25 Chapter 1 Final Story [Chardina after that]

What the hell do you think you're doing?

 An angry voice echoes in the audience room.
 The owner of the voice is Dornest, who is known as the Ironblood Vizier.
 The emperor, who is supposed to be the master of the audience room, listens to what Shardina and the others are saying while resting his elbows on the armrests of the throne.

'That's all I have to report. The rest is as it should be.''

 In front of the emperor, Shardina and Saito, as well as Celia, Rolf, and Orlando, who commanded the pursuing party, kneeled before him.
 The days after that came back to Shardina's mind.

 After escaping Ryoma and the others, Shardina gathered the troops that had been scattered in the forest waiting for dawn to break and proceeded through the forest. He gambled on the sliver of hope that they might catch up with him.
 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.
 If you gather an army, the situation will change.
 But in the end, Shardina was unable to find Ryoma and his friends again.

''It's still impossible........''

 Saito responds to Shardina's muttering with a face as if he had bitten down on a bitter worm.

''It can't be helped.......I took the time to gather my troops together.......''

 That must have been fully expected, even by Ryoma and the others.
 A normal person might interpret that place's misses as a self-serving decision and decide that they wouldn't pursue him until he crossed the border, at least.

'That man, he didn't let his guard down........'

 Ryoma's greatest strength is probably that he doesn't make such lenient judgments.
 Shardina bites her lip at the naivety of her own perception.

''It can't be helped I'm going back to the imperial capital.

 Saito's face clouded over at Shardina's words.
 Indeed, now that Mikoshiba Ryoma's capture had failed, there was no point in wandering around in the forest like this for any length of time.
 If we don't lift the alert on the border as soon as possible, it will affect our economy, and we must contact Celia and the others who are searching the south.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make the most of your time with us.
 After all, failing to catch Ryouma and the others was a big mistake. Especially the worst part is that they can escape while capturing him once.
 Moreover, there are casualties among the knight members.
 It's not a situation that you can ignore, no matter how unexpected the situation was that Ryozen had a companion.

''Dornest's face is going to be red.

 At Shardina's words, Saito's face involuntarily pulled back.

''I suppose........''

 The image of Dornest shouting at Shardina and the others in the Emperor's room came clearly into Saito's mind.
 He was known as an iron-blooded politician with a willpower as strong as iron and a determination to shed blood.
 He has never changed his attitude, even towards the royal family of Shardina.
 He will not bury this case.
 And there is another concern.

"Celia-sama's in trouble too...

 Shardina nodded silently at Saito's stifling words.
 The person most enthusiastic about this mission is Celia, whose relatives have been killed.
 What would you say to that Celia?

Well we'll figure it out. Celia is no fool. If you explain the situation properly, I don't think she'll complain any more.

I'm sure Lady Celia would agree.
 Saito feared that he would not be able to maintain his usual composure when his relatives were killed.
 He wondered if he read that look.
 Shardina shrugged her shoulders and said.

''Well, I'll take care of that part on my end. Either way, there's no other option but to return to the imperial capital.''

 Celia, Rolf and Orlando are sitting in front of Shardina.

''I see........''
 Celia's words lacked her usual supremacy.
 After the decision to return to the imperial capital, Shardina, who recalled the three who had gone out to the south after the decision to return to the imperial capital, decided to meet up with them at Eauito, a town located south of the imperial capital, in order to share the situation before having an audience with the emperor.
 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but it's a good idea.
 This is the rendezvous point on the outskirts of Oeat.
 This is where Shardina's story ended inside the tent that was set up.

''I see.......under such circumstances, it's inevitable that they missed it.......''
 A bitterness also appears on Rolf's face.
 You can see the regret on his face that he should have gone with Shardina.
 The same is true for Orlando.

The same is true for Orlando," he said, "but... why that... Mikoshiba Ryoma, who was just summoned a short time ago? Really? Was there someone in league with him? And that much trickery...?

 Shardina shook her head at Rolf's question.
 This is the question that Shardina and Saito focused on the most on their way back.

I've discussed it with Saito but I honestly don't know.

 To Shardina, who shook her head, Orlando asked modestly.

''Umm.......how do you intend to inform His Majesty?

 This was a concern for all but Shardina.
 The emperor's orders were absolute.
 As long as he failed to fulfill them, the worst case scenario was that he could be put to death.

''I'll report what happened as it was.

 Saito nodded at Shardina's words.
 This is because they had already reached an agreement between them on the road to Oat.

''Are you sure?''

 A hint of doubt appears on Rolf's face as to whether that is really a good idea.
 If you report it as it is, the blame for this time will be placed entirely on Saito and Shardina.
 Even if you are a member of the royal family, you may not be able to get away with it for free.

''It can't be helped. A fact is a fact.''

 Shrugging her shoulders, Shardina replies quietly. I'm already prepared for this........

"No matter how much Her Highness may be the princess, this is still a report!

'Dornest........shut up for a minute.......'

 The emperor's voice interrupted Dornest's angry voice that accused Shardina.
 Saito shook off the scene in his brain and turned his attention to the emperor's words.

''I don't mean to blame Shardina's response this time.

 A heavy voice echoed from the throne.
 Surprise spreads across Dornest's face.

'But ... your majesty!

Listen to me Dornest!

 Thrusting his elbow into the armrest of the throne, the Emperor said in a low voice

The Emperor thrust his elbow into the armrest of the throne and said in a low voice: "It is true that Shardina was not able to fulfill my orders. That's true. That's true, but an unexpected trick has been taken care of. What can I do about it?

 The emperor's words caused Dornest to choke on his reply.
 That's certainly true.
 No, it's almost a miracle that they were able to capture an otherworldly person even once.
 It's a good thing that you're not going to be able to find out the names and faces of the people you're dealing with at first.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find out.

But that doesn't mean we let the otherworlder escape!

Yes. But... But Shardina and Saito are both important assets to the Empire. You're going to be able to get the best out of them.

 No matter how low the odds are, we can't risk losing the leader and vice-chairman of the Dream Demon Knights, the pride of the Empire, all at once.
 With the death of Guyes and the decline in the Empire's strength, losing a new person who could be considered the main force of the Empire is only a threat to the Empire's supremacy.
 Considering all this, Shardina's decision was indeed a reasonable one.


 The emperor's gaze falls on Shardina.

The emperor's gaze falls on Shardina, who says, "No matter how unavoidable it may be, my orders were not fulfilled. The fact that my orders were not fulfilled is a fact, and therefore I have ordered you to take over the eastern states from Ghaesus. Shardina, you are now in charge.

 As soon as those words echoed through the throne room, Shardina and the other four bowed their heads in unison on the spot.
 It's a good thing that you're able to get the best out of your own personal life, because you know that the emperor wants to compensate you for your failure to do so by giving you a new opportunity to make a difference in your life.

I will certainly do what you expect. Your Majesty!