'm going to put more effort into protecting you, and I'm going to be watching your movements more than ever before.

 I think it was after the New Year was over that you started to change.
 It was as if a demon had fallen from your body, and you had been reluctant to interact with others.
 Maybe it was just a small change, or maybe it was just a way of saying hello to someone you hadn't spoken to before, but it was a dramatic change in the environment around you.

I'm sorry, Mr. Miyama. Even though you are our guest, this kind of...
No, it's been two weeks already, and I don't want to keep asking for your help, so I'm always happy to help you with this.

 She was seen walking down the corridor alongside one of the maids, carrying a basket with a large amount of laundry in it.
 It was about two weeks after your arrival that I began to see this often.

 When you first arrived, there were three main types of servants in Duke Albert's family.
 There are a lot of people who are willing to accept you, like Lili and Luna, and those who are not very fond of otherworldly people themselves, since some of the brave men and women in the past were treated as state guests, which is how they were treated in the past.
 And this is also the negative effect of the fact that many of Duke Albert's servants have served Lili since she was a princess, but they are prejudiced because you are a man.
 If you put them all together, it's no exaggeration to say that nearly 80% of them are not happy with you.

 You may not realize it. But it's true that the environment around you has changed dramatically.
 Of those who didn't like you in the beginning, nearly half have already changed their perception of you.
 Since this is a feeling that was born out of petty prejudice in the first place, it's only natural that your reputation would change faster if you could look at you as an individual with a straight face.

 The original you are a good-natured, gentle person with a soft smile that suits you very well.......

 I've been watching you and I'm really impressed with you.
 You are changing the environment around you by your own actions, which is very dazzling to me as I am afraid to move forward for fear of failure.

 It's easy to say, but I think it's very difficult to do.
 How are you able to be so strong? Aren't you afraid of being worse than you are ... of failing? 
 I put it in perspective with my current self and wondered that way.
 Fortunately, you used to talk to me, even though I could not speak, and occasionally had tea with me.

 Do you remember that? When I asked you about a question I had during our first few teas, you said....

Of course, of course you're afraid to fail, right? I mean, not too long ago, I was always thinking about the risks and stuff, the bad side of things, and ended up not taking any action.
Now?  It's a 'waste' of time to give up without trying, when you could manage it if you tried...
'Oh, no, that's actually just another one of those things I'm taking. But once I was able to think like that, the pain I had been experiencing before became much easier. I was able to think about trying my best again and trying harder.

 The way you said that, your face was so bright and shiny and wonderful.
 Yes, I have a confession to make. I respect you, who is younger than me, with all my heart.
 Seeing you work so hard and keep on going gives me courage and makes me feel happy.
 When I saw your presence in my mind, it made me feel brave and happy.

 Do you know?
 I've noticed how many of the people who weren't happy with you before have responded happily to your greeting.
 As a matter of fact, you're quite popular among the servants now.

 Are you aware of this?
 The changes in your environment have changed, and the changes that are coming....
 That the cook who used to harass you now sometimes uses slightly better ingredients in your cooking, that you have a maid who has always wanted to be in charge of making your bed in your room.
 As far as I can see, there are a certain number of people who could fall in love with you, if given the chance.

 Did you know that?
 How big you have become in my life.
 When I sensed that you were in danger, I was so worried that my heart would break.

 Are you aware of this?
 When I was about to lose you, the feelings I had for you changed from respect to longing...
 You probably don't even know it. You are a very kind and nice person, but you seem to have a troubling habit of underestimating yourself.

 Right now, I don't have the courage to tell you clearly either.
 So, it may be selfish of me, but........I will continue to look at you and ask you to share your courage, little by little.

 And when I have the courage to take a step forward, I will share my thoughts with you.

 The trouble is that there are many rivals, but to borrow your words, it would be a shame to give up without trying.

 So, from now on, I'm going to try my best too.

 I'm going to try to get as close as possible to the you I've always admired....