2-I received an illustration. Please see the update at 21:25 on April 27th.

 This is a replacement for the main character and skinhead from "Higurunomichi Ginjo-sama"! It's cool - the main character is crisp and indescribable. When I see the protagonist in the picture I want to complain about him going out with Alice. I wish handsome guys were destroyed.........

And you wrote a new image of the author's favorite skinhead! This skinhead - this skinhead - definitely has the dignity to eliminate a few people. It's not good.

 And more! He even wrote the illustrations for the heroes and heroines & con.
Shingo and Koki have a nice smile on their faces! You can see that they are very close. Shingo's name hasn't been mentioned yet, but he will be active at a later date.

I think the heroines are kind of mature and beautiful. I personally like Megmin, I think she's very... very pretty!

Con is a complete dragon. If he makes a serious noise with such a cute face, he's going to be like, 'Glaaaa! You know what I mean? I can understand why the gap made me squirm.

I'd really like to thank "Higurunomichi Ginjo-sama" for finishing 5 copies at once this time! Thank you so much for making my poorly written work come alive.

 These are the illustrations of Alice by Yuri. She's so cute! A slightly large white coat is the author's favorite. And I can't tell you how annoyed he looks. I think it's a wonderful piece of work. My friend who checked it out with me was amazed! He said.

 I got permission from Yuuri-sama, so from now on, I'm going to use this image of Alice-chan. When you read the story, please imagine such a cute little Alice when you read it.

 Thank you so much, Yuri-sama!

 They are the two heroines of Miruporun's work. Aikawa is on the left and Alice is on the right. They are so cute! The furi-furi on the skirt is one of the author's favorite things. Also, is the sleeve part folded back? It's a nice accent, isn't it?

 Unfortunately, the illustrations in this one don't conform to the actual image because Miuporun has told me that they're only fan art, so they won't conform to the actual image, but it's nice to see that there are images like this!

Thank you, Miuporun.