73 Chapter 3 Chapter 3

Western Continental Calendar 2812, August 7 [to the Peninsula], vol. 3:

 A carriage was laid out at the entrance of the Count's residence.
 The sun had completely set and the area was lit only by candlelight.
 The two-horse chariot, painted in black, is rugged and has minimal decorations on the outside. It was not the kind of thing a nobleman would use.
 However, the owner of the carriage didn't care about such a thing.
 It's a good thing that you can't have a problem with this, because the sisters you trust are too lazy to get involved with the mentees as noblemen, so they hurriedly procured it from the city.

 The servants lining up at the doorway bowed their heads in unison to greet Ryoma as he alighted from the carriage to the ground.

''Welcome. Baron Mikoshiba-sama.

 The servants who serve the Count family in a quintessential manner. They greeted their guest, Ryoma, with some seamless behavior. And as if they were waiting for their words, two figures appeared from the door of the mansion.

'You are well received! You are welcome. Baron Mikoshiba.

 The man who says this and raises his arms in a grandiose gesture of welcome is Count Salzberg, the ruler of this fortified city of Ipylos.
 He is about 180 in height. His age would be in his late thirties?
 Although he is approaching middle age and his belly is pushing forward a bit, due to the fact that his territory is located near the border, you can see from his behavior that he is a man of distinction, even as a military man.
(I've heard it's a prestigious family that's been around since the founding of the Roselia Kingdom, but... but he's just an aristocrat (idiot)... but why is this guy so polite? 
 Liang Shin was conversely worried when he was greeted so politely.
 In terms of rank, he was two barons above the man.
 Ryoma felt it was unnatural for this genuine nobleman to raise his hand to welcome a new acquaintance who until the other day was just a drifter.
 He tempered himself lightly. After all, he had just misread Lupis' feelings. It was natural to be cautious.
But I can't show it on my face.

  Ryoma smiled with a big smile and bowed reverently, following the etiquette of the aristocrats he learned from Laura and the others.

''It is a pleasure that you have graciously allowed me to visit you unexpectedly today. It is my pleasure that you have graciously allowed me to visit you unexpectedly today, and I hope that you will continue to treat me well, Count Salzberg.

 The clothes he wears today are not flamboyant.
 There is still plenty of money left over from killing the slave-trader Azos and taking it, but the territory he received is the territory. No matter how much gold you have, there will never be enough. But a nobleman has his mensch. You can't just wear a black linen shirt and trousers as usual.
 So, today he was dressed in a black silk shirt and trousers with a gold buckle.
 When he goes outdoors, he wears a cloak over this. But that is the minimum dress for a nobleman.
 He was only following the minimum menswear that should be maintained as a nobleman.
 The Count Salzberg in front of him was in stark contrast to him. You can find a variety of jewels that are appropriate for an aristocrat by nature to express his or her authority.
 The gleam of these jewels is not vulgar, but it adds a touch of class to his appearance. The buttons on his shirt are made of well-shaped pearls. The brooch that adorns his chest is also a piece in the shape of a very elaborate flower.
 Speaking of glamour, his wife standing next to him was even more spectacular.
 I'm not sure if the age of the woman is a handful to 30.
 The whole body is wrapped in a silk dress of a novel design that opens wide at the chest. The dress, which was dyed pure white, harmonized well with the golden hair. A small silver and white crown on the head and a large ruby or sapphire ring on the hand.
 They were truly walking gems.
 To modern sensibilities, her figure seems like she's wearing too much ornamentation.
 However, she was smiling in front of me with the grace of an aristocrat and kept her beauty in perfect balance with the jewels.

 Ryoma appreciated the two smiling in front of him.

''Thank you for coming. It must have been a long journey from King's Landing. Tonight, you can relax at home and enjoy yourself. See? You.

 The Count of Salzberg nodded his head in agreement with the wife's words.

''As my wife said, today you will be relieved of the fatigue of your long journey. After all, there won't be any more towns or villages once you enter the Woltenia peninsula, and until the territory develops, we will have to bring in supplies from Ipyros. This is just another fate of our neighboring territories! I wish you a long life of service.

Well then I'll take your word for it and hope you'll continue to guide me in the future.

 Ryoma honestly bows to the Count.
 Ryouma's eyes flashed sharply.

 Ryouma was accompanied by the Count and led to the dining table.

In order to welcome Baron Mikoshiba tonight, I have ordered the head chef to be exceptionally good at his job. Unlike the royal capital, we are in a remote area, so we don't have much in the way of produce, but we have plenty of it.

 At the sound of Count Salzberg's voice, the doors of the hall were thrown open and the maids came in with their food on a cart.

'This again....'

 It's no wonder that Ryouma was immensely disappointed when he saw the dishes laid out on the table in front of him.
 A whole pig roasted, chicken, beef, and fish were the main ingredients, and salads were full of seaweed, vegetables, and other variations. Seasonal fruits are chilled in golden bowls with crushed ice on top.
 On the dining table that can seat more than 20 people, the dishes are crammed into a space that there is no way three of us could finish them.

''No........I'm embarrassed.

 You will find that you will be able to have a lot of fun with this.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I am grateful to you, Count Salzberg, for giving such a banquet to an upstart like me.

'Hahaha! You are too humble to be an upstart. Mikoshiba-dono did a great deal of good during the last civil war. The Queen trusts you highly, and during the last civil war, you were unable to take a single step further than this land because of the invasion of Zaruda.

 Ryoma replied to the Count's self-deprecation with an affectionate smile.

''Anata? That's about all you can talk about, please. Are you trying to get your guests to eat cold food?

 The Count's wife, Julia, chides her husband.

'Oh! I'm sorry for that... Pour it into Baron Mikoshiba's glass.

 At the Count's words, crimson wine was poured into the glasses arranged in front of Ryoma.

''Well then ... congratulations to Mikoshiba-dono and our family on their prosperity! Cheers!

 With the Count's shout, Ryoma gulps down his glass.
 A rich grape aroma spreads in his mouth. And a pungent, slightly spicy flavor accentuates it. As he bites the wine in his mouth two or three times, the deep, rich flavor and richness of the wine spreads throughout his body.
 The final sensation sliding down the throat. It's smooth as fine silk.
(Fine ... that's a top quality wine too...)
 Normally, high school student Ryoma would never be able to understand the taste of alcohol. But I've been enjoying drinking since I was in Japan under the shadow of my grandfather, and since I was summoned to the Earth World, I've been drinking on a daily basis.
 From his point of view, the wine provided by the Count is of the highest quality.
 I've been offered high quality wine during my stay in Piraeus' castle, but it's definitely a step above that quality.
(The food and the wine... what the hell does this guy think he's doing... or for that matter, how can he do all this? (How can you get so much out of taxes alone?)
 It's the same with food.
 The carefully selected ingredients. The spices used sparingly.
 No matter how welcoming they are, it's too much for them to entertain an upstart baron.

(Could this be........is this normal for these guys.......if so......?
 Looking at the Count and Countess' clothes, it's obvious that they are luxurious and expensive.
 What if their standard of living was simply high, instead of being overwhelmed to welcome Liang Shin?
(Impossible..................... Taxes alone can't sustain such a luxurious lifestyle...................)
 We can't be certain. We still have too little information. But if it's as Ryoma had imagined, then.....
(I'll have to wait until I hear everyone's reports.)

Oh. You don't seem to be eating much, do you not like it, Mr. Baron?

 After finishing his wine, the Count called out to Ryoma, who was sitting in silence.

You must be tired after a long journey. Isn't the fat in your meat dishes too much for you? Anne. Please offer the Baron a cup of chilled fruit. I'm sure the Baron will love it.

 Following the words of the Mrs., one of the maids brings the fruit in a golden bowl in front of Ryoma.

'Excuse me. I'm sorry for your concern.''

 When he said that, Ryoma grabbed one of the well-cooled oranges from the bowl and brought it to his mouth.
 In reality, he was just thinking, but there was no need to correct the Count's misunderstanding in any way.

''You are still tired, aren't you? I've heard that Lord Mikoshiba is a first-rate warrior... but even so, it's a half month's ride from King's Landing to Ipyros by horse... is that really all we can ask for?

You! That's an insult to the Baron and I'm sure he's tired of being suddenly anointed a nobleman... Hey Baron.

 Julia's words are filled with concern for Ryoma.

''Yes........after all, it was a sudden thing......I'm from a commoner's background, and I can honestly say that I'm at a loss as to what to do with the territory, etc., even if I received it.... ...

 Saying that, Ryoma brings a slice of beef from his plate to his mouth.

I've heard that Mikoshiba-dono is a man of great wisdom. I intend to help him as much as I can. The fact that our territories are right next to each other is a fate of some kind. From now on, let's help each other out........oh? Did I miss something in your cooking?

 While looking suspiciously at Ryoma's face as he chews the meat slowly, the count calls out to him.

''Yes........the salt was even more effective than I expected.......because the abundant use of spices, say, or salt, was in contrast to the lightly seasoned meals served in the royal capital.''

 Like spices, salt was valuable in this world.
 After all, salt is the basis of life, but there are only two ways to get it: building salt fields or digging up rock salt.
 If he had a fiefdom facing the sea, he would have no problem finding salt, but no other land in his fiefdom would have faced the sea.
 If that's the case, then they either dug out the rock salt or transported it from other lands.

''Hahaha. No, those who are accustomed to the thin taste of the royal capital may indeed be surprised.''

 Ryouma is making a big cut at the Count here.
 The purpose, of course, is to shake him.

''I'm sure there was no place in the Earl's territory that bordered the sea... do you have a vein of rock salt?

No, it's true that in recent years, large deposits of rock salt have been discovered.

 The Count was about to answer Ryouma's question with a smile, but the lady interrupted him. 

''Ho. I envy you that.''

 Ryoma accepted the wife's words as they were with a smile.
 There was no need to pursue the Count here.

 Liangzhen swallowed the beef, which was salted and peppered.

 After this, the dinner was uneventful, and the Count and Liangzhen talked a lot and got to know each other well.
 The Count emptied a bottle of his secret wine, and his wife joined in the conversation.
 They didn't show any signs of aristocratic conceit, and welcomed Liangzhen throughout.
 Then the Count insisted on staying at the Count's mansion, and Ryoma was invited to stay there.

 Ryoma let out a sigh as he entered the room the maid showed him.
 Every piece of furniture was made by a craftsman with great care. The curtains and bed sheets are silk, of course. Even though Ryoma doesn't know much about art, the paintings and vases have an air of dignity.
 The room was so gorgeous that it was comparable to a first-class hotel suite.

(Do you want to take a bite out of one of these?)
 Ryoma threw his huge body onto the bed and muttered to himself as he picked up the vase on the pillow.
 This very room is a treasure trove. That thought passed through Ryouma, who needed money to develop his territory.

 The attitudes of the count and the lady don't make sense either.
 If you look at them from the outside, they appear to be a friendly, open-minded couple, but I can't help but think they have an ulterior motive.

 Kong Kong......

 Ryoma, who had lost himself in a sea of thoughts, was brought back to reality by the sound of a knock on the door.

''Baron-sama may I come in?''

 A woman's voice comes out in a hoarse, whispering manner.

'Oh can I help you? It's not locked.

Excuse me I will.

 Following Ryoma's voice, the door was opened and a maid entered the room.

''Did the Count tell you to do this?''

'Oh ... well ... to your wife ... the Baron's ...'

 Ryoma got a general idea of the maid's appearance as she came in.
 Hiding the maid's skin was a white babydoll. Underneath, the sensational pink panties and bra were visible through it.
 Any man could immediately understand by looking at the look on her face as her shoulders shook and she seemed to be struggling to endure something.

'Would it bother you if I told you I didn't need it?'

 Hearing Ryouma's words, the color of despair appeared on her face.

''Ah! Um ... I'm ... well ... this is my first time, but ...

 She's trying too hard to be included in the story, but she's biting off more than she can chew.
 It's a good thing that you're not going to have to worry about it.

''Fine ... come here.''

 Ryoma called out to her as gently as possible so as not to scare her.
 Of course, Ryoma does not have a lot of experience with women.
 But to show weakness here would be dangerous to a man's reputation.
 The maid reluctantly grabbed the proffered hand.


 Hearing the maid answer in a faint voice, Ryoma pulled her body towards him.

 The candle light at her bedside went out and darkness took over the area.