44-Episode 44: Former Demon King, Princess, Princess Duke, and Demon Extermination

 From Yuki's point of view...

So I heard that orientation has been postponed.

 A few days after I met with Iris.
 Odette came to the inn and told me about that.

''It means that 'Elysium' is off-limits until we catch the culprit of the 'Dead Spirit Bishop Summoning Incident' or until we are sure that it is safe.
It's not very safe, is it?
The mastermind behind this was Dorothea Zamuels. A drifter's magician, yes.
"You're a wielder of 'ancient magic' that the guild doesn't even know about...
It's tricky. That's for sure.

 The purpose of this Dorothea guy is unknown.
 However, it's almost certain that he's a worshipper of the Sanctuary Church.
It's natural for the Magic Guild to be wary of him.

 The "Sanctuary Church" will follow me around until after my reincarnation....

 If it weren't for those guys, I wouldn't have been able to cry over Lyle.
 And Alice wouldn't have had to undergo the painful reincarnation.

 I was relieved to hear that they were destroyed long ago, but there are still remnants?
 Even if they're destroyed, they still come back to life, are they zombies? Are they ghouls?
 You're worse than the undead. You know, in a previous life, you called me a stranger.

"...for real, those people are....
It's a nuisance, isn't it? The "Sanctuary Church"...
Yeah. Totally.
I have to become a C-level sorcerer as soon as possible while Elysium is still sealed off.
A C grade wizard?
Yeah, yeah. I'm going to be a quick C-level magician. There's a bit of a situation. That's why I want to enter the dungeon - 'Elysium' - as soon as possible and make a success of it.
Hey, you know what? Didn't you get a knighthood for catching that Dorothea guy?
That's the work of a higher magician. It's none of my business.
'But if he's a survivor of the 'Sanctuary Church', he might have information that no one else knows...'
Well it's conceivable, isn't it?

For example...

 Odette and I looked at each other.

'Have you heard about the disappearance of some village dweller who infiltrated the 'Sanctuary Church'?
Information about 'ancient magic' and 'ancient artifacts' that no one else knows about?

 The voices of two people overlapped.

''....Yuki. What do you have in mind?
As I've said many times, Dorothea's search is being conducted by the high ranking magicians of the Magic Guild. We trainees don't have any place to be.
I know.
In particular, the team of four called the 'Quartet', which includes the B-class magician Master Cain, is said to be the highest-ranking guild in the guild. This time, they are going to be on the move. It will be taken care of soon.
By the way, do you have any idea where this Dorothea guy is?

 Odette spread a sheet of parchment on the table.
 Two sheets of parchment. One of them was a portrait of Dorothea-Zamuels.

 The other is a map of the surroundings of the royal city.
 It's a simple map of the streets, forests and mountains.

...Or rather, they even have a portrait ready...
Well, I don't care. I got this stuff by accident. It's not like I want to catch him, you know.
...Okay. I'll leave it at that.

 Odette is so serious.
 You can't openly say 'outsmarting a higher level sorcerer'.

 But I'd like to catch Dorothea with my own hands if I could.
 If he's a remnant of the Sanctuary Church, I have a lot of questions and complaints I want to ask him.

''So, where are the high ranking magicians investigating now?''

 I pointed to the map.
 Odette nodded and indicated the area around King's Landing with her thin fingers.

They're currently going through the villages near the capital. It's all about canvassing and searching for him to see if he's hiding out. After that, they plan to visit the forests, old forts and the mountains.
We have a job to do, don't we?
'The guild trainees are supposed to take out the demons in the area under the guidance of their instructors.

 Odette pointed to a road near the capital.

'I intend to join you. 'And Yuki?'
I'm supposed to be Iris's 'guardian knight', you know. That's what Iris has been telling me.
Iris is also a trainee in the 'Magic Guild', right?
So our job is to get rid of the high-level magician's dewdrop.

 Odette rolls her eyes at my words.
 It seems to have been a sign.

 The senior mages have to leave some of their strength behind in order to catch that Dorothea or someone like that.
 That being the case, they'll want to have trainees and lower-grade sorcerers to kill any monsters that appear on the streets and around the village.
 The guild's sorcerers seem to be smart in many ways.

"...Yuki. You should choose your words.
''Besides, participation is not compulsory. The reason why Iris will be participating in the search for Dorothea is because it was proposed by the royal family. As the representative of the royal family, His Royal Highness Prince Cain will participate in the search group and Iris will participate in the group to defeat the demons.
Well, getting some combat experience as a sorcerer isn't so bad.

 I'm not complaining about having to dewdrop a higher level sorcerer.
 If anything, I think it's a good experience. 
 I'm basically immortal, so in 10 or 20 years, I won't be able to live in the human world.
 I'll try to gain as much human experience as I can in that time as I can in the human experience.

Well..... It's a good way to accumulate experience.
Impressive. I wish I could learn from your ambition.

 Odette puffed out her chest.

''Now that we can't get into 'Elysian,' we have to get as much experience as possible.
'My job is to guard Iris, you know. I'll be supporting Odette on the demon-slaying side.
Thank you.

 Odette and I continued our discussion on how to defeat the demons.

 So, for the first time, we were given a job by the Magic Guild...

 While the senior sorcerers were searching for the mastermind behind The Case of the Summoning of the Dead Spirit Bishop, me, Iris and Odette were assigned to work with the instructor to slay the demons on the street.