77 Chapter 3 Chapter 7

Western Continental Calendar 2812 August 9 [To the Peninsula], Vol. 7:

 After heading east on the main street of the fortified city of Ipylos for about a kilometer, we could see the high walls of the city, which were nearly 10 meters high. This height, comparable to the walls of the royal capital, spoke volumes about the importance of this place.
 Trade must be thriving here. The width of the main street is about 20 meters. The road is about 20 meters wide, and it was built with a lot of room to spare.
 Many people and wagons come and go on the stone-paved road.
 All the shops facing the street are large and splendid, and there are many people coming and going.

 It is daytime now, around 3pm. It was the perfect time to do business. As proof of this, the shops around us are full of energy and activity.
 In the midst of all this, Ryoma and his friends looked up at the building. The building that Ryoma and his friends were looking up at seemed to be quietly standing in the middle of the crowd.
 The building was much larger than the surrounding shops. It is a sturdy building built of stone.
 The store's signboard is also one of the best made of high-quality oak. You could say that it is a shop that has both tradition and prestige. However, it would be empty without customers.
 Despite the splendid appearance and meticulous care of the building, there was something like a dirty shadow that followed it.

'This place.........I see.......this is pretty much like being watched, isn't it?

 Ryoma's eyes compare the shops around him with the one in front of him.
 There was no one in front of Christophe's shop, leaving the hustle and bustle of the surrounding area behind. It's as if there is an invisible wall between the two.
  It is not far from the eastern gate of the city. Normally, it should not be surprising to see wagons full of trade goods crowded together.
 Yet the reality is quite different.
 Considering the location, this is a rather unnatural phenomenon. People continue to ignore the existence of this store, as if someone's evil intentions are covering it up.

Yes," he said. "Yes," said the store's owner, "I've been persistently harassed by the Mystor Society, and the store's business has fallen apart. Customers have been forced to leave Christophe's shop because they can no longer bear the pressure of the Mystor Society.

My sister and I have found out that there are very few large customers left and we are still able to keep the business afloat thanks in large part to the outstanding management skills of the Chairman's only daughter, Simone Christophe.

 Already, due to the Malfist sisters' investigation, they had a good idea of the current situation in the Kristoff Chamber of Commerce.

''Hmmm.......you're a woman and you're a doer.

 Laura nodded at Ryoma's words and continued to explain. 

''Yes. I'm running the Chamber of Commerce in place of my bedridden father.''

You're not going to be able to sleep... are you sick?

Saara has been talking to people in the vicinity and they say that he blurred rapidly after being deprived of his position as Federation Chief.

 It's a common story for people who are working hard on the front lines.
 Perhaps the pressure he had been working under as the head of the coalition is suddenly gone and he has lost his mind.
 But that's just a rumor. The only way to find out the truth is to ask him about it from now on.
 But whatever the cause, it is a fact that his father has fallen ill and his daughter Simone is running the business.

I'm sure you're not familiar with Mystor, and your father is unreliable...well, there's plenty of room for negotiation.

 Ryouma muttered to himself and gave a cold smile.
 What he wanted was a usable handheld device. You can't afford to be pretentious now that you are at an overwhelming disadvantage.
 I'm sure you'll be able to find a way to make use of it.

Then, Ryoma-sama. It's about time for me to make an appointment.

 Saara said and opened the door of the shop.
 Ryoma took the sisters behind her and stepped inside the Kristoff Chamber of Commerce.

 The entrance hall spread out in front of Ryoma and his friends.
 A red carpet underfoot softly greets Ryoma and his friends. Although it's a shop, this building seems to be used only for business meetings.
 The quality of the furnishings is not on par with the Count's house.
 The only difference may be the uniformity of the products.
 It's not simply the high prices and low prices, but the classy and age-old arrangement.
 The Count's house was also not in the taste for money, but unfortunately the actors were different compared to this one.

'Welcome to the house, Your Excellency. His Excellency Baron Mikoshiba. The acting chairman of the board of directors, Simone, is waiting for you in the guest room.

 With that, the middle-aged man bowed his head as he greeted Ryoma and the others.
 He was in his mid-forties at the time of his age. His dark skin, tanned by the sun, peeked out from the sleeves of his white shirt.
 The man has a soft touch, but the way his eyes glow is different from the norm. And his body somehow smelled like tide.

I understand. Then I'll make you wait ... can you show me around? 

 As Ryojin stepped out to follow the guide, the man waited for him.

I'm afraid, my lord. I am sorry, sir, but may I leave something from your waist? I hope your attendants will do the same.

You want me to hand over my sword?

 Laura shouted and clutched the hilt of her sword with Saara.

 The man's words are quite a rude request.
 It's not likely that a merchant would demand disarmament from a nobleman who is a customer.

''Since it is the rule of our merchant association I am afraid you will have to meet the acting chairman.

 His language is polite, but he doesn't take a step back from his body! I can feel the belief that this is a good idea.
 I guess it's not just the rules of the Chamber of Commerce.
(From their point of view, it's like the Count's friends are visiting us.......)
 The relationship between Ryouma and Count Salzberg, from the outside, would mean that they are fellow nobles of the same nobility.
 Whether this is true or not is not the issue. The only thing that matters is that from Simone and the others, Ryoma appears to be the Count's companion.

''Fine......Laura! Sarra!

 Following Ryoma's voice, the sisters removed the sword from her waist and handed it to the man.
 As sisters, it was unsettling to say that they were unarmed to meet with someone they didn't trust, but it was the Lord's word.

''Well then, this guy isn't very good either, is he? I'll leave it with you.

 Ryoma hands the sword at his waist to the man and removes the leather bag hanging from his waist.

''Ho........this again.......''

 The man's eyes narrowed as he looked into the proffered bag.
 What was in the bag was the War Wheel 《Chakram》. As a throwing weapon, it is quite powerful.
 However, it is not a weapon that a nobleman would carry around.
 The man's eyes shot through Ryoma and the others.
 It's just a few seconds of time. The man averted his gaze from Ryoma, bowed his head politely and stepped onto the stairs.

''Well then ... please come this way, we will show you to your guest room on the second floor.''

 Apparently, the fact that he presented the Warring Ring 《Chakram》 to the man himself made a good impression on him.
 Ryoma nodded lightly and followed the man up the stairs.

''Then........please wait here. Simone will be here shortly.''

 After leading Ryoma and the others up the stairs to the front room, the man bowed his head again and left the room.

'What do you think? Sarra.

 Ryoma asked, lowering his voice until the sisters could just barely hear him.
 They didn't know what kind of trick they had in their room. There was even the possibility of a wiretap.

'I'm sure you're quite the messenger... and what I'm concerned about is that tanned skin...'

 Laura nodded lightly at Saara's words.
 Everyone's attention was on the man. His eyes and movements were very unlike those of a merchant.
 Clearly, it's the behavior of a human being with the art of fighting.

'Laura's right. I felt that too ... did you simply drift in from another town ... or did you?

 There are a number of possibilities. But.........

'Well, it's no use thinking about it now because we've got to talk to Simone first.


 As if waiting for Ryoma's words, the door to the room was tapped discreetly.

''May I?''

 It's a young woman's voice. Calm and yet with a voice that conveys the strength of Shin behind it.

"Come in.

 Following Ryouma's words, the door was opened and a woman was at the entrance of the room, her knees carefully folded.

 Her chestnut-colored hair was carefully tied up and fastened with a silver hair ornament.
 Her silk dress was dyed a pale light blue, giving her an image of elegance and coolness.

''Excuse me my apologies for the wait. You are Baron Mikoshiba, aren't you? It is a pleasure to see you, sir. My name is Simone Christophe, I am the representative of the Christophe business. 

 As expected, she is the daughter of a man who was formerly the head of the Chamber of Commerce Federation, albeit a failure.
 It's probably courtesy and apology to perfection.
 Her flowing movements have an air of elegance to them.
(Hmmm........a good match for the countess.......)
 Ryoma compared the countess who had just been there the other day to Simone in front of him.

 Both were beautiful together. However, both of them were the complete opposite of beautiful.
 The lady was, as it were, florid.
 The woman's beauty is equal to the sumptuous, calculated jewelry and her beauty.
 A strong, violent assertiveness.
 On the other hand, the Simone in front of me was pure and innocent.
 Her skin is clear and white and her hair is lustrous and carefully manicured.
 Minimalist ornamentation.
 Somewhat subdued and meek.
 If I were to compare it to a rose and a lily, it would be like a rose and a lily.
 However, Ryoma was sensitive to the presence of a fierce beast hidden beneath that calm face.
 Most of all, she didn't like it from the fact that she came to this room alone. She had only thought that the man from earlier would be escorting her as an escort.
(Holy shit........it might not be a simple matter.......)

Oh, uh... how you doing?

 To Ryoma, who stood there in silence, Simone asked refrainedly.

''Ah ... my apologies. I am Mikoshiba Ryoma. I'm sorry to ask you on such short notice today.''

No. I hope you don't mind but the Baron is a valued guest.

 The appointment was made this morning.
 It was not a polite visit, but Simone didn't show the slightest sign of displeasure.
 She only smiled calmly.

''That's a very kind word ... and it's well worth the effort to come here today.

 He waited until Simone sat down across from Ryoma before Ryoma began to speak.

'Well! That's very kind of you to say but I must confess that our business is very busy right now and I'm not sure I can possibly live up to the Baron's expectations. ...For those of you who may not be aware, my father, Louise Christoph, who is now the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, is ill and unconscious. It is for this reason that I am acting in his place, albeit in my youth.

'Oh ... unconscious ... I heard the rumor in town that he lost his position as Federation leader to the Mystor Chamber of Commerce and became a blur?

 Ryouma deliberately provoked his opponent with a sarcastic tone, as if to anger him.
 It was to see how the other party would come out.

And you have some very capable men, don't you? That's just as well. Considering the activities of His Excellency the Baron, it is clear from your machinations at Heraklion that you understand the importance of information. Even to me, a layman, that was an original and innovative ploy the wisdom of His Excellency in conceiving such a plan is formidable.

 Smiling leisurely, Simone turns her calm gaze to Ryoma.
 There is not a hint of anger in that place, as if she is forcing down her anger.
 On the contrary, there is room for him to cut back in Ryojin's direction.

 Ryoma gazes at Simone, who smiles lazily as if to explore.

 The means of communication in the "Earth" world are limited.
 It's a world without TV, radio or internet. The rest is just gossip.
 When you think about it, you understand the importance of information.
 And Simone knew about the information manipulation that Ryoma had done in Iraklion.
 That's different from simply knowing the story that Ryoma led Queen Lupis to victory.
 You need to go there and investigate in detail to find out what it is.
 To know that, Simone cannot be just a rich man's daughter.

''Well I can honestly say it's five minutes and a half. I knew that a man of such wisdom as you would read Count Salzberg's intentions, but I did not expect that you would come to me within a few days of your arrival in Ipylos. At worst, I thought I had to approach you.

Well then you understand my situation?

 Simone didn't change her expression at all when she heard Ryoma's question.

''Of course. Your Excellency's situation, His Majesty Lupis's intentions, and also Count Salzberg....... ...Oh no! What I did with me, I didn't even offer the guest a cup of tea, somebody, somebody!

 When she said that, she clapped her hands and called the maid for tea.
 It's as if a tea party is about to be held between friends.