26-26. Rumors of a brave man

 About 20 days have passed since I accomplished my first request.
 Then he accomplished the requests one after another. Although he didn't do as easy a request as the first one, the requests that a bronze-ranked adventurer could receive were too much, and he didn't get that difficult a request. The demons he defeated were all weak demons as well.
 Therefore, I didn't accumulate that much gold, but I accumulated about 1900 gold for now.

 Also, Mekku said that if I completed the request once, I could go to the free city of Vafol, which is in the south, a perfect place to gather information.

 Also, during the course of completing the request, I defeated a number of demons, so my status has improved considerably.
 However, I'm not sure if there's a limit to how much a weak demon can raise its status, but once it reaches a certain number, no matter how much it absorbs, its status will not increase.
 Well, the only stats that can no longer be raised are defense and HP, and there is still room for others to rise.
 Weak demons didn't seem to have any skills, so they couldn't acquire skills.
 I just used my skill points to make some skills stronger.
 By the way, my current status is.

 Name: Tetsuya Takahashi
 Age 25
 Level 1/1
 HP 350/350
 MP 219/219
 Attack power 233
 Defensive Strength 250
 Speed 232.
 Skill Points 13
 Skills [Corpse Absorption], [Appraisal Lv 4], [Meteorite (Meteorite) Lv 5], [Strong Acid Bullet (Acid Shot) Lv 3], [Thunderbolt (Thunder Shock) Lv 2], [Absorbing Thread (Absorb Thread) Lv 2], [Flame Ball (Flame Ball) Lv 6], [Weak Warding (Core Guard) Lv 2]
 Resistance [Poison resistance Lv2] [Lightning resistance Lv1] [Flame resistance Lv3]

 His HP is 350 and his defense is canting at 250.
 I said earlier that it doesn't go up because it absorbs weak demons, but that's just an expectation. Or rather, it could be called wishful thinking.
 It's possible that this corpse-absorbing skill may have a limit to the number that can be raised.
 If that's the case, it would be quite disappointing. Well, it's still pretty strong in its current state, so maybe I shouldn't complain too much.

 And about skills, I raised my appraisal to level 4.
 By upgrading the appraisal, the HP and MP of the item you appraise is now displayed and explained in more detail.
 Each of the other skills have also been enhanced and become stronger.

 But can't I learn new skills on my own? Isn't there any way to do it? I'll ask Meku about it next time.


 Early in the morning we left the room we were staying in and went downstairs to the Adventurer's Guild.

'So this is the last request you'll get in this town?
Nah, we're going to a town called Vafol next, aren't we? What kind of town is that?
'Yes. Vafol is a very crowded city, several times the size of this one, and it has the largest library in the world with books from all over the world. In addition, it has the world's largest library with books from all over the world. You might be able to get some useful information there.
In a big city, you could eat better than this.

 As usual, Lenya seems to be occupied with eating.
 First, she eats breakfast before taking the request.
 It's bread with marmalade and corn soup. I used to be a bread person in the morning, so I used to eat this kind of breakfast in my former world as well.

 As I was eating, I overheard the conversation of other adventurers.

Did you hear the rumor? Rumors of the Brave
Uh, human.
Yes, the humans have summoned a hero to reclaim their lands. They're rampaging now and have already taken down six castles.
I heard. They say he's extremely strong and can beat up an army of a thousand men by himself, right? Here comes the bad stuff.
They say he's not just strong, he's violent. They don't hesitate to kill you, and if they find a beautiful woman, they'll rape her and take her home. They're a f*cking joke.

 Brave man.
 That's them.
 From what I hear, they're doing whatever they want.
 Hearing them talk brought back some of the black, heart-wrenching emotions that I had recently forgotten.

'Brave men. Did the humans summon such people.......nuh? What's up, Tetsuya?
What's with the scary look on her face?

 Apparently, my emotions were on my face. I hurriedly smiled and

It's nothing.

 I fumbled.

'What's going on with the brave men?'

 I guess I wasn't fooled.

 What do we do now? You wanna talk about it?
 Talking about it won't help, but Mek and Raina are my friends.
 I might as well tell them some of my situation, too.


 I decided to talk, and I told them all about how I'd been involved in summoning heroes and how I'd been dropped to the bottom of the valley because I was level 1 of the limit.

''Something like that...''
Oh, my God! I'm going to get rid of Tetsuya!
Humans are notoriously bad at dealing with people with low levels of limits.

 Apparently, humans discriminated against those with a special low limit level. It seems that the punishment I received was unreasonable even by the standards of this world.

You have a grudge against the heroes and the humans? Are you looking for revenge?

 'What do you think?' asked Mek.

'I don't know. It's disgusting, sure, but not so much that I want revenge. Right now I have Mek and Lenya, and I enjoy every day in my own way.

 I meant it. Sure, the name made me feel black emotions, but I could suppress them if I wanted to.
 I didn't even want to get revenge.

''I see. If you want to take revenge, I'll help you after you return to your original form, but if you don't have to, that's fine. But if you don't have to do it, it's fine. Well, revenge will get you nowhere. If you don't have to do it, it's probably better. Personally, I don't tolerate people who do such unreasonable things, so I want to beat them to death.

 Mek also seemed to be angry at the humans and the brave men who had dropped me into the valley.

 I was kind of happy that Mek and Lenya were angry at me.

'More importantly. Is Tetsuya a Yushokan? You said you were caught up in this thing, but where were you before you were summoned?
That's what I thought. I'm curious too.
Well, it's Japan, but...
It's a place I've never heard of.
It's a long story, I'll tell you later. I've finished my breakfast, so let's get on with it.
Nya~. I'm curious about you~

 We'll talk about Japan later.
 We sit up and look at the posters, looking for a request.

'This sounds like something.'
Which one? Collect 20 Samakiki Mushrooms from the Samaki Cave. The reward is 250 g. It's quite a reward.
What is this place called Samaki's Cave?
I don't know much about the cave, but I don't think it's full of enemies. And this is a good deal of money, that's a very good request.
Well, let's go there.

 We headed to Samaki Cave to accomplish our last request in this city.