442-It seems that the dimensions are different

 Desire is a very deep thing. The way they compete with each other in the form of an auction showed it clearly.
 I saw the winner of the auction with a look of despair on his face after a fierce competition.
 The winner is not the one who has lost the competition. The winner is not the one who loses the bidding, but the one who finds a value greater than the money he has spent.
 Since there is a limit to the amount of money one can have, if one is at the mercy of the heat of the competition, regret will be waiting for them.

 However, there are a few overwhelmingly powerful people in the world who do not meet those criteria.

"Well, catalog number 28, 'Small Stowable, Highest Quality Pet House' is currently worth 10 white gold coins!
... hmmmmm.

 I put my hand to my chin and thought about it as I looked at the item that was priced higher than I thought it was going to be.
 100 million yen in Japanese yen.....and they're still bidding, and it's going to be even higher.

'985 number 11 white gold coins.......643 number 11 white gold coins and 5 gold coins! Twelve 7 white gold coins!

 What is currently being competed for is a pet house based on the principle of the magic box. I want one that's small enough to carry around, as well as large enough and solid enough to allow large demons to relax.......I want one.
 With that thing, it would be easy to travel with Belle and Lynn, so I'd like to get it somehow. But apparently it's a pretty rare item, and there are many people who want it as much as I do.
 Considering that even large demons can relax........in other words, the size of a mansion, it's no wonder that it's priced at a hundred million.
 There's no reason why I can't bid on it with my budget, but it's going to be a pretty expensive purchase.

 While thinking about this, I raised my index finger and raised it to show the back of my hand.

''Number 985, 13 white gold coins! Number 522, 14 white gold coins!

'....Kite....do you want that...?
'What? Yeah, I wish I could travel with my pet...

 I groaned at the still rising price and answered Mr. Isis's question. Then, Isis-san nodded once with a satisfied look and then opened her mouth.

''........Okay.......leave it to me.''

 While saying that, Isis-san put her hands up in a flowing manner and made some hand signs.

''........What? Huh? No, no, I'm sorry! Number 986 is the white gold coin..............100 coins!
What? Oh, Mr. Isis!

 A billion yen all of a sudden? What the hell are you... well, you're not going to bid on me, are you? No, no, no, no, and even then, 100 pieces all of a sudden.......

...for the brooch........in return.

 No, no, the price difference is too great! So, but it's already been called, and it can't be reversed.
 Who would give more than 100 white gold coins........

''Oops, number 643! One hundred white gold coins and five gold coins!'

 I got it out! But the others don't seem to be able to follow the stones. Isis-san is....what? Wait a minute, Mr. Isis! That thumbs up-like hand shape is, as I recall.........


 At that moment, the sound disappeared from the hall. It was truly an overwhelming sight. Everyone in the hall was overwhelmed by the sight of Mr. Isis returning the double bid without any hesitation.
 Then, without anyone else bidding, it was decided that Isis-san would win the bid.

''.........Kite.......winning bid......done.
I'm sorry, no, I mean, Mr. Isis? 
And so, the money...
...only 'only' 200?

 It seems that Isis-san, who says it so matter-of-factly, really doesn't think it's a lot of money.

I know it's a bit late, but.........how much money do you have, Isis-san?
...assets ... without ...assets ...only money?
Yeah, yeah...
...white gold coins... '4 million'... maybe...?
"...What? Ehhh, ehhh!

 Four million white gold coins! Well, one white gold coin is 10 million Japanese yen...............................which is "40 trillion yen"! That's on par with the national budget! Huh? And it's cash only, without assets? What percentage of the world's existing white gold coins does he own?

Oh, Mr. Isis, you're really that rich...
"...what? But ... but Cromieyna ... is more ... than I am. .... rich?
Well, are you serious? How much money did Black have to spend...
"I don't know, but maybe ... maybe ... the way you express yourself with me ... is ... ... no.
The expression?
''Well in the case of Chromeaina it's not about how many white gold coins...'' 'A percentage of the world's economy' or ... I think that's how it would be described.

 I had heard that Black was the richest man in the world. But I didn't think he was a part of the global economy in a world that was much larger than the one I was in, with a population of an order of magnitude larger than the three worlds combined.

 Dear Mom, Dad--I thought I understood that Kuro and Mr. Isis is the pinnacle of the demon world and possesses an overwhelming amount of wealth, but..........but in reality, it's far more than I expected. Even Isis-san is unimaginably rich, but Black - it seems to be even more dimensional.