57-57. "Finished Product"

 I used transition magic to get to the rooftop and move in an instant.
 I didn't want to waste too much magic power, but I used it because I had an idea.

 The rooftop of the Rosan Lira Magic Academy was covered with grass and a few benches were set up.
 From this place alone, it looked like a mobile hanging garden that was common a thousand years ago.

''--At long last, a long-held wish is about to be achieved.

 There he is.
 A little further away, there is a boy who looks to be about the same age and is mumbling something.

''That magic circle...?''

 A magic circle is written on the rooftop floor, and Cynthia is seated in the center of it.

 There seems to be no danger for a little while.
 I decided to use a cloaking spell to hide my appearance and see what happens.

'What are you doing?'

 Cynthia looks up at the boy and asks him.
 In response, the boy looks sincerely amused.

The ritual to turn an error into a full order.

 I said as I sang.

Yeah. Sixteen years I've been waiting for this moment. Today, the two Errors are intertwined and I will have unlimited power.

 The magic power gradually increases around the magic circle.

 The magic circle is quite a high degree of perfection for this era.
 Some magic tools are also placed around the magic circle.
 It must have taken quite a bit of time to prepare them.

'I don't know what you're talking about.
You don't need to know anymore. Now that I think about it, sixteen years ago. The problem was that I was split in two by a divine prank. But I defied God and mastered the art of merging the two together. My existence, so to speak, would be God's failing product (error).

 The boy twists the corners of his mouth.


 A voice escaped from Cynthia's mouth.
 I'm not going to be able to get it right.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find a great deal more to say about it.

 I'm not going to be able to get it to work.

I'm not going to be able to get it right. What are you doing here?

 Deciding that it would be bad to sit on the sidelines any longer, he broke his cloaking spell and appeared in front of Cynthia and the others.


 Cynthia's mouth spins my name.

 The boy doesn't show any surprise at my sudden appearance (it seems) at all.

You're here. I've been expecting you.

 He said without losing his composure.

'You're ... Maynard, aren't you?
"Your answer.

 The boy.........Maynard bows his head.

The man who is one of the 《Four Great Sages》 and was born as the Fosindo family.
 I deduced that the man who lured dark demons and demons to King's Landing and kidnapped Cynthia while they were there was Maynard.
 Luring the demons was probably with the assistance of a magic tool or something.
 As a result, my reasoning was correct, and I was finally able to reach Maynard.

What's that magic circle? What the hell are you trying to do? ... well, I have a general idea of what to expect.
Hmph. It's a sideshow. I'll give you a little something to listen to.

 Maynard continues as if he were giving a speech.

''This is a ceremony to turn the two Errors into Full Orders. If you were even able to defeat two of the Four Great Sages and destroy the magical academy of the Empire, you must be aware of Cynthia's magic, right?

 Apparently, what I did in the exchange war and neutral city is known.
 Well, I'm not particularly surprised that Maynard knows about me.

''Ah. ''It's about Cynthia's lack of magic, isn't it?''
''That's right. Then the part of Cynthia's magic power that is missing is my magic power. At the same time, do you realize that my lack of magic power is Cynthia's magic power........

 I silently nod my head.
 And then Maynard said, "Kukku........that's great. It's a very good idea," he said with a laugh.

I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about it. It's a ritual to do that.
'I see. But why haven't you done so before? You could have done it right away.
'I didn't have the technique to fuse two magical powers when I was little. Furthermore ... I needed to be filled with Cynthia's magical power in order to fuse them together.

 Human beings are born with magical powers.
 Gradually, as we grow into adulthood, we become closer and closer to perfection.
 It's like a child changing into an adult body.

 And.........it is said that the magic power is completed to a certain extent at around the age of 16.
 So Maynard was waiting for that, or so it seemed.

''Let's say you're right and that fusion magic works. But what happens to Cynthia? With Cynthia's magic filling in your magic deficiency...
I know. Cynthia is going to die.

 Maynard said cruelly.

 Hearing this, Cynthia felt even more uneasy, and her body trembled a little.

'Silly me. That's the only way I could think of.''
So what else do we have? And although Cynthia will die she will, in a sense, be absorbed by me. The defective part can become a part of me in the Full Order. Isn't that a redemption called 'death'?

 Maynard must mean it.
 He continues as if he is even more pleased.

'We were born as twins. At first, the Fosind family also tried to merge our magical powers together. But they couldn't do it. That's why they called it 'Error'.

 -- but not this guy (Cynthia), but not me.
 Even in my missing state, I was stronger than anyone else in the Fosind family.
 No one could oppose me.
Although I was even called the 《Four Great Sages》, I'm still not satisfied.
 I will take revenge on the Fosind family.
I'm going to take revenge on the Fosind family for turning into Full Orders and calling me an Error," said Maynard.

 Maynard continued, "I will take revenge on the Fosind family.

"Come on," continued Maynard, "we've had enough chatter. We've had enough chatter. Let's get started.

 The magic circle glows even more.

 As I try to move.

'Oops. Don't bother me........but there's no way you can do that. This is a magic circle that I spent ten years building. I can't destroy it no matter what you do now.

 And Maynard controlled it with his hand.

 Indeed........this magic circle is packed with a decade of Maynard's time, so to speak.
 He must have been pouring his magic power into it little by little until now.
 The magic power contained in it was also enormous.

''Come on! It's starting! You'll be watching, too! And let's fight! He was my first victim who became a complete product (Full Order)!

 Maynard shouted.
 At the same time, the light became even stronger in the magic circle.


 ........But the light became weaker and weaker, and eventually.

''Ah! What do you mean, my magic circle... breaks?


 There was a sound like glass breaking, and the magic power emanating from the magic circle disappeared.
 As a chain of events, the magic tools placed around it broke one after another.

 In the end, the magic circle was completely neutralized.

''It's treacherous magic!''

 Magic that will make you disappear before you can activate the magic.

'Ba, that's stupid! No matter how ridiculous you can use something as ridiculous as disobedience magic, I've intricately described a magic circle to prevent you from doing so...? That's what I spent ten years trying to make it all come together like a maze, and now...?
Ten years? I saw through your ten years in ten seconds.

 It was quite a high degree of perfection, and it was a complex magic circle for this era.

 However, it was still poorly done.
 You only had about a hundred magic formulas that were thought to be dummies.

 A mere 100 pieces is nothing but a maze.
 You can break through this kind of thing in an instant.
 That's why I deliberately made Maynard speak and disabled it the moment I tried to maneuver it.

 In order to prevent the opponent from analyzing it, we would have to plant at least ten(-) thousand(-) dummies in the magic circle.


 I continued as I formed a magical formula for the chase.

I'll show you. "I'll show you the real magic, not this toy.