
 In the dimly lit space, several people were talking in hushed voices. Wearing a unique white vestments, the atmosphere of a secret society that was popular in Europe over two hundred years ago filled the place as if it were a secret society.

'So, how's the devil?'

I'm doing research at the International Institute of Science and Technology in Japan.

 Everyone present looks bitterly at the picture of "Arakawa Koki" on the candle-lit desk, and a person who seems to be in the upper echelon asks in a croaky voice: "What is the plan to kidnap the devil?

'What's going on with the devil's kidnapping plan?'

 After a few people answered the question, 'All things considered,' the owner of the croaky voice nodded gravely and raised his voice.

'The time has come! On the altar of my God, I dedicate the living blood of the devil to the altar of my God!

 The light comes on in the room in response to that... and in the space where my field of vision expands, I see hundreds of power suits in operation, waiting.

----Kouki Arakawa Point of View

 Today, we're going to have a practical lecture on the use of power suits, but as usual, I won't be attending. I wanted to put on the new suit that we rebuilt after I broke it down before, but the headmaster said, 'Arakawa-kun, you don't have to participate, you'd rather stay in the research building! I had to stay home with Conn because he told me to.
 What did I do? I was going to show the girls in my class a good thing..., but when I was thinking about that, Alice spoke to me as if she was troubled.

I've been thinking about this for a while now, but I've found out that some parts of my suit have deteriorated during maintenance. Would you mind lending me your personal suit?

 Oh, I don't mind, but I don't know if it was reassembled after it was taken apart before, I'll ask Shingo.

"Hey, Shingo, when you made the new model before, you took my personal suit apart, is that thing fixed?

'Huh? The one from the quartet, right? I'm going to fix it up and leave it in storage.

 If it's fixed, it's okay. I decided that and gave Alice permission to 'take it with you,' and she happily headed to the warehouse. I helped my best friend put on his suit, as Shingo was going to be at the lecture place soon.
 But what was the original purpose of Shingo's suit, which is burly? I asked the question as I fixed the thick additional armor on the back.

'This suit is a second generation military suit. It was bought after it was sold off to the civilians when it got old, a model that was originally used for explosive ordnance disposal and such.

 It's a suit for dangerous work, it doesn't seem to have any mobility at all, but it certainly looks sturdy. When the installation is complete and we have finished checking each part for any abnormalities, Shingo turns around and speaks to us through an external speaker.

You should be able to see the lecture area from this building, so go up to the roof and take a look.

 He told me at a ridiculously high volume due to a volume control error, and then left with heavy footsteps that sounded like Zsin Zsin. I picked up the con that was tipping over at the current volume and then went up the stairs to head up to the roof.

 As I got up to the rooftop and looked around, I spotted a corner where a group of power suits had gathered. I can see my suit mixed in with one of them, and I'm pretty sure it's that one. But I can recognize Alice and Shingo, but which one is Aikawa-san? I've been looking through the binoculars I had brought with me, but Aikawa-san is not among those wearing the type that show their faces.
  You can find a lot of people who have a lot more than just a handful of people in your area.
 As I continue to listen to the situation, this time Shingo grabs up Aikawa-san and hands her over to Alice.

'Sounds like fun! d*mn it!

 I shouted and swung the con around and was bitten by an irritated con. I held up my binoculars and looked in the direction of the sound and saw a power suit jumping in the direction of the city.
 Jumping in areas outside the city was supposed to be forbidden, and what was that number? There's over 30 of them just in sight.

Ta-ta-ta! Boom, boom, boom!

'Huh! You hear the gunshots, or are you in a fight?

 I've been to a self-defense facility with my mom, so I understood that the sounds I'd heard sporadically earlier were gunshots. In this world of Japan, just like before reincarnation, it's basically forbidden for individuals to own firearms, and the fact that we can hear gunshots in such a situation means that a bank robbery or some other violent crime has occurred? I felt my excitement rapidly cool down as I looked at the power suit that was even closer, excited like an onlooker.

'Sun paint on his shoulders, isn't that the self-defense force?

 A self-defense force firing on an urban area with a large number of civilians is either terrorism or war. No way, we've been at peace with another country until today, and then they don't just suddenly declare war on us, what's more likely is that a terrorist attack has occurred.
 Does the academy realize that there's a battle going on in this close proximity? When I looked in the direction where everyone is, the guards of the academy were in the middle of guiding the evacuation. I'm sure you'll be able to see the suits of the self-defense forces being shot down as I look out of the academy again, and they're getting quite close to the academy.
 I'd better take shelter in the basement, too, and when I stood up, a power suit jumped onto the roof. I noticed the 'UN' painted on its shoulder and shouted out.

'UN forces? Why is it here?

 As I stood there, startled, I heard a familiar female voice over the external speakers.

''Gongju-kun, I will leave this place at once. I know it's a rough method, but forgive me.

 まさかあいつ等の目的は『学院』だったのか? 信吾が相川さんを庇うように抱き抱えているのが見えたが、アリスが何処にいるか分からない。俺を運んでいるスーツの装着者の人に気になるから戻るように頼んでも、恐らく絶対に戻ってくれないだろうな。屋上にコンも放置してきちゃったしどうするか、悶々と考えていると更に国連所属だと思われるスーツが合流してきた。


 間違い無い、あの機体は母さんが開発した新型輸送機だ。あんなモンまで出張って来るなんて本当にどうなってるんだ? その時、俺を運んでいるスーツが再び話しかけてきた。



----荒川修一 視点----




 首都東京への攻撃を許すなんて一体どうなっているのだ? 俺はやり場の無い怒りを静めるためにコーヒーを口に運ぶ。


 取りあえずは胸を撫で下ろす……もちろん被害にあった人間もいるだろうが父親としてはやはり息子が一番大事だ、それにクレアも良くやってくれたな。ルイスも『学院での死亡者は0です』と言っている。だがやはりテロ集団の目的は功樹だったのか? その辺りの調査の進展を聞く。


『思われますが』なんだ? 何を言い淀んでいるのだルイスらしくも無い。




「ここまでの武力・組織力を持つような集団が、はたして目標を『間違える』事があるでしょうか? 確かにアルフォードさんは御子息の個人用スーツを装着していました。


「それならば普通は『第8世代機』の方を装着していると考えませんか? それにもう一点。アルフォードさんの事についても疑問があります。御子息がお付き合いされているとの事でしたので、クレアとエリスが彼女を調査していました」

 そんな事を頼んだ記憶は無い。まったくあいつ等は功樹を可愛いがるのは良いが、仕事の権限と機材を使ってなにをやっているんだ! この件が片付いたらコッテリと絞ってやろう……。


