405-Episode 405 Accelerating...

My God, is this going to be a big deal?
Yeah, that could be a problem.

 Kanade and Chiffon, who were being held in prison, felt a sense of urgency.

 They didn't know the situation outside.
 However, an elfin appeared earlier and told them something they hadn't expected.

 That Rain had left a companion lurking outside.
 That he used that companion to kidnap Finia.
 That he should be decisively sanctioned for nothing more than an insult to the phoenix tribe.

 It was unheard of in their sleep, and Kanade and Chiffon could only be surprised.

''Who is this person other than Rain-kun and me?''
'Unyan I have a bad feeling about this. Did Monica or something show up again?
'Oh, you don't know Chiffon? Well, um...

 Kanade shared Monica's information with Chiffon.

'I didn't know there was such a knight... umm, a former knight? It's only been rather recently that I've formed a deep connection with the King's Capital... but I don't know if I've ever heard of a knight with the power of illusion.
Maybe he's been hiding it. It's just that he seems to have a very bad temperament.
''Hmmm ... maybe you should report to the king when this is all settled.
If it works out...

 The phoenix tribe on guard had doubled in number.
 Occasionally, they would give me a stern look, or say some boisterous words like they should be executed immediately.

 I don't have a feeling that this can be resolved safely.
 Kanade and Chiffon broke out in a cold sweat.

Oh, Nina! And Rifa.

 Nina and Rifa come in and Kanade smiles.
 Only to find out that it's not just the two of them, but Sigle and Elfin are also with them, and her smile is drawn.

 Elfin turns his hostile gaze to Chiffon...
 Next, he gives Kanade a disappointed look.

'Did you know?'
Meow? What are you talking about?
That's what I'm saying... that the human being had his people in hiding and was planning to kidnap my daughter.
'Lane wouldn't do that! Don't think that's a mistake.
I saw the moment of the crime with my own eyes. There is no mistake.
But it was just someone else, wasn't it? How do I know if that guy is connected to Rain?
'My daughter disappeared with the humans, that should be enough proof. They are stupid and shallow humans. Perhaps they were after Finia all along.

 Kanade wanted to deny it out loud.
 Rain wouldn't do that, there must be some kind of mistake.

 But when he looked into Elfin's eyes, he couldn't speak.
 Determined that it was Rain....
 There was anger at the people who had done the stupidest thing.
 There was anger at having my daughter taken from me.

 Maybe no words will reach her now.
 I could bring Rayne here or....
 Or maybe he wouldn't take it seriously without his daughter, Finia.
 Kanade had a gut feeling that this was the case, and he couldn't get the words out to deny it.

'You will be in prison too,'

 Nina and Rifa are also put in jail.
 When Sigle sees this, he chides them.

"Well, Elfin," he says. The boy is the strongest of them all. To put one's own people in jail is...
Since that human brought him here, there is a very good chance that he is an enemy. We can't let the enemy roam free.
Mmm ... stubborn.

 At Elfin's strong willed words, Sigle gave up trying to convince him.


 Chiffon makes a fearful sound.

''Sigle-san is right, Kanade, Nina and Rifa are the strongest species, so can't we let them out? I don't mind staying in jail.
What are you planning to do?

 From Chiffon's point of view, it was purely out of concern for Canade and the others.
 However, Elfin did not see it that way.

''It's impossible for a human to say such a thing. What you just said, there must be something behind it, right? Do you think I would be fooled by such nonsense?
No, no ... I'm not planning anything. It's just that Kanade-san and the others....

 Elfin snickers at Chiffon, who is desperately trying to excuse himself.

'Do you think I would believe you if you showed up like that? You think you're going to let yourself be taken in by compassion? You have been underestimated. There is no way you can ever trust a human being again. Foolish, selfish, self-absorbed, helpless beings who can only think of themselves...such people are the enemy.

 From the elfin who said that, I felt a strong hostility towards humans...no.
 Beyond that, I even felt hatred.

 It's not just the elfin.
 The phoenix tribe who were guarding the prison also felt the same emotions.

''This is........''

 Maybe it's not good..., Chiffon muttered in his mind.

 If they had been able to show their strength in the race, or maybe they would have been recognized.
 However, the situation was made worse by an unexpected intruder.
 Instead of being acknowledged, they ended up being viewed as the enemy to the maximum extent.

 We are not planning anything, but the unexpected intruder disrupts the scene.
 Suspicion leads to suspicion, and hostility leads to hostility.
 Like an intricate web of threads, it's difficult to undo...

 What on earth can we do about it?
 Chiffon thinks desperately about it, but he can't come up with a solution.
 I can't help but feel like I'm giving up.

'It's okay,'

 However, Kanade hadn't given up.
 Seeing Chiffon's dark face, Kanade turns to smile.

''Canade-san has a way out...?
No, nothing. I don't know what to do.
Well then....
But Rain will be fine.

 Kanade's words had a powerful ring to them.

'I'm sure Raine can handle it.
Well Lane, you are a very... reliable... man.
You can trust Lane.

 Nina and Rifa seem to agree with you, and they don't seem to doubt their own Lord.

 The heart that believes........this bond of trust may be the source of their strength.
 I'm not going to be able to say that I'm not going to be able to do anything about it.
 Chiffon thinks about this.

So.... what do you plan to do now?

 Elfin often thinks about Sigle's question.

"...let's go hunting.

 He spoke of a plan that would make things even worse.