12-12. Go home

Speaking of which, what's Tetuya doing here?

 I was walking through the cave when Raina asked me.

'There's a lot going on. I got kicked out and was here, I guess.
I don't remember much, but I was in this valley when I found out. I was in this valley when I came to.

 You don't remember. I'm sure there's a story behind this.

I can't wait to get out of the valley, but I can't seem to get out of there.
'What? Why?
Oh, I'm out!

 The exit of the cave was in sight.
 Lenya runs and gets out.
 I didn't ask her why she couldn't get out, okay, I'll ask her later.

 When she left the cave, the area was a bit dim.
 It must be getting dark soon.

'Ah! Holy shit! We have to get home soon!

 When Raina sees that it's nighttime, she starts to get very impatient and suddenly runs to move.
 I run and follow her.

'Is it so bad that it's nighttime?'

 I asked Raina.

'This is not good. My master says that this valley becomes a place where horrible things called deadly spirits walk around at night.

 Who is a master, but what is a dead spirit?

I've never seen them, so I don't know what they are, but I hear they are scary. Never go out at night.

 Scary people.
 But do you definitely get those deadly spirits at night?
 I might be able to beat it now, but if I can't, it's going to be a lot harder to get out of this valley.

'Oh, we're here.

 He pointed to the wall of the valley and said that Raina had arrived.
 It's not like there's a hole in the ground, what does that mean? 

 As I was thinking that, I found a handle as I approached.

 It looks like there's a sliding door-like thing.
 If I open it, I can get into the house.

 Do you think they are trying to keep those dead people from finding out?

 Lenya tries to open that door.

 It's like a medium-heavy door, "Unya~! And I'm trying to open it with all my strength.
 But it doesn't open for a while. I am struggling to open it.

What is that? Normally, I could move them away!
Isn't that because you haven't regained your full strength yet?
Nya. That's right.
It's behind that, isn't it, the house? Let me help you.
Oh, come on!

 I work with Lenya to open the door.
 It was definitely a heavy door, but I was able to open it.

''Yay! It opened!''
It's so heavy. Why is it so heavy?
Master told me to weigh it down for my training.

Meow! I'm always in this house. Master knows a lot of things, so he knows a lot of things. I'm sure he can teach you how to return the favor. Oh, and I need you to help me close the door, too.

 We close the door together.

'Then let's go inside.

 Raina walks into the house and I follow her.

 If I think about it, I'm being invited to a girl's house, right?
 Well, it's a house like a secret base, and I'm not that nervous.

 But I'm starting to get a little nervous about having someone who is my mentor.
 I'm not very good at talking to people.

 Raina was younger and somewhat easy to talk to, and although I was nervous at first because she was cute, I wouldn't say I was that nervous now.

 But when the master is an older person, and that's a woman, I feel like I don't know what to say.

 You said you know a lot, so I'd like to hear all about it if I could.
 There are so many things I don't know about this world.

 I walk into the house as I'm invited.
 It's small and dimly lit inside.

 After a short walk down the aisle, I come to a large room.

 There is no one in the room who is my master.
 Is he in another room? Do you have any other rooms in here?

 Or so I thought.

Master, I'm home.

 And Lenya greeted the room, which was supposed to be empty.

 Huh? So I take a closer look inside.

 There is a white bear doll in the room. It's a bit large, and looks to be about the size of a two-year-old.
 Lenya seemed to be saying hello to the doll.

 I guessed.
 Oh well, she lives alone in this spicy place.
 She's so lonely being alone that she's under the illusion that the doll has a personality.

 It was a little scary, but this is the kind of place I was afraid of. Raina is only 15 years old.
 It's not surprising.
 When I was convinced of that.

'Too late! You're wondering what time it is! I told you it's not safe for you to come out at night!

 A woman's voice emanated from that stuffed bear.