60 Chapter 2 Chapter 34

Day 178 of the Otherworld Summoning [Decisive Battle] Part 6:

'Ladies and gentlemen! At last we have reached this battlefield! The final battle is about to take place. This is a battle that will determine the future of the Kingdom of Roselia! The enemy has a total of 2,500 men, and I am convinced that if each of you does your best, our victory is unassailable. I have faith in your loyalty and strength! ...and let us win! Glory to the Kingdom of Roselia!

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Give us victory! Victory! Victory! Glory to the Kingdom of Roselia!

The cheers of the knights roared across the plains in response to Princess Lupis, who stood on the platform and inspired the knights.
The knights raised their arms high into the sky and thrust their spear thrusts into the ground, raising their spirits.
It was the result of the resentment of the knights, which had been suppressed by General Hodram for many years, erupting like a volcano.
They finally had an opportunity to avenge their resentment.
It was also through circumstances that they had an overwhelming advantage.

Gerhardt's action was swift, as he made up his mind to be reverent to Princess Lupis.
As soon as he agreed to all the conditions Ryoushin offered him, he immediately set up a subterfuge against the main aristocrats under Count Alderheid.
I'm sure you'll be able to find a great deal more information on this topic.
And the effect of the plan was dramatic.

'Oh, Duke Gerhardt I'm sorry for the other day...'

Count Adelheid, who was bewildered by Lord Gerhardt's sudden visit, nevertheless greeted him with a degree of decorum that was not rude.
He was encamped in a tent on the outskirts of Iraklion.

'No, no, my apologies for barging in so abruptly, but it's our turn.

This area is a natural greeting as a social greeting.
As for Gerhardt personally, he is rooted in the fact that Count Adelheid, a longtime supporter of the aristocracy, betrayed him and gave him to General Hodram.
It would be a natural emotion for a human being.
But the current expression of his anger is impossible to detect.
I'm sure you'll be able to see that he is an arrogant man, but he is also a man who is capable of being humble when necessary.
You could say he was a good actor.
Of course, this doesn't work for Count Aderheid, who has been the number two aristocrat under Duke Gerhardt for many years, but it still has the effect of facilitating a smooth discussion.
Everyone is more likely to listen to you if you speak calmly rather than being spoken to in a high-pressure manner.

''Do? How can I help you? I'm busy getting ready to go into battle like General Hodram told me to do, but the battle is finally going to be decisive...

Count Alderheid's words were polite, but with connotations.
That is to say, he implied that he had no time to talk to the failing Duke Gerhardt.

I'm sorry to hear that... but do you know Count Alderheid? Now that the princess is about to make a bold move.

It's a very meaningful word.
Count Alderheid couldn't help but ask back, even though he knew it was the Duke's hand.

'A bold hand? What does Princess Lupis plan to do?

If Princess Lupis is planning some kind of ruse, the Count can't ignore it.
Even if it was Gerhardt's words.

''His Highness seems to have divided his knights into a small group and set out to burn down the estates of the nobles under General Hodram.

Ma! ...no way! It can't be true!

It's no wonder the Count is shouting.
Even though they're fighting now, it's a war between countrymen.
In other words, Princess Lupis's burning down of a nobleman's estate is a blow to the economy of the Roselia Kingdom, and it's a desperate measure that will cause harm to herself.
Burning down is not an uncommon thing in itself.
Burning villages and robbing them of food.
Burning a village to the ground to take food from it is not an unusual tactic.
On the other hand, it is a very effective tactic.
But the Count had never heard of doing that to his own people.

''I can't believe.......that His Highness would take such a measure......is there some mistake?''

It was no wonder that Count Arderheid asked back.
Gerhardt was convinced that the Count had been taken in by his own speech.

'Indeed! His Highness is a gentle man, you know...

Isn't that right? There's got to be a mistake! It's not possible for you to do this! The people of Roselia were not harmed by Princess Lupis!

I've been complicit in the rebellion, but the Earl of Alderheid doesn't seem to understand the fact that he is opposed to Lupis.
It's a good thing that you're able to get the most out of your time.
While pushing back the laughter that was bubbling up, Gerhardt continued to speak with a mysterious face.

''But........that man under His Highness doesn't care about such things.......''

The Count's expression froze at Gerhardt's words.

''That man........is that the devil you're talking about.......''

"Left-sama it's that man who is known as the [Devil of Iraklion]...

Mikoshiba Ryoma...

Duke Gerhardt nodded silently at Count Ardelheid's words.
The people living in Iraklion and the surrounding area called Ryojin, who responded by drowning 5,000 soldiers in a water attack and killing all those who survived, the people living in Iraklion and the surrounding area called him [Iraklion's Devil] with fear.
It was a false image that was the result of the exaggerated rumors that were spread by Ryoshin, but the peasants who hadn't received proper education believed the rumors.
It had reached the ears of the Count as well.
After all, the peasants who had heard the rumor and led them from the territory had even come to plead for their return.

''But ... it's a rumor, isn't it? Are you sure you're a demon?

The devil is a rumor, that's all. But I'm sure that man is as brutal and merciless as the devil, don't you think?

Of course, Mikoshiba Ryoma is not a demon.
He is not merciless to his enemies, nor does he have a propensity to enjoy killing unnecessarily.
But right now, that image of being called a devil was important.

The Count still didn't seem to believe it.
But Gerhardt knew that, too.
I'm sure Gerhardt knew that he only wanted to shake up the count.

I only said that I heard a rumor about it. It's up to you to decide whether or not you believe them. I can't keep bothering the busy Count for too long. I'd like to take my leave, if that's all right.

'What? Are you leaving already? No need to rush that way!

The Count pulled Duke Gerhardt back as if he had forgotten his first words.
The Count's mind is blurred, saying that he will not be allowed to leave without making people feel uneasy.
The Count wants to hear more clarity.

I'm not going to bother you too much," he said, "but if you're worried about what I'm saying, I'll tell you to talk to the merchants in town. That's where I got the information. I'm sure they'll be able to tell you more about it than I can.

If you're told that much, the Earl can't force you to stay, either.

I understand. Thank you for this interesting story.

'No, no, I'm sorry to have disturbed you at your busy time. I'll leave you to it.

Gerhardt leaves the Count's tent after saying this.
The Count immediately summoned his lieutenants.
'To confirm the truth of the rumors Duke Gerhardt had left unsaid.

'Then you say it's true!

Count Alderheid was astonished at the reports brought by his lieutenants.

'I don't know if it's true or not but I am certain that the merchants who have come to Iraklion have been gossiping about this story...'

The deputy's words struck a chord with the count.
Originally, they nobles are instinctively imprinted to ride the winning horse.
Their family name, their power, their fiefdom, their priority is to keep them.
They cling to their territory.
They may not be conscious of caring for the peasants, but no lord will sit back and let his land be razed to the ground.
They say that their own stronghold will be burned down.
Naturally, he has left his family behind in the mansion.
Moreover, he has gathered up most of the men in his domain in this latest exodus.
There are only women and children left.
Defensive warfare would be unthinkable.

(Disgusting ... very disgusting ... but ... what should we do?)
The Earl cringed at the anxiety that was bubbling up.
If the rumors are true, he has no choice but to return to protect his estate and his family.
But if he returned to the estate with nothing, all that would be left was his debt.
Even though his men are not working, he can't say that they are completely unpaid.
Even the peasants have abandoned agriculture to serve in the army.
If they return home, their dissatisfaction is sure to erupt.
(But ... if it were true ... my family ... my wife ... my grandchildren ...)
If it's to be sold to slavers, it's still good.
There's even an opportunity to buy him back eventually.
But we are talking about a man who goes by the name of "The Devil of Heraklion.
Even if it's women and children, he will kill them without mercy.

Count Alderheid's heart is bound up in fear.
The Count's sons, who are standing beside him, understand the cause of their father's agony and have no words to say to him.
No, they really wanted to leave this place and return to their estate at once.
For the sake of their children and their wives.

''Countess! Excuse me.

A soldier's figure appeared at the entrance to the tent.
He had something to report.
Interrupted in his thoughts, Count Ardelheid turned a cold gaze at Jirori and waved his hand to chase him away.

''What! I told you to stay out of my way.

However, the soldier hesitated at the Count's words and began to say

''Yes, I knew that, but Viscount Romane and other noblemen have come with me to ask for a meeting with you, and I've told them of your orders and asked them to leave it for a later date. But it is an urgent matter... or should I say, what do you want me to do?

When the Count saw his face, he sighed and said to the soldier: "I know why the viscount and the others are here, because I can imagine why they are here.
I have an idea why the barons are here.

'....All right, send him in.


Looking at the rear of the soldier, the Count speaks to his eldest son, who is standing next to him.

'What do you think? ...as I thought.

I thought that was what your father would want.

You think so but what do you do?

The Earl was glad that his eldest son had grown up to be a man of some wisdom.

''I think it would be best to return to the estate here...''

Your eldest son has a point!

Some figures stood at the entrance of the tent.

''Oh. Ladies and gentlemen you are welcome to the Viscount, but what do you mean by that? There's no way I can go back to my territory now that Princess Lupis' army is approaching.

The Count asked this question to the middle-aged man who had taken the lead in entering the tent.
The little middle-aged man rudely sat down before he was even offered a chair to sit on, but no one would blame him for his attitude.
But no one would blame the man's attitude, because it was useless to say so.
It was useless to say anything.

'The Count, sir. I don't care about appearances. We don't have time for such useless talk right now we've decided to return to our estate.


It's a good idea to have a good time with them.
It's a good thing that you're a member of the count's faction, but he's arrogant by nature, which makes him difficult to deal with.
I'm not sure if that's a good thing, or if it's just that he has a strong personality, but he's built a position as the master of a lower class nobleman.
A small number of noblemen have a few dozen to a hundred troops.
However, even a small force can become a large force in its own right if the numbers are put together.
That's why the Count has tacitly accepted Viscount Romane's rudeness.
But he couldn't keep his own hands to himself, as he declared that he had decided to retreat.
The Count shouted at him with all the dignity he could muster.

'Nonsense! Don't be stupid! You are going to betray Lord Gerhardt!

Already, Count Ardelheid and the other aristocrats have switched from Duke Gerhardt to General Hodrum.
But in principle, they are still Duke Gerhardt's army.
Even if he has no real power, the fact that the duke is still the standard-bearer doesn't change.
But the Viscount lightly twisted his lips into a scornful smile.

''What's the point now? It was only a few days ago that I gave up on Duke Gerhardt. Even though he is very old, isn't that too short a time to forget?

At the viscount's statement, which could be considered an insult, the deputies who were waiting around the count put their hands on their swords.


Count Ardelheid's angry voice flew at the deputies who were about to cut him down.
And when he turned to the viscount, he said with a resigned look on his face.

''Indeed it's no use mending.......let's get down to business.......why?

This is the question of why the Viscounts decided to return to the territory.
The Count has expected that reason, but he wanted to confirm it clearly from the Viscount's mouth.
And depending on the outcome, he may have to think about his own actions.

'Isn't it obvious? ..........the rumor of the day.......

The viscount's face turns red with irritation.

As I thought.......the rumors are true, aren't they?

The Viscount shook his head at the Count's question.

''Then you say you decided to retreat without checking the truth of the rumors? ....all of you.

The truth doesn't matter. Countess.

The young nobleman who was behind the viscount raised his voice.
His name didn't come to mind in Count Arderheid's memory.
He was probably one of the lower nobles under Viscount Romane.

''What do you mean by that?''

'This rumour has already spread to the peasants. As a result, they have insisted on going back to their homes.

It is the peasants who are most troubled by the burning of the city.
Their homes and possessions will be taken away and reduced to ashes.
There is still a possibility that the nobles will be supported by their relatives, but the peasants, who are struggling to make ends meet, can only protect their own lives.
They can't take care of other people's lives.
That's why they want to go home and say goodbye.
That's why they want to go home and tell their families to protect their small fortune and their own lives.

'Nonsense! Wouldn't it be enough to hurt some of the peasants and others as an example?

The Count's words are a political move habitually made by the aristocrats of this world.
And it's a very effective way to do it.

''That's why ... the peasants, it seems, are ready to revolt and resist us.

'What? The peasants!

This was quite surprising to the Count.
He had no idea that the peasants had been driven to such an extent.

''Yes. I managed to get the place under control but when I looked into it, this is happening all over the camp and........''

And what's more? Is there more to it?

The Count did not want to listen to him any more.
He couldn't bear to see the situation get any worse.

'The troops of Marquis Schwartzen and his party have already begun to retreat.

It's ridiculous ... such a nonsense!

The aristocracy has its own factions.
The Marquis of Schwartzen is the number three of the aristocracy faction.
He is lower in the pecking order within the faction due to Count Adelheid's victory in terms of trust from Duke Gerhardt, but in terms of size of territory and high rank, he is second only to Duke Gerhardt among the nobility faction.
Even in the formation of the army this time, the marquis has the second largest number of troops among the noble faction.
If it was the case that he left the front lines without permission, it was impossible to ignore it.

''Have you reported this to General Hodram?!

As an earl, he was most concerned about it.
But the young nobleman shook his head with a disgusting smile on his face.

''Nothing will change if I report it to him now, right? The Marquis Schwartzen's troops have informed us that if we interfere with them, they will not hesitate to fight. If that's the case, we have no choice but to waste time in reporting to General Hodram, and our noblemen should make a plan for our survival.

By sacrificing General Hodram? ...Do you agree with me, gentlemen?

They were silent at the Count's words.
That is to say, a mute affirmation.
It was a nauseating foulness.
But despite his disgust, the Count found reason in their attitude.
Perhaps it was the survival instinct of an aristocrat that was drilled into him from an early age in order to preserve the family name.

I'm not sure what to say, but if you guys are prepared to go that far, I'm going to follow your opinion. U.

'Then we shall retreat at once. For, whatever the truth of the rumor, we must defend our territory!

With Count Ardelheid's words, Viscount Romane turned on his heel and walked out of the tent.

Watching his back, Count Alderheid muttered.

"You betrayed Lord Gerhardt and now you're going to betray General Hodram again....

The deputies who were waiting beside the Count all remained uniformly silent.
They, too, were chewing on the harshness of the nobility.