37 Chapter 2 Chapter 11

The 96th day of the Otherworld Summoning [Audience] Part 3:

Ryoma was the only one who was led into a room in the castle.
After that audience, there was a commotion, but the princess's decision was never changed.
Ryoma's eyes filled with hatred as he left the audience room.

(Hmm........I guess it can't be helped since I'm a newcomer.)

The truth is, there are plenty of things I regret.
Normally, I wanted to join the princess's group in a more uneventful way.
But that doesn't turn back the clock.

(Is it a good thing that you're interested in the princess...?)

In fact, Liangma and the others were still not officially part of the princess faction.
That's just as well.
They don't have any achievements yet.
And the achievements will be made in the future.

Yes, Ryoma's game is not over yet.
No, you can say that this is the moment of truth.

It's a good thing that I've been waiting for you.

You'll be able to find a lot of people who will be able to help you.

I'm very grateful to you for fulfilling my unreasonable wish. Your Highness.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a great deal more to say about it.
It's not a good idea to have an audience with a large number of people in the audience room to hammer out what exactly to do in the future.
This was the same whether it was Ryojin or the princess, so they both moved to a room in the castle.
The reason why only Liangzhen was called in was for security reasons.

''Well, you don't have to be so stiff. Please make yourself comfortable.

''Yes. I'm sure you'll be able to find it.

After confirming that Princess Lupis and Mertina had sat down, Ryoma sat back in his chair as well.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a good deal more to say.

I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make it work.

I'm sure you understand, but we want the troops themselves.

This is tantamount to saying that you don't care about getting Ryoma and his friends into the princess group.
It's a very good idea to be able to have a good time with them.


"How can you ignore the grievances of the friends, colleagues and families of the people who died because of us this time?

Mertina nodded at Ryoma's words.

'Well of course it's natural... so? What are your terms?


Mertina answered Ryouma's question shortly.
Of course, there are various speculations hidden in this reply.

The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that it is not just a simple battlefield asset, but also a useful value.

If you simply call it an asset, it's the same as hiring other mercenaries.

Then I think His Highness will get a bargain, don't you?

Mertina gave a dubious look at Ryouma's words.


''It's because I'm going to bring your highness victory.''

Princess Lupis let out a chuckle.

"You have a lot of confidence. You.

I'm flattered.

But you won't believe those words, will you?

Of course.

Then why can't you prove it?

Princess Lupis's tone was mirthless, but her eyes were filled with the murderous intent of a beast.

''Of course........I'd like to say, but before I do, can you let me check a few things?''

What do you mean? You? Have you tricked His Highness?

Mertina puts her hand on the sword at her waist.
It seems that if she makes a poor excuse, she intends to immediately cut at you.

''Iaia you can't set up a countermeasure if you don't know exactly what's going on, right? It's not the same situation as what Mikhail-san had told me about. I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about it from the princess's side.

I'm sure you'll be able to find out more about it.

I'm sure you'll be able to find out what's on your mind.

Princess Lupis said to Ryoma, keeping her composure.

''That's right. First of all, I heard from Mikhail-san that the knight faction is equal to the princess faction, but that's simply not the case, is it?''

Ryouma's pointing out that the two men's faces were upset.
Princess Lupis asked Liangma, pretending to be calm.

''What makes you think that?''

'What I was curious about was the pained expression on the faces of the people one level below the princess when Mikhail-san was rescued. It was only for a moment. I had a look on my face. And it's only now that I've confirmed it. I saw the look on the princess's face and I knew it was real.

Well what do you think of that?

''There's no doubt that Her Highness's supporters are knightly. However, not all knightly factions support the Princess's Highness. Perhaps it was the general who was arguing with Mertina-san? There's a separate faction centered around that guy, right? No.........or is it the other way around, that the knightly faction is the one with the general at its center, and His Highness is merely a mere palanquin?

A long silence covered the room.
How intensely the two girls' chests stirred when they heard Ryouma's words.
It was all expressed by the girls' expressionlessness.

(What can we do about...?)

Did you learn that from today's audience?


After a long silence, Princess Lupis finally spoke as if to squeeze out the words.

''Well you certainly might be a bargain........''

"Your Highness...

Mertina's words were filled with regret and sadness.

''It's fine ... what's the point of mending things if you can see through this much, right?

When she said that, Princess Lupis turned her gaze to Ryojin.

''You're right I'm nothing more than a palanquin. The real power is all in the hands of General Hodram.

''I see, you are the one who dealt with Mertina-san in the audience room, right?


'I see.......Anyway, could you explain the current situation to me? If we don't know the power structure, we can't formulate countermeasures.

At Liangma's words, Princess Lupis pondered somewhat before cutting him off.


Princess Lupis's explanation, supplemented in places by Mertina, lasted for half an hour.

It's certainly fatal. I'm sure that even if the knightly faction won this political battle, the future of the princess would be a disaster.

Such words came out of Liangzhen's mouth after he had heard everything.
As long as General Hodrum is in control of the real power, Princess Lupis will literally become a puppet if the aristocracy's political battle is over.
No, if General Hodram is someone who doesn't mind the stigma of treason, he could even consider sitting on the throne himself after the elimination of the aristocrats.
In other words, in order for the princess to survive, she would have to meet two conditions.
The first is to win the political battle with the nobility.
The second was for the knightly faction to expand their own faction (the princess faction) before the knightly faction defeated the nobility, so that they would be strong enough to resist the tyranny of General Hodram.
Even the achievement of either one should be quite difficult.
I'm sure both Mertina and Princess Lupis are more than aware of this.

(I thought things were certainly going too smoothly, but so it is. To think that only a third of the knightly faction is loyal to the princess...)

They were like rats in a corner.
And that's why they were grasping at straws, and were interested in Ryoma's words that suddenly came to them.
For their own survival.

'I want Your Highness to be the master of this country! In name only! You can't do that!

'Mertina thank you...'

Princess Lupis expressed her gratitude to Mertina's words.

And to get rid of the puppet of the knightly faction. Are you sure about these two points?

They nodded heavily at Ryouma's words.

''Then we can manage it. Whether or not we can maintain it after establishing the royal authority depends on your highness' ability, but we can just let you take it.

''Really (?),'' Is it?


Ryoma's words caused them to look at each other with a mixture of happiness and skepticism.

''How do you do it?''

''It's the cutting down of the neutrals.''

Both of their faces were clouded with disappointment at Ryouma's words.

''Huh ... we were foolish enough to trust a man like you.''

Mertina muttered in a mocking tone.

'Oh? Don't you like it?

'Of course! I took the initiative to do that long ago!

What? Miss Mertina?

A smile appeared on Ryouma's face.

''Yes! Anybody can come up with a good thing to do by switching the bystanders to the princesses!

And no one else has ever taken you seriously?

Ki... you!

Perhaps thinking she was mocked, Mertina drew the sword from her waist and let go.

'Underestimate me!'

Oh, I see....

I was expecting him to be quite short-tempered from the fact that he argued with the general in the audience room, and it was a no-brainer.

(I guess that's not a problem in terms of loyalty to the princess... I'd like to see a more thoughtful, scheming type of person...)

With Mertina's white blade in front of him, Ryoma was thinking about such things.

''Don't do it!''

But, Your Highness!

Mertina! Calm down!

With a reluctant look at Princess Lupis's reprimand, Mertina puts her sword back into its scabbard.

But Mertina is right to be angry. Or do you think you can cut down the sidelines?

Princess Lupis' words contain a thorn in her side.
Although he showed his degree as the Lord, he never took Ryouma's words to heart and was uncomfortable with them.
Ryoma said with a bitter smile at Princess Lupis' gaze.

''Well, I can do 80% of it. But before that, I need to ask you one favor, Mertina-san, if you don't mind?

At Ryouma's words, Mertina looked at the princess and then nodded.

''You're too late! How did that work out for you?

The sun was already setting and the nighttime darkness was ruling the area.
It was already past dinner time and it was time for most of the people in the castle to crawl into their beds.

''Ah. I mean, are you two still up?''

After finishing the meeting with the princesses, Ryoma opened the door to his room where he was assigned, and found Laura and the others, who he thought were already asleep, standing in front of him.

'Of course. I couldn't possibly sleep without waiting for the Lord to come home!

Saara nodded deeply at Laura's words.

'You guys weren't the only ones awake otherwise, were you?

Oh, you're here, Mr. Lionel.

Not a thing! You know what? I'm telling you, I was on the edge of my seat to see how the negotiations would go!

Rionne blurted out as she sat down in front of the table in the center of the room.

'You don't look like you've been waiting on the edge, do you?

Looking at the empty wine bottles scattered on the table, it doesn't seem like she was very worried about Ryoma.

'Your sister was waiting for you to trust young man.

''Boltz! No need to say anything else!

With that, Rionne fades her smile and asks Ryoma.

''So?'' How's it going? Did it work out the way you wanted it to?

Seeing that he returned to his bare face in an instant, it seems that he drank with some restraint.

''Yeah. I thought we'd talk about that tomorrow. It's just as well if you're here, Lionne. 'Laura, Saara. You two come over here and have a seat.

Uh, may I offer you some food?

Oh, that's okay. You know, I don't get in trouble for skipping a meal.

I'll get right on it.

The sisters went to the back room, where they sat in chairs and Ryoma explained the meeting with the princess.

'What? Are you that outnumbered? The princesses!

When Rionne heard Ryouma's explanation, the first thing she did was let out a loud cry.
The expressions of Bolts and the sisters were also floating with melancholy.

''Well, that part can't be helped.

But to have a faction battle between the generals and queens within the knightly faction...

'Well, maybe big men are like that.'

Rionne replied to Laura's words with a somehow learned look.
It's not just a matter of time before you're ready to go.

But with that kind of condition, can you help me?

''Well, it's going to be impossible at this point. At the very least, if the princess doesn't have enough power to not be crushed by the Shogun's faction after eliminating the noble faction, it's over.

Recalling the way General Hodram spoke and the way he looked at Liangzhen and the others in the audience room, if he asked for help against his promise to the princess after the battle with the noble faction, he would be snickered at and ignored.
If it is not done well, they may turn their troops against you, saying that anyone who gets in the way should die.

If that's the case, no matter what, we have no choice but to have the princess faction gain strength....

The lack of cheerfulness in Bolz's words was due to the slim odds of victory when the current situation was attempted with a mercenary's cold analysis.

''But it's not just a bad thing. At the very least, there's no doubt that the princess group will have our back if they become more powerful.

It's precisely because the odds of victory are slim and they are outnumbered that the agreements made at that time have a strong binding force.

''But can you really cut through the sidelines?''

'Yeah. I asked Mertina to demonstrate to me earlier how we actually negotiated. You can catch it without a doubt if I go there.

Everyone present looked at Ryoma's face as he answered Lionel's question.
It's a very good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I'll tell you that after the negotiations are successful, but for now, I've put Rionne and the others under the direct command of the princess. Until the start of the war, their main duty is to guard and train the castle.

At this point, Ryoma cut off his words and looked at Rionne.

''? What is it? What is it?

No. Mr. Lyonne, how many people are there in the Red Lion?

Including us, there are 22 people available for battle right now. There is a guy who got hit by an arrow in his shoulder during the last surprise attack, so if he gets better, there will be 23 men.

Bortz interrupted from the side.

''That's a bit low in terms of numbers.......Rione-san, without going through the guild, can't we gather another seven to eighty people?''

Well I've got a few mercenary groups that I'm familiar with, but do you have the money?

Rionne's reply was unusually crisp, probably because Ryoma's words were unexpected.

'How long will it take?'

Well, if we're going to get guys as good as us we should be able to get at least 300 gold pieces.

All right. I'll have Laura drop off the money tomorrow.

Oh ... oh. As long as you have the money, you'll be fine.

Rionne replied while being somewhat pushed back by Ryoujoujou, who easily offered a large sum of money.

'For now, tomorrow is the day! What we do from now on will determine everything we do!

Everyone present nodded strongly at Ryoma's words.
They understood that this was a battle they couldn't afford to lose in order to survive.